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BOARD MEETING 30 March 2017 Chief Executive’s Report Nicola Lees, Chief Executive
Purpose of this Report: To update Board members on national, regional and local issues, announcements relating to mental health, learning disability and community health services, and Chief Executive level discussions within the local health economy. Recommendations That the Board: Receives a paper at a future board meeting outlining the progress in delivering the five year forward view for mental health Previous meetings/committees where the report has been considered: Executive Management Team Risk issues identified for discussion: Board members will want to identify any risks emerging from the content of the paper, and how new issues and challenges across the NHS might affect BDCFT. Any emerging issues may be taken forward through individual discussions with Directors outside Board meetings or suggesting a future paper to the Board or its Committees. Links to Strategic Drivers This report underpins all four of the strategic drivers. Publication under Freedom of Information Act: This paper has been made available under the FOI Act. Links to principal risks There are no specific risk issues identified CQC outcomes This paper provides assurance in relation to the well-led framework
What you need to know Trust News Local News National News
The Kings Fund: Spring budget The Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his spring budget to Parliament on 8 March Amongst the announcements in the budget were an additional £2bn for social care over the next three years; £100m of capital investment for A&E improvements; and £325m over the next three years to implement STPs. Planning guide for Dementia Care: NHS England has published a dementia care planning guide with input from people living with dementia, their carers and health and social care professionals. New leaflets to help vulnerable patient groups register with a GP: NHS England has produced a series of leaflets which give advice to vulnerable patient groups on how to register with a GP. The leaflets advise asylum seekers and refugees, homeless people and Roma or traveller groups on how to find and register with a local GP practice. Review of mandation for the universal health visiting service: The Department of Health commissioned a review following the transfer of commissioning of public health services for children up to five years of age to local authorities in October Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty: Now in a new report published today, the Law Commission has offered its recommendations – proposing a new system designed to ensure that vulnerable people are no longer denied their rights. Yorkshire and Humber ANSN Improvement Academy accreditation: Heather ward at Airedale Centre for Mental Health is the first in-patient ward across the region to receive national accreditation by the Improvement Academy for it’s safety huddles. Read more Care Trust Shortlisted for top patient safety award: Well done to our safety, risk and resilience team who have been shortlisted as a finalist in the clinical governance and risk management category of the Patient Safety Awards Read more Congratulations! Two Years of Treating People Locally for Care Trust Mental Health Patients: It has been two years since the Trust first launched the First Response service, which offers mental health crisis support 24 hours a day, seven days a week to vulnerable people needing urgent crisis support. This has resulted in people being cared for closer to home, with no out of area placements since the service launched on 6 March Read more Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Building work starts on new Acute Assessment Unit News in detail Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Safeguarding: BTHFT will strive to work with partners to keep adults at risk, and children and Young people safe Share our good news on twitter by clicking ‘read more’ and using the twitter tap on the right hand side.
CEO News Trust News Local News National News Staff Survey Results
HFMA Briefing: West Yorkshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) : March 2017. Read briefing Bradford City & Districts Clinical Commissioning group Patients asked about future of GP services in Manningham Bradford Bright Ideas – winner announced News in detail Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning group (AWC CCG) Learning and Innovation event The future of stroke service in West Yorkshire AWC CCG Complex Care Service film What’s going on in A&E? In our updated explainer, the Kings Fund looks at some of the key questions at the heart of the debate around the pressures in A&E. We examine how waiting times have changed over the past few years and explore the complex causes of the problems in A&E, which reflect wider pressures on the NHS and social care. See explainer Siva Anandaciva argues that A&E performance may not bounce back as quickly as might be hoped when winter recedes. Read Siva’s blog The National Health Executive reports on the rise in fees outlined by the Care Quality Commission: Providers warn CQC fee hike will divert ‘scarce resources from frontline care’. Read more NHS data loss sparks further investigation The Guardian reports that ministers have admitted that the NHS’s loss of over half a million pieces of confidential medical correspondence is so serious that it has triggered five separate investigations. Thousands of people with dementia held in care homes illegally: The Times reports that the Law Commission has warned that hundreds of thousands of people with dementia and learning difficulties are being detained in hospitals and care homes unlawfully. Five year forward view for mental health: one year on. The report highlights the progress made in the first year of the programme, and takes a look at the achievements that need to be built upon next year and beyond. Read more Staff Survey Results Staff at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust would recommend the organisation as a place to work and get treatment, according to the national NHS 2016 staff survey results. Read More Share our good news on twitter by clicking ‘read more’ and using the twitter tap on the right hand side.
External Media Report - February 2017
The Trust’s support of Time to Talk Day generated significant coverage in February, including print media and a radio interview to promote MWBC Stressbuster sessions to the public. New content for Time to Talk Day including a video testimonial engaged people on social media. Twitter followers and Facebook likes continue to grow. On the website there is a slight dip in unique visitors but a considerably lower bounce rate this month (more people moving across the site, viewing more pages) following the launch of the new site mid-February, with refreshed content, improved navigation and more links to increase engagement. In February the Trust achieved positive/neutral coverage for the following proactive media activity: Time to Talk Day - Telegraph and Argus, Craven Herald, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Keighley News, BCB Radio – interview with MWBC therapist Mandy Stephenson. Debra Gilderdale’s appointment as Director of Operations & Nursing – Coverage continued from last month – Nursing Times, Wharfedale Observer, Keighley News, Ilkley Gazette. Lynfest shortlisted for award - Telegraph and Argus, Craven Herald, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Keighley News. Waddiloves shortlisted for award - Telegraph and Argus, Craven Herald, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Keighley News. Safety huddles earn accolade - Telegraph and Argus, Craven Herald, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Keighley News. Health visiting feature on preventing accidents in the home - Telegraph and Argus, Craven Herald, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Keighley News.
External Media Report -February 2017
Social media Online media Twitter Facebook External communications focus Q1 (Apr 2017 – end June 2017) Operational plan 2017/19 member newsletter (21 April) Community eating disorder service children and young people (May/June TBC) Nursing celebration event (12 May) Carers week (12-18 June) YASA finalists (15 June) Board on the road meetings (ongoing)
For Your Information National News The Kings Fund:
NHS England Quality payments scheme for Community Pharmacy: NHS England has published further guidance. The document clarifies how community pharmacy contractors can meet the gateway criteria and details information on how to meet the eight quality criteria. The guidance covers the process to follow including time scales for claiming payments. The Telegraph: Hospital logo change ordered despite warnings over costs Roll out if 24-hour GPs to come a year early NHS pledges to free up thousands of hospital beds by allowing home care Fears over security of GP records Guidance on smoking cessation in secondary care in acute settings: self-assessment tool Evaluation of behaviour change interventions: school nurse toolkit: school nurse toolkit The Times: NHS chiefs have spent £17m on consultants hired to draw up Sustainability and Transformation Plans The Independent: Steep rise in number of mental health patients seeking online appointments read more The Observer: Number of EU nurses joining NHS falls dramatically National Quality Board: Safe, sustainable and productive staffing - An improvement resource for district nursing service read more The Kings Fund: Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs): how do you know if STPs are making a positive impact? This guidance is aimed at local authority staff who are involved in the STP process and discusses the key indicators of successful STP implementation. Public health working with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector: new opportunities and sustainable change. The studies in this report show how public health and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector are working together to make a real difference to people's health and wellbeing State of the health system: beds in the NHS. The report presents data and examines the causes and consequences of bed pressures within the health system. Read the report Understanding devolution: a critical appraisal of the Greater Manchester devolution deal. An assessment of the devolution process in Greater Manchester so far, and highlights key issues for consideration for future devolved local areas. Read the report Next generation of community health. A U.S. focused view on how community health services are likely to develop as hospitals redefine themselves to keep pace with the changing health care landscape. Read the report Understanding NHS financial pressures: how are they affecting patient care? This report finds that access to and quality of care are both being affected in different ways across the NHS. Read the report The Kings Fund cont. Child vision screening consultation: This consultation seeks views on the draft guidance and support materials produced for commissioners and providers of school-entry vision screening. An NHS Royal Commission: from fighting fires to lasting settlements. This report calls for the creation of a Royal Commission that will focus on the future of the NHS. Read the report Brexit and health and social care: A brief overview of the evidence given at the session with the Secretary State for Health. It discusses the Department of Health's involvement with Brexit negotiations and the impact on resourcing to the NHS. Read the report Use of agency workers in the public sector: Drawing on existing evidence and new qualitative research the report provides an overview of the triangular relationship between the agency worker, the recruitment industry and public sector employers, as well as providing detailed accounts of the nature of agency working within public sector health and education. Read the report NHS Providers Mission Impossible? The task for NHS providers in 2017/18. The report sets out how greater realism, flexibility and support are needed if trusts are to deliver all they are expected to in the upcoming financial year. The infographic outlines the scale of the challenge trusts face.
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