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Using THIEVES to Understand Nonfiction Text

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1 Using THIEVES to Understand Nonfiction Text
Created by Kimberly Church, Literacy Coach, Broken Arrow Public Schools

2 THIEVES is an acronym that can help students identify important information to better understand the meaning of nonfiction text.

3 THIEVES Title Looking at the title, ask yourself:
What do I already know about about this topic? What does this topic have to do with the preceding chapter? Does the title express a point of view? What do I think I will be reading about?

4 THIEVES Headings Looking at the headings, ask yourself:
What does this heading tell me I will be reading about? What is the topic of the paragraph beneath it? How can I turn this heading into a question that is likely to be answered in the text?

5 THIEVES Introduction Looking at the introduction, ask yourself:
Is there an opening paragraph, perhaps italicized or bolded? Does the first paragraph introduce the chapter? What does the introduction tell me I will be reading about? Do I know anything about this topic already?

6 THIEVES Every FIRST sentence in a paragraph.
Read every first sentence, and ask yourself: Based on the first sentence in each paragraph, what do I think this chapter is going to be about?

7 THIEVES Visuals and Vocabulary Looking at the visuals and vocabulary:
What can I learn from the captions and the photos, drawings, maps, charts, graphs? Is there a list of vocabulary terms or are there any words highlighted in the text? Can I tell them meanings of the boldfaced words from the words around them?

8 THIEVES End-of-chapter questions
After reading the end-of-chapter questions: What do the questions ask? What information do they earmark as important? What information do I learn from the questions? Let me keep in mind the end-of- chapter questions so that I may find it in my text and mark it.

9 THIEVES Summary After reading the summary: What do I understand and
recall about topics covered in the summary?

10 THIEVES itle eadings ntroduction very first sentence
isuals and Vocabulary nd-of-chapter questions ummary

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