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5th Grade MSP November 2015.

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1 5th Grade MSP November 2015

2 Learning Targets By the end of the session, we will be able to:
Know how to deconstruct our focus standard(s) to plan for instruction. Understand how to use scaffolding activities and math tasks aligned to focus standard(s). Be able to integrate STEM to reinforce understanding of focus standard(s).

3 Housekeeping Bathrooms Lunch 11:00 -12:15 Future of MSP Trainings

4 Norms Be an active participant. Be mindful of air time. Be mindful of sidebar conversations. Use technology at appropriate times.

5 MSP Wikispace

6 Agenda Introduce Challenge Vertical Alignment & Deconstruction
MICA, MIST, OnTrac Scaffolding Activity with Manipulatives Math Task (Instructional) Math and Science Integrated Activity leading into a STEM Challenge Closing Jamie/Evelyn

7 Challenge: Every year, our school has field day, but no one wants to drink warm Gatorade. Design a rectangular prism to freeze water in to create the longest lasting ice cube. This ice cube must last a minimum of three hours in the hot sun, even when the lunch box is opened and closed several times during field day. Your rectangular prism cannot have a volume greater than 300 cubic centimeters. Make it from graph paper and include the volume of your rectangular prism using a formula for volume. The class will vote to determine the best two designs and justify why. The best 2 designs will be tested under the heat lamp (sun) to see which lasts the longest. We are introducing the challenge at this point so we can begin collecting data for melting. Tell teachers they could use another challenge, they do not have to do this challenge if they have one already planned that correlates with these activities. ~Julie

8 Focus Standards Math Science
5.MD.C.5 Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths by packing it with unit cubes, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base. Represent threefold whole-number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property of multiplication. Apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems. Recognize volume as additive. Find volumes of solid figures composed of two non-overlapping right rectangular prisms by adding the volumes of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems. Science GLE Design and conduct an experiment to demonstrate how various types of matter freeze, melt, or evaporate. GLE Investigate factors that affect the rate at which various materials freeze, melt, or evaporate. SPI Describe the differences among freezing, melting, and evaporation. SPI Describe factors that influence the rate at which different types of material freeze, melt, or evaporate.

9 Integrated Math and Science Lesson
Science Learning Target: I can determine factors that influence the rate of ice melting. Math Learning Target: I can measure liquid volume of ice after time for melting. . Explain that we will be learning about volume throughout the day and will use that understanding and the data collected from melting investigation as scaffolding lessons for challenge.

10 Integrated Lesson Introduce 4 sets of frozen water
Two investigations will be ongoing throughout the day. Each investigation will have a rectangular prism containing 150 ml of water that has been frozen overnight. Every hour we will measure the amount of melting that has occurred. Data will be compiled and analyzed at the end of the day. For time purposes, we are going to introduce this activity in the morning so we can collect the data for this afternoon. ~Julie

11 Integrated Lesson Set A - Ice melting at room temperature
Set B - Ice melting in sun (simulated by heat lamp) Each hour: A group will pour the melted water into the graduated cylinder and use the marker to mark each measurement. The group will then fill out the data sheet. For time purposes, we are going to introduce this activity in the morning so we can collect the data for this afternoon. ~Julie Assign groups to measure and record each hour SPI Describe factors that influence the rate at which different types of material freeze, melt, or evaporate. Review from Unit 1: GLE Conduct experiments on the transfer of heat energy through conduction, convection, and radiation.

12 Vertical Alignment Use the Vertical Progression Guide to identify the vertical alignment of the focus standards. Identify the implications across the grade levels. Identify common student misconceptions. Each group will be given a part of the standard to consider what students should Know, Understand, and Be Able to Do. Jamie/Evelyn

13 Deconstruction/Collaboration
5.MD.C.5 Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. Identify key components. What will the students need to Know, Understand, and Be Able to Do in order to master the standard? What are possible misconceptions?

14 MS Scaffolding Document

15 Integration with Numbers in Base Ten
5.NBT.B.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

16 Standards for Mathematical Practice
Mathematically Proficient Students…

17 Reflection Private Think Time: Why is it important to deconstruct standards? Shoulder Partner: Share

18 MICA Computer Time! Log in to MICA and work through all the 5.MD.C.5 problems as a student would. Look at answers. Look at 5.NBT questions if time permits.

19 MICA Bowtie/Full Circle activity Vocabulary Pre-Requisite Knowledge
Possible Misconceptions


21 MIST Compare and Contrast MICA-style questions with MIST Practice Test 1 and 2 questions. Revise Bowtie/Full Circle Be the Change Agent!

22 Your Turn: Using OnTrac
Item types Depth of questions Create a formative assessment!

23 Be ready to start back at 12:15!


25 Centimeter Cube Activity
Learning Target: I can use unit cubes to determine the volume of a rectangular prism. Centimeter Cube Activity Standard: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths by packing it with unit cubes and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base. Represent threefold whole number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property of multiplication. ~Julie

26 Learning Target: I can determine the volume of a container using inch cubes.
Brownie Bites

27 Exploration Stations Rotate through each station. Consider how you would support/enhance/advance understanding of the focus standard(s). How can you adapt each activity for struggling learners? How can you adapt each activity for advanced learners?

28 Centimeter Cube Assessment
Jackie and Ron both have 12 centimeter cubes. Jackie builds a tower 6 cubes high and 2 cubes wide. Ron builds one 6 cubes long and 2 cubes wide. Jackie says her structure has the greater volume because it is taller. Ron says that structures have the same volume. Who is correct? Draw a picture to explain how you know. Use grid paper if you wish. Standard: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths by packing it with unit cubes and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base. Represent threefold whole number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property of multiplication.

29 Brownie Bites Assessment
You are given a container that is 3 x 4 x 6 to take cheese cubes with your lunch. Determine how many cheese cubes you should be able to fit into the container. Then measure the inside part of the container to the nearest inch and calculate how many you can actually fit. Again, measure to nearest inch. Have students calculate, if they need to use cubes, they can.

30 Postal Packages Written Response/Assessment:
The flat rate boxes come in the following sizes: 13 x 10 x 4 12 x 10 x 6 9 x 9 x 9 Which box would you choose if you wanted to mail the most school supplies in and why?

31 Rectangular Prism Nets

32 Reflection How does using manipulatives help students learn volume?



Similar to discovery learning or inquiry-based learning Used to teach new concepts/build on prior knowledge Must have multiple entry points/solution paths Involves students in math practices Uncovers students’ misconceptions Often referred to PBA or CRA Used to assess what students know Should be objective with fewer solution paths Correct solutions will require one or more math practices Uncovers students’ misconceptions VS Susan Sewell

36 Planning Process for Instructional Task
What are your mathematical goals for the lesson? How do you think students will solve it? What misconceptions do you think they will have? What resources or tools does the student need? How will the students record their work? What questions will you ask to help the students access prior knowledge and work through the task? HOW WELL

37 Math Tasks Table Talks: Discuss possible solution paths.
Write Assessing and Advancing Questions for The student that can’t get started The student that finishes early Identify misconceptions

38 Challenge: Every year, our school has field day, but no one wants to drink warm Gatorade. Design a rectangular prism to freeze water in to create the longest lasting ice cube. This ice cube must last a minimum of three hours in the hot sun, even when the lunch box is opened and closed several times during field day. Your rectangular prism cannot have a volume greater than 300 cubic centimeters. Make it from graph paper and include the volume of your rectangular prism using a formula for volume. The class will vote to determine the best two designs and justify why. The best 2 designs will be tested under the heat lamp (sun) to see which lasts the longest. We are introducing the challenge at this point so we can begin collecting data for melting. Tell teachers they could use another challenge, they do not have to do this challenge if they have one already planned that correlates with these activities. ~Julie

39 Focus Standards Math Science
5.MD.C.5 Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths by packing it with unit cubes, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base. Represent threefold whole-number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property of multiplication. Apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems. Recognize volume as additive. Find volumes of solid figures composed of two non-overlapping right rectangular prisms by adding the volumes of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems. Science GLE Design and conduct an experiment to demonstrate how various types of matter freeze, melt, or evaporate. GLE Investigate factors that affect the rate at which various materials freeze, melt, or evaporate. SPI Describe the differences among freezing, melting, and evaporation. SPI Describe factors that influence the rate at which different types of material freeze, melt, or evaporate.

40 Integrated Math and Science Lesson
Learning Targets: I can determine factors that influence the rate of ice melting. I can measure liquid volume of ice after time for melting. . Explain that we will be learning about volume throughout the day and will use that understanding and the data collected from melting investigation as scaffolding lessons for challenge.

41 What factors influence the rate of melting?
Introduce 4 sets of frozen water Two investigations will be ongoing throughout the day. Each investigation will have a rectangular prism containing 150 ml of water that has been frozen overnight. Every hour we will measure the amount of melting that has occurred. Data will be compiled and analyzed at the end of the day. Remind participants that we started the integrated lesson at the beginning of the day to gather the data necessary for addressing the standard ~Julie

42 2 containers with different dimensions
Materials Lunch Box Graduated Cylinder 2 containers with different dimensions Discuss how we only used the heat lamp, but you could also set us a station with the lunch box to add one more layer for comparison. Heat Lamp Water

43 Liquid Volume vs. Solid Volume
Liquid volume conversion to solid volume Reminder that when we discuss liquid measurement in mililiters it directly correlates to the cubic centimeters we used in the model building with centimeter cubes.

44 Lesson Integration Reflection
Discuss in your groups: What would be the perfect scenario for this lesson? (containers made of same material and same volume, with different dimensions) How could this integrated lesson be extended to deepen/review math and science concepts? Other ideas for using volume in relation to freezing, melting and evaporating?

45 Reflection How can you use this integrated lesson in your classroom?
What is the purpose of applying math to science content?

46 Three W’s What did I learn today and how do I plan to share with others my learning of today? So What? (relevancy, importance, usefulness) Now What? (how does this fit into what students are expected to do, does it affect our thinking, can we predict where we are going)

47 http://www. mediacollege

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