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Welcome to the Look AHEAD Refresher Group

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Look AHEAD Refresher Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Look AHEAD Refresher Group
Refresher Session #5 May 2003

2 Recap of Look AHEAD Goals
Minimum of 10% weight loss Keeping Track calorie and fat gram range portion control making healthy food choices reading food labels

3 Recap of Look AHEAD Goals
Minimum of 175 minutes aerobic activity per week brisk walking or alternative target heart rate range resistance training

Or….How to safely navigate through the land mines when eating in the USA

5 Today’s Topics Growing Portions - Growing Health Problems
Super Sizing & Value Marketing BIG GULPS mean BIG CALORIES Good Deals or BAD BARGAINS? Don’t be a Victim of Portion Distortion Food Activism

6 Growing Portions - Growing Health Problems
Restaurant meal today 25% larger than 15 yrs ago Avg restaurant meal is 1,000 cal BAGELS!!!!

7 Growing Portions -- Growing Health Problems
64.5% of American adults are overweight or obese About 15 million American adults have Type 2 diabetes % of obese children & adolescents has doubled in last 20 years Type 2 no longer called “adult onset” -- now children as young as 8 yrs old have it RESEACRH IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 “Value Marketing” Not only asked to super size, now asked to buy “Value” or “Combo” meals to appeal to sense of a “good deal” By choosing “value” meals, you are given more food than you originally ordered (more items offered) Let’s look at some examples...

Calorie-dense, non-nutritive beverages Called “wet carbohydrates” Raises blood sugars! free refills

10 “The Wet Carb Blues” Large amount of calories can be consumed in very small amount of time (drinking) Liquid passes through stomach very quickly -- not enough time to “alert” brain of how many calories taken in Person does NOT reduce overall eating after drinking the extra calories -- eats same amount of solid food

11 Why do Food Manufacturers Urge you to Super Size and buy “Value Meals”?

12 Because... There is fierce competition for YOUR STOMACH
US has large, cheap food supply Companies spend $ on added-value products -- for bigger profits Little money put into promoting consumption of fresh fruits and veggies as profit margin is small for these items There is fierce competition for YOUR STOMACH

13 So…What’s the Real Deal?

14 Super Sizing and Value Meals are BAD BARGAINS
Yes, you do get the “most” for your money” But, small increases in price often mean LARGE INCREASES in calories Data show the bigger the portion, the more we eat

15 Just One Example... Wendy’s Double w/cheese = 760 calories
Value Meal version (adding large drink & fries) = 1,360 calories Extra cost is $1.57 47% more money 79% more calories EXTRA 600 CALORIES

16 Super Sizing is a BAD BARGAIN
“Value Meal” version of this meal eaten twice a week for one year, would be adding 62,400 calories the equivalent of GAINING 18 pounds

17 But…what are the “costs of that extra 600 calories and 18 pounds to your health?

18 Sadly, the facts are: Overweight & Obesity increases your risk of developing Complications from type 2 diabetes Heart Disease Gall Bladder Disease Hypertension Sleep Apnea Degenerative Joint Disease

19 So…what are we going to do?

20 Let’s Role Play!!! What would you say to the clerk on the other side of the counter when pressured to buy a “value meal”?

21 Don’t be a Victim of Portion Distortion
Don’t patronize restaurants that super size Choose NOT to purchase “value” or “combo” meals Ask for nutrition information at restaurants -- make better choices “Meal Deals” are no bargain for your health!!!! Ask for half-sized portions

22 More Tips... Beware of “NEW” fat/calorie products (e.g. Wendy’s previously offered a “new” grilled chicken pita- appeared to be healthy-- had high fat/high calorie dressing and cheese on it) Drink water instead of “wet carbs” Become a Food Activist

23 “Food Activism” Keep “junk food” out of workplace
Speak with cafeteria manager Choose to become involved with local school board Join letter-writing campaigns to food manufacturers and advertisers Urge local eateries to offer smaller portions at smaller prices

24 We welcome your comments
Thank You for Coming!! We welcome your comments

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