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13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, Nomination Form

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1 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017 - Nomination Form
Last Day of Submission is July 14, 2017

2 Important Instructions
Guidelines for: i) Completing the nomination form Form should be filled in the English language only. The Font type & size to be used – Calibri 11 (Line Spacing: 1.0) Hand-written forms will not be accepted for evaluation Incomplete forms may be disqualified. Please restrict your responses in the space provided for each section. Any additional slides added may not be considered for evaluation. A participating organization may choose to nominate themselves in more than one award category. Reference to supporting documents must be provided against the respective section in the space provided. If a supporting relevant to a particular section is provided, then reference box should be ticked. Supporting documents should be named as follows i.e. Company Name and Section Number. (e.g. for IACC Section 2 Question 1 will be IACC_Sec2_Q1). The above must be followed to ensure consistency of format between all participants. Deviations may lead to disqualification of the participant. Sections 1 and 2 are mandatory for ALL nominees. Sections 3 to 9 are to be completed basis the chosen award category / categories. Please refer to Rules & Regulations document for additional guidelines on IACC website Note: The financial information present in this Nomination Form will be kept confidential. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

3 Important Instructions
Guidelines for: ii) Submitting the nomination form The nomination form must be signed by an Authorized Representative of the Company along with a Company seal. The nomination form must be submitted in PDF file format. The nomination form will be considered final, accurate and best to the knowledge of the respondent. Participant may provide relevant documents / brochures / layouts / photographs which might assist the Jury in their evaluation but the total file size of all supporting documents accompanying one nomination form must not exceed 3 MB. The completed and signed nomination form must be submitted before 11:59 PM on 28th June, 2017, to IACC : If you have any questions about the nomination form, please contact Ms. Trishla Dosi at >. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

4 Important Instructions (Cont’d)
Guidelines for: Eligibility Criteria: Companies participating under the category for INDIAN COMPANIES must be a Company registered in India or must either be a subsidiary or under the management and control of a Company registered in India as on March 31, 2017 and have operated in the US for a minimum of two years (i.e. before April 1, 2015). Companies participating under the category for US COMPANIES must be a Company registered in United States of America (USA) or must either be a subsidiary or under the management and control of a Company registered in the US as on March 31, and have operated in India for a minimum of two years (i.e. before April 1, 2015). All participating companies must be in operation as on March 31, 2017 and should have been operating consistently in India and the US. The final eligibility of the participant will be subjected to the discretion and approval of the Awards Management and / or Jury Previous edition award winners can apply only if the nominated initiative is different from the ones submitted in the previous editions Declaration: It is mandatory to attach signature of authorized personnel from your Organization and Company Seal on the last slide of this presentation. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

5 General Information (Mandatory for all)
13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

6 Section 1: Selection of Category
Sr. Please tick () against the Category / Categories for which you are applying: Award Category Indian Company in US US Company in India 1. Responsible Business Award 2. Leaders in Corporate Innovation 3. Indo- US trade driver of the year Special Jury Awards: Corporate Leader of the Year Business Mogul of the Year 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

7 Section 1: Selection of Category (Cont’d)
Responsible Business Award Awarded to companies to recognize and honor conspicuous achievements by corporates exemplifying a greener, ethical and more socially responsible ways of doing profitable business. Leaders in Corporate Innovation Leaders in Corporate Innovation award recognizes businesses that have developed and employed innovative techniques for optimization of cost and operations thereby broadening scope for better utilization of resources in the industry Indo- US trade driver of the year Indo- US trade driver of the year award recognizes companies who have made significant contribution towards Indo-US Trade and have positively impacted key stakeholders. Corporate Leader of the Year Corporate leader of the year award recognizes a business that has implemented specific strategies and processes in order to attain significant growth and in terms of revenues and operations for the last 3 years. Business Mogul of the Year The award is aimed at recognizing the leaders with outstanding contributions impacting all spheres of the corporate ecosystem - business, industry and the overall community. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

8 Section 2: Company Information
Registered Name: Date of incorporation: Company Representative : Designation : ID : Mobile Number : Landline Number : Company registered address : Company Website : Geographic Presence In India Number of Offices : Major Cities : Geographic Presence In USA Number of years Company operating as on 31st Mar, 17 In India : In USA : 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

9 Section 2: Company Information (Cont’d)
Number of Employees : Net Annual Revenue (In USD)*(Mention A/B/C/D) : Annual Sales Growth (in %) : Annual Growth in Net Profit before taxes (in %) : Net Contribution made towards Indo-US Trade (% of Revenue) : Investments in Training and Learning (% of Revenue) : Investment CSR activities (% of Revenue) : Number of CSR projects undertaken : *Revenue (In USD) (exchange rate: 1 USD = 65 INR) A $0-$100 million B $100-$500 million C $500 to $2 billion D Above $2 billion 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

10 Section 2: Company Information (Cont’d)
Q1) Briefly describe the Company’s business activities (Products/Services) and key business segments. (Also mention if any patents filed for product/service) 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

11 Section 2: Company Information (Cont’d)
Q2) Describe the key growth strategies implemented by the organization. How do they translate into the company’s year on year financial performance? 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

12 Section 2: Company Information (Cont’d)
Q3) Describe any key discoveries made/ any unique practices followed by the Company which can be replicated across industries and its impact on organization, industry, customers and other stakeholders. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

13 Responsible Business Award – sections 3 to 5 (sections 3 – 5 are mandatory for those who are participating in the Responsible business award category) Section 3: Green Initiative Section 4: Corporate Social Responsibility Section 5: Corporate Governance 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

14 Section 3: Green Initiative
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q1) Describe the Green/Eco-Friendly aspect(s) adopted by your company (For e.g.: Innovative design, energy efficiency, conversation of water, etc.) and its impact or estimated impact in terms of quantitative and qualitative factors on the community or environment or both. Eco-Friendly Aspects Impact 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

15 Section 4: Corporate Social Responsibility
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q2) Describe unique aspects of CSR Initiatives undertaken in the last 1 year by the organization and its impact on the community. CSR Initiatives Impact 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

16 Section 4: Corporate Social Responsibility (Cont’d)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q3) Describe your vision behind developing the initiative described earlier and how does it align with the vision of the company? 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

17 Section 5: Corporate Governance
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q4) Describe the governance strategy of the organization. Describe the initiatives taken to advance governance and compliance activities and their integration with business activities. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

18 Section 5: Corporate Innovation (Cont’d)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q5) Describe your vision behind the initiatives described earlier. How will they impact various stakeholders (shareholders, employees, channel partners, etc.) in the long run? Please share the value added statement prepared by the organization in this regard. Corporate Governance Initiatives Impact 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

19 Leaders in Corporate Innovation – sections 6 to 7 (sections 6 – 7 are mandatory for those who are participating in the Leaders in Corporate Governance award category) Section 6: Innovation & its impact on Business Section 7: Sustainability 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

20 Section 6: Innovation & its impact on Business of the year
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q1) Describe how the business has used innovation to become more cost effective, minimize risk and integrate its operations. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

21 Section 6: Innovation & its impact on Business of the year (Cont’d)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q2) Describe the challenges faced and measures taken to achieve successful implementation of innovative measures. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

22 Section 7: Sustainability
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q3) Describe specific examples of sustainable practices adopted by the company which can be replicated across industries and their impact on the organization, industry, customers and other stakeholders Sustainability Initiatives Impact 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

23 Indo-Us Trade Driver of the year – sections 8 to 9 (sections 8 – 9 are mandatory for those who are participating in the Indo – US Trade Driver of the year award category) Section 8: Promotion of Indo-US Trade and Its Impact Section 9: Market Impact 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

24 Section 8 : Promotion of Indo-US trade and Its impact
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q1) Describe the key opportunities identified by your company in Indian/US market and the assessment strategies used to identify such opportunities and how well those identified opportunities were executed by your organization. What impact they’ve had on Indo-US trade? 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

25 Section 8 : Promotion of Indo-US trade and Its impact (Cont’d)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q2) Describe any innovative solutions and initiatives taken to promote Indo US Trade and their impact on key stake holders like organization, industry, customers and others applicable. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

26 Section 9 : Market Impact (for US Company)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q3) For US Company: Describe initiatives taken to enhance economic/ social/cultural well being of communities and its impact (qualitative and quantitative). 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

27 Section 9 : Market Impact (for Indian Company)
Reference (Please tick, if applicable) Q4) For Indian Company: Describe initiatives taken to promote ‘Brand India’ and creation of employment opportunities. 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

28 Declaration Name : Designation :
hereby represent that all the information contained in the foregoing Application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce may choose not to take steps to verify the information contained therein, and responsibility for any harm or damages caused by my fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations will be my own All nominations must be received by 14th July, 2017 and must be sent to Warm Regards, <Name of the Designated Authority> Address: Tel : 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards, 2017

29 Thank You

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