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Christmas around the world
Christmas in Scotland The New Year in Scotland lasts for four days – from the 29th of December till the 1st of January.
The main event of the holiday is the torch-bearer on the 29th of December, fiesta Night Afore on the 30th of December, street evening –party Hogmanay and the concert with the candles on the 31st of December and sports and musical measures on the 1st of January.
In Scotland, Christmas planning and preparations start from just before Halloween. The festival is known as Yule or Yuletide. Light and fire play an integral role in Scottish Christmas celebrations.
Fireworks and light display shows are organized nationwide
Fireworks and light display shows are organized nationwide. Holy wreaths, tinsel, candles and decorations are placed in all the homes. Decorated Christmas trees take the central position in the homes.
Christmas in Scotland
Christmas in Italy
In Italy, the new year begins on the sixth of January
In Italy, the new year begins on the sixth of January. All the Italian kids were looking forward to a good Fairy Befanu. It flies at night on a magic broom, opens the door a tiny golden key, and went into a room where children sleep, fills the stockings of gifts for children, especially hanging from the fireplace.
Besides, who are poorly studied or naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. It's a shame, but that he deserved!
Buon Natale - Italian Santa Claus.
In Italy, it is believed that the New Year should start getting rid of everything old. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve taken throw from the windows of the old stuff. We must be careful, if you want that on your head fell off the iron or straw chair.
On New Year's table from the Italians are always present nuts, lentils and grapes - symbols of longevity, health and prosperity.
In the Italian province there is a long tradition: January 1, early - in the morning to bring home a "new water" from the source. "If you have nothing to give to friends - say the Italians - a gift" new water "with an olive twig." It is believed that the "new water" brings happiness.
Christmas in Australia
Christmas in Australia comes in the middle of the summer holidays
Christmas in Australia comes in the middle of the summer holidays! Children have their summer holidays from early to mid December to early February, so some people might even be camping at Christmas. Because it's so hot at Christmas time in Australia, there are quite frequently massive bush fires across the country.
People also decorate their gardens and houses with Christmas Trees and Christmas lights. Sometimes, Neighbours have little competitions as to who has got the best light display. Often, the neighbours visit each other to look at the light displays at night.
Christmas in Australia is within three days of the highest day of the year therefore we have long daylight hours with warm temperatures instead of short days with long cold nights. Of an evening the sound of children playing outdoors drifts across the suburbs.
A habitual meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork
A habitual meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork. A flaming Christmas plum pudding is added for dessert. In the Australian gold rushes, Christmas puddings sometimes contained a gold nugget.
Christmas in Japan
The non-religious celebration of Christmas is popular in Japan, although Christmas is not a national holiday The name for Santa Claus is Santa-san (meaning Mr. Santa)
Japanese children look forward to O-toshidama when they are given gifts of small envelopes containing money - just like our Western traditions only good children will receive these envelopes!
Just before midnight on New Years Eve the Japanese watch temple ceremonies on TV where a huge gong is stuck 108 times to wipe away the 108 sins of the past year.
Daruma wish dolls, used for making New Year's resolutions, can be purchased at the temple market. Similar to Russian dolls without arms or legs the dolls have a face with a moustache and beard. Its eyes only contain the color white. One of the eyes is blackened with a magic marker when making a resolution. If, during the year, they accomplish their wish, they blacken the other eye to show they succeeded!
Christmas in France
In France, Christmas is called Noel
In France, Christmas is called Noel. This comes from the French phrase les bonnes nouvelles," which means "the good news" and refers to the gospel.
In southern France, some people burn a log in their homes from Christmas Eve until New Year's Day. This stems from an ancient tradition in which farmers would use part of the log to ensure good luck for the next year's harvest.
On Christmas Eve, children leave their shoes by the fireplace to be filled with gifts from Pere Noel. In the morning they also find that sweets, fruit, nuts and small toys have been hung on the tree.
Once dinner is over and the family have retired to bed, they leave a fire burning and food and drink on the table in case the Virgin Mary calls in. Children leave their shoes or wooden clogs called sabots in the hearth for the Christ Child or Pere Noel to fill. In the north of France, children are given gifts on December 6, which is St. Nicholas' Day, instead of Christmas Day. The adults give each others presents on New Year's Day.
Nearly every French home at Christmastime displays a Nativity scene or creche, which serves as the focus for the Christmas celebration. The creche is often peopled with little clay figures called santons or "little saints."
Christmas preparations often begin before December 1st
Christmas preparations often begin before December 1st. Many Germans set aside special evenings for baking spiced cakes and cookies, and making gifts and decorations. Little dolls of fruit are traditional Christmas toys. Christmas in Germany
Children leave letters on their windowsills for Christkind, a winged figure dressed in white robes and a golden crown who distributes gifts. Sometimes the letters are decorated with glue and sprinkled with sugar to make them sparkle.
Germans make beautiful gingerbread houses and cookies
Germans make beautiful gingerbread houses and cookies. The German Christmas tree pastry, Christbaumgeback, is a white dough that can be molded into shapes and baked for tree decorations.
On December 6 is Nikolaustag, St. Claus day
On December 6 is Nikolaustag, St. Claus day. A shoe or boot is left outside the door on Dec.5 with hopes the following morning you find presents, if you were good - or, unfortunately a rod if you had been bad.
In Germany they lay out advent wreaths of Holly with four red candles in the center. They light one candle each Sunday and last on Christmas Eve. Children count the days until Christmas using an Advent calendar. They open one window each day and find a Christmas picture inside.
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