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Machining Recommendations for C69300 & C87850

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1 Machining Recommendations for C69300 & C87850
Larry Muller Manager, Metallurgy and Technical Services Chase Brass and Copper Co., LLC. Montpelier, OH Confidential – do not distribute without permission Version: 8/18/16

2 Property Impact Physical properties related to machining ECO BRASS
303 Stainless Tensile Strength (ksi) Turning forces, heat buildup 99.8 76.7 87.3 Work Hardening Coefficient Thread rolling, knurling 0.13 0.11 0.31 Thermal Conductivity (Btu/ft2/ft/hr/ºF) Heat removal from drilled holes, tool breakdown 21.8 67 8.8 Version: 8/18/16

3 Recommendations for turning and form tools to increase productivity
Limiting factors (compared to C360): Higher strength, lower thermal conductivity, intermetallics rather than lead particles Counter with: Higher grade of HSS such as T-15 vs. M-2 Carbide with high temperature ceramic coatings e.g. TiAlN Larger top rake (e.g º); start skive tool at 20° draft and clearance Lower rpm (350 sfpm), higher feed rate (≥0.010 ipr) Minimum dwell time Clearances for 1215 ECO BRASS vs C360 is analogous to: Stainless steel vs alloy steel or 1215 vs. 12L14 General comment – parameters are part and machine specific; common problems are sfpm are too high while feed rate is too low (watch for heat related problems) Version: 8/18/16

4 Recommendations for turning and form tools to increase productivity
Depth of cut /mm Feed /mm/rev Cutting speed:100m/min. Feed /mm/rev Cutting speed:200m/min. Feed rate (ipr) RPM = 325 Depth of Cut 0.007” 0.020” 0.060” 0.120” Depth of Cut 0.007” 0.020” 0.060” 0.120” Feed rate (ipr) RPM = 650 Best feed rates to produce small chips are ≥ ipr. Chase recommends a minimum of ipr. Version: 8/18/16

5 Recommendations for deep hole drilling to increase productivity
Limiting factors (compared to C360): Slightly larger type 1 chips can cause clogging, Lower thermal conductivity results in heating that will collapse the hole diameter Counter with: Higher helix angle Increased flute width, thin web Increase the number of flutes (to decrease how much is removed per flute) Lower rpm, higher feed rate than C360 (start at ipr), 350 sfpm Clearances like 1215 to reduce frictional heating (higher back taper) Carbide insert drills (such as Allied) Through-drill coolant Version: 8/18/16

6 Relationship between feed rate and rpm on chip size for deep hole drilling
Feed Rate (ipr) Drilling speed (fpm) 130 200 260 325 Best feed rate to produce small chips and get best productivity is ≥ ipr Version: 8/18/16

7 Recommendations for producing threads
Thread chasing – +3° clearance Thread milling – Thread whirling Version: 8/18/16

8 } Summary of Recommended Machining Practices Compared to C360:
Increase feed rate Decrease speed Use positive clearances and rake angle (like steel machining) Use higher grade of HSS or switch to ceramic coated carbide Potential for shorter tool life by up to 30% and higher tool forces } Decreases chip size and frictional heating Version: 8/18/16

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