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Persuasive speech Continued.

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1 Persuasive speech Continued

2 Review Speeches on fact: right topic; topical order (types of evidence) Speeches on value: standards– application of standards

3 Practice Reality shows are real/not real.

4 A little more on policy speeches

5 Example 1 problem-solution order
To solve the problem of Puppy mills Lead-in: treat animals humanely Statement: puppy mills need to be stopped Problem: 1. the scale; 2. physical problems; 3. emotional problems; 4. specific examples solution: 1. legislation (detailed rules) 2. individual initiatives (detailed suggestions) Advocating actions: think of your own pets and take actions

6 Example 2 problem-cause-solution order
Raise the age for driving licenses. Lead-in: car crash; tragedy; personal(my nephew) Statement: raise the age for driving license. Problem: people killed; 2. age-accident relation (data) Cause: 1. inexperience; 2. brain development; 3. night driving; 4. passengers (signpost; research results) Solution: 1. the age requirement (16 for training; 18 for full license) 2. avoid teenage night driving; 3. passenger restriction. opposition anticipation: which is harsher? Advocate: save the lives; make the road safe; my nephew

7 Example 3: motivated sequence
Donate blood Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization action

8 Attention: are you healthy and old enough? (audience’s competence)
Need: lack of donators; people need blood; the story of Brooke(ethos; individual- universal) Satisfaction: 1. just donate blood; 2. the process; 3. no need to worry Visualization: the differences you will make: lives; you may save people you care; Action: small price to pay for important purposes; Brooke (referring to the opening); specific instructions

9 Persuasive Presentations
Use sound reasoning Errors in reasoning (logical fallacy)

10 Supporting You Ideas

11 General and specific Tea is second only to water as the world’s most consumed beverage. More tea is consumed each year than all other manufactured drinks in the world put together, including coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, and alcohol. Total tea consumption is 4 billion kilograms annually. Tea is very popular Large quantities of tea are consumed by people around the globe

12 Examples Brief examples
Effective distribution strategies can give Chinese brands a competitive edge over their foreign rivals in the Chinese market. Li Ning athletic apparel, with its strength in China’s smaller cities, has outperformed top foreign multinationals like Nike and Adidas in higher-end markets. In the past few decades, Chinese Americans have gained a strong foothold in the world of fashion. Anna Sui, one of the first well-known Chinese American designers, received a lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America in Her designs are currently featured in more than 300 sales outlets in 30 countries.

13 Facebook is gaining importance because of its unique functions such as reconnecting families, reaching out to at-risk teens, rescuing lives, acquitting the innocent, providing supporting networks for those in need, and promoting education in developing nations. Some beautiful women of ancient China are not only remembered for their striking physical appearance, but also for their unparalleled wit and heroism. Xishi seduced the King of Wu to help her state win the war against Wu; Diaochan used her beauty to assit in the assassination of a tyrannical warlod; Wang Zhaojun volunteered to marry Huhanye Chanyuto maintain peace between the Han and the Xiongnu; and Yang Yuhuan hanged herself to quash a mutiny.

14 Extended examples Online bartering may rarely duplicate the success stories of the lucky few who started from a paper clip and ended up getting a villa or a Porsche. But exchanging goods on swapping sites can be rewarding in other ways. Li Huizhu, a 48-year-old Shanghai native, has exchanged coupons, free show tickets, and cosmetic gifts for more than 500 items of everyday use. She has been getting her family an inexhaustible supply of swapped shampoos and soaps since she started bartering in when her son got ready to leave home for college this past September, Li got through barter everything he needed for his dormitory and classroom ---- from pillows, battery chargers, pens, and notebooks to a secondhand bicycle. Tow years ago, Li didn’t even know how to chat online, but now she is a photoshop ace and a top seller of a bartering website’s 20,000 registered members. Li particularly enjoys the experience of hanging out with youngsters who offer her tips on how to tell fakes from originals, and secondhand from new.

15 Hypothetical examples Imagine that it is the start of a new semester
Hypothetical examples Imagine that it is the start of a new semester. Everyone around you is getting ready for classes, but you can’t focus on anything. A feeling of emptiness and despair takes hold and won’t let go. On the first day of class, your best friend asks you to accompany her to an audition at the campus drama society that evening. She is trying out for the role of Sifeng in your favorite play, The Thunderstorm, but you tell her you are suffering from a migraine headache and want to be left alone. Lying in bed that night, you find it hard to get to sleep. You begin to wonder what is happening to you and why you can’t enjoy life like you once did. The answer may be a bit alarming, but you are likely going through the lows of depression, a mental health condition that is plaguing thousands of college students across the country.

16 Tips for using examples
Make examples vivid and detailed Reinforce examples with statistics or testimony 酒驾-高晓松-数据

17 Statistics Single statistics Multiple statistics Reliable sources
Simplify complicated statistics 5,464 kilometers; 1,545 meters Explain statistics 9,600,000 km2 = a bit smaller than Canada; 39 Britains or 17 Frances or 25 Japans

18 Testimony Expert testimony Peer testimony Quote or paraphrase
Qualified sources Unbiased sources Identify the people you quote or paraphrase

19 Practice Find the fault or weakness in the following supporting materials In the words of one expert, “despite the popularity of bilingual education, there is little evidence that it produces better learning by students.” At its closest point, Jupiter is 628,743,036 kilometers from Earth; at its most distant point, it is 928,081,020 kilometers from Earth.

20 A recent study shows that the use of mobile phones by automobile drivers increases traffic accidents by 37 percent. I don’t see why doctors keep warning people about heavy salt intake. My parents and grandparents use lots of salt, and they are all very healthy.

21 Reasoning

22 Generalization (induction)
Deduction (syllogism) cause-effect Analogy

23 Persuasive Presentations
Hasty generalization A conclusion reached on the basis of insufficient evidence. It is often includes words like always, never, all and none. China is the only country in the world where students have to study very hard for one exam that will decide their future – the college entrance exam.

24 Persuasive Presentations
Red herring A ~ argument distracts listeners from the real issue and leads them toward an irrelevant issue. 转移注意 力的事/话题 Yes, the current university enrollment system has problems, but so does our medical care system, and housing system. Why don’t we reform them?

25 Persuasive Presentations
Attack on a person criticizing an opponent rather than the opponent’s argument It is known that Edgar Allen Poe was an alcoholic. His stories are nothing but the fantasies of a drunken mind.

26 Persuasive Presentations
False cause, post hoc ~ assumes that because A occurs before B, A causes B. The crime rate has increased since the governor took office; I’m certainly not going to vote for him again.

27 Persuasive Presentations
Building on an unproven assumption (begging the question) Since distance learning with a computer is more effective than traditional classroom education, all of you should take your college courses on your home computers.

28 Persuasive Presentations
False analogy He will make a wonderful president. Just look at the control he exerts over his own children.

29 Persuasive Presentations
Either-or reasoning Either we halt the world’s population growth, or we face widespread starvation.

30 Persuasive Presentations
Straw man The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program. I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that.

31 More logical fallacies

32 sweeping generalization
Argument: Cutting people is a crime. Surgeons cut people, therefore, surgeons are criminals. Argument: It is illegal for a stranger to enter someone's home uninvited. Firefighters enter people's homes uninvited, therefore firefighters are breaking the law. exception

33 equivocation All heavy things have a great mass; Jim has a "heavy heart"; therefore Jim's heart has a great mass. 一词多义

34 apophasis and argument by innuendo
For example, a job reference that says a former employee "was never caught taking money from the cash box" In this example the overly specific nature of the innuendo implies that the employee was a thief, even though it does not make (or justify) a direct negative statement. implicitly suggesting a conclusion without stating it outright.

35 amphiboly The position of the adverb "only" in a sentence starting with "He only said that" results in a sentence in which it is uncertain as to which of the other three words the speaker is intending to modify with the adverb. ambiguity of grammatical structure

36 fallacy of composition
acceptable: all the parts of the car are in the garage, therefore the car is in the garage. problematic: all the musicians in a band are highly skilled, therefore the band itself is highly skilled. from each to all

37 division The university (the whole) is 700 years old, therefore, all the staff (each part) are 700 years old". all to each

38 proof by verbosity accent: he is a fairly good pianist
figure of speech: the sailor was at home on the sea rhetorical techniques

39 misplaced concreteness
billy is a good tennis player. therefore, billy is good, that is to say a morally good person.

40 nothing is better than eternal happiness.
eating a sandwich is better than nothing. therefore, eating a sandwich is better than eternal happiness.

41 paradox "This statement is false" "The following sentence is true."
"The previous sentence is false." "What happens when Pinocchio says, 'My nose will grow now'?" "Numbers are infinite, however there are more fractions than whole numbers."

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