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Print, broadcast, out-of-home, interactive, non-traditional

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Presentation on theme: "Print, broadcast, out-of-home, interactive, non-traditional"— Presentation transcript:

1 Print, broadcast, out-of-home, interactive, non-traditional
ADVERTISING MEDIA Print, broadcast, out-of-home, interactive, non-traditional

2 The Media Industry Media-delivers news, information, and advertising make the news and information possible Advertising media is a huge industry with almost $195 billion in spending

3 Basic Media Concepts Media mix Media vehicle
The way various types of media are strategically combined in an advertising plan Media vehicle A specific TV program, newspaper, magazine, or radio station or program

4 Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players
Basic Media Concepts Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players Media planning The way advertisers identify and select media options Media buying Identifying specific vehicles, negotiating the costs to advertise in them, and handling billing and payment

5 Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players
Basic Media Concepts Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players Reach The percentage of the media audience exposed to the advertiser’s message during a specific time frame Frequency The number of times a person is exposed to the advertisement

6 Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players
Basic Media Concepts Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players The opportunity for one person to be exposed one time to an ad In print, impressions estimate the actual readership In broadcast, impression estimates viewers for TV and listeners for radio

7 Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players
Basic Media Concepts Planning and Buying Reach and Frequency Impressions Media Key Players Media salespeople work for a medium Media reps are people or companies that sell space or time for a variety of media

8 Print Media Print advertising includes printed advertisements in newspapers, magazines, brochures, posters, and outdoor boards Print provides more detailed information, rich imagery, and a longer message life

9 Structure of the Industry
Newspapers Used by advertisers trying to reach a local market Primary function is to carry news Market selectivity allows newspapers to target specific consumer groups Structure of the Industry Frequency of publication Format and size Circulation

10 Newspapers Types of Advertising Classified Display Supplements
Newspaper Readership Tends to be highest among older people and people with a higher educational level Measuring the newspaper audience

11 Newspaper Advertising
Advantages Range of market coverage Comparison shopping Positive consumer attitudes Flexibility Interaction of national and local Disadvantages Short life span Clutter Limited coverage of certain groups Poor reproduction

12 Magazines Most magazines today are special interest publications aimed at narrower target markets Specialty magazines seem to have an edge over more general publications in terms of maintaining growth Upscale magazines provide an ideal place for the image advertising of luxury products

13 Other classifications
Types of Magazines Audience focus Consumer magazines Business magazines Farm magazines Other classifications Geography Demographics Editorial content Physical characteristics Ownership

14 Distribution and Circulation
Traditional delivery Through newsstand purchases or home delivery Nontraditional delivery (controlled circulation) Hanging bagged copies on doorknobs Inserting magazines in newspapers Delivering through professionals Direct delivery

15 Magazine Advertising Format Technology
Double-page spread Gutter Bleed page Gatefold Photo essay ad Technology Has enabled magazines to distinguish themselves from one another


17 Gatefold

18 Gutter Ad

19 Readership Measurement
Magazine rates Based on circulation that a publisher promises to provide Magazine circulation The number of copies of an issue sold MediaMark Measures readership for many popular magazines Simmons Market Research Bureau Provides psychographic data on who reads which magazines and which products readers buy and consume *ABC

20 Magazine Advertising Advantages Target audience Audience receptivity
Long life span Format Visual quality Sales promotions Disadvantages Limited flexibility Lack of immediacy High cost Distribution

21 Both a container and a communication vehicle
Packaging Both a container and a communication vehicle The last ad a customer sees before making the decision to buy Constant brand reminder once on the shelf at home or in the office

22 Out-of-Home Advertising
Outdoor advertising Billboards and posters in public locations Size and format Printed posters Painted bulletin Buying Outdoor Showings Traffic count

23 Out-of-Home Advertising
Advantages High impact medium Larger-than-life visuals Hard to ignore structure Least expensive Disadvantages Message could fail to be seen or have impact Passive medium Extensive regulation

24 Out-of-Home Advertising
On-Premise Signs Retail signs that identify stores Posters Used on the sides of buildings and vehicles, as well as on bulletin boards and kiosks Kiosks Designed for public posting of notices and advertising posters Transit advertising Includes posters in bus, train, airport, and subway stations

25 Directory Advertising
Books that list names, phone numbers, and addresses of people or companies Tells people where to go to get the product or service they want Reaching an audience already in need of something Yellow Pages Other Directories

26 Directory Advertising
Advantages Consumers initiate the search process Inexpensive (1:15 ROI) Flexibility Long life Disadvantages Competitive clutter Consumers who cannot easily use directories

27 Using Print Advertising
Use Newspapers If… You are a local business Desire extensive market coverage Product is consumed in a predictable manner No need to demonstrate the product Moderate to large budget Use Magazines If… Well-defined target audience Want to reinforce or remind audience Product must be shown accurately and beautifully Need to relate moderate to extensive information Moderate to large budget

28 Using Print Advertising
Use Out-of-Home If… Local business that wants to sell locally Regional or national business that wants to remind or reinforce Product requires little information and little demonstration Small to moderate budget Use Directories If… Local business or can serve local customers Want to create action Want to allow comparisons or provide basic inquiry and purchase information Small to moderate budget

29 Broadcast Media Television Radio

30 Television Television is the system of producing on a distant screen a series of transient visible images, usually with an accompanying sound signal. Electrical signals, converted from optical images by a camera tube, are transmitted by UHF or VHF radio waves or by cable and reconverted into optical images by means of a television tube inside a television set Three basic forms available to advertisers – Broadcast TV and Cable TV and Satellite TV Types of TV advertising – network advertising [sponsorship, participation]; spot announcements, syndication, Program-length ads or infomercials, local TV advertising

31 Pros and Cons of TV Mass coverage Low cost Some selectivity Impact
Creativity Prestige Social dominance High production cost High airtime cost Limited selectivity Brevity Clutter Zipping and zapping

32 Broadcast Dayparts


34 Interactive advertising

35 Internet advertising Portals Search engines Domain names Chat rooms
Blogs Vlogs Netcasting Internet audience

36 Internet advertising forms
Banner ads – skyscrappers [ pop-ups, minisites, superstitals, widgets Animation advertising Viral marketing Spam

37 Internet advertising functions
Information roles – online publishing, online encyclopedia Entertainment role Social role Dialogue role

38 New Internet Practices
Offline advertising Search marketing Brand experiences on the web Webisodes The global web of advertising

39 Issues in internet advertising
Measurement Internet targeting and piracy

40 Non traditional media Guerilla marketing Advertainment Video games
Text and instant messaging Nonelectronic new media

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