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HookScout: Proactive Binary-Centric Hook Detection

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1 HookScout: Proactive Binary-Centric Hook Detection
Heng Yin, Pongsin Poosankam, Steve Hanna, and Dawn Song Problem statement

2 What is hook? Malware registers its own function (i.e. hook) into the target location Later, data in the hook site is loaded into EIP, and the execution is redirected into malware’s own function. NewZwOpenKey For those not familiar with the concept of hook, I will explain it with a concrete example. Execution is redirected Install the address of NewZwOpenKey ZwOpenKey SSDT (System Service Descriptor Table) an example of SSDT hooking

3 Hooking is an important attack vector
malware often needs to install hooks to implement illicit functionalities Rootkits want to intercept and tamper with critical system states Network sniffers and stealth backdoors intercept network stack Spyware, keyloggers and password thieves need to know when sensitive info arrives Why is hook so important? This is because malware often needs to divert system’s execution flow to build illicit functionalities. As you can see rootkits, network sniffers, stealth backdoors, spyware, keyloggers, password thieves, they all install hooks to achieve some malicious intents.

4 Hooking Techniques Are Evolving
Old Technique: SSDT, IDT, IAT, EAT, etc. Defeated by many existing hook detection tools New trend: function pointers in kernel data structures IO completion routines APC queues Threads saved context Protocol Characteristics Structures Driver Object callback pointers Timers DPC kernel objects DPC scheduled from ISR IP Filter driver hook Exception handlers Data buffer callback routines TLS callback routines Plug and play notifications All kinds of WDM driver stuff Many more, … Old-fashioned malware installs hooks in some well-known memory regions, such as … Many existing hook detection tools check these regions, and detect hooks easily. To evade detection, malware starts to hook un-explored memory regions, more specifically, function pointers in kernel data structures. Researchers have created a long list for function pointers that can be potentially exploited. It is actually far from being complete.

5 Advantages of Function Pointer Hooking
Attack space is vast ~20,000 function pointers in Windows kernel Hard to locate and validate ~7,000 in dynamically allocated memory regions Many of them in polymorphic data structures A polymorphic hash table in Windows kernel

6 Example: A polymorphic linked list
FILE_OBJ DEVICE_OBJ FILE_OBJ head head head ObjListHead open state open ioctl This is an example of type polymorphism. It is a linked list. Nodes are linked with each other using a LIST_ENTRY, which essentially consists of two pointers. This is a polymorphic linked list, because nodes in it have different types, except that they share a common header structure. Static source code analysis tries to determine the type of each structure statically, and generate a type graph, and then use this type graph to traverse the data structure. So in this case, it is able to determine that this global variable is a linked list, but it cannot determine the type of node in this linked list, because there can be two different types of nodes in this linked list. Polymorphic data structure is not uncommon. In Windows, there is a centralized hash table to manage many different important kernel objects. So dealing with polymorphic data structures is very important.

7 Our Goal Given the binary distribution of an OS kernel, automatically generate a hook detection policy Locate function pointers Deal with polymorphic data structures Validate function pointers only 3% ever change in their lifetime Simple policy: check if constant function pointers ever change

8 System Overview

9 Monitor Engine Goal: determine concrete memory layout Solution:
For each static/dynamic memory object, determine primitive types for each memory word Primitive types: NULL, FP, CFP, DATA Solution: Monitor memory objects Track function pointers Addr=e h Size = 20 We perform binary analysis on the OS kernel. We monitor OS execution in the binary level, and track function pointers and memory objects, and then we get concrete layout for each memory object. Then we infer the hook detection policy from these concrete memory layouts. We perform context-sensitive policy inference. DATA DATA CFP NULL FP

10 Monitor Engine: Monitor Memory Objects
Run the guest OS within TEMU TEMU: a whole-system binary analysis platform, based on QEMU For dynamic objects: Hook memory allocation/deallocation routines ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExFreePool RtlAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap For static objects: Hook module loading routine MmLoadSystemImage Addr=e h Size = 20 We perform binary analysis on the OS kernel. We monitor OS execution in the binary level, and track function pointers and memory objects, and then we get concrete layout for each memory object. Then we infer the hook detection policy from these concrete memory layouts. We perform context-sensitive policy inference.

11 Monitor Engine: Track Function Pointers
CreateFile() { FILE_OBJ *f = malloc(sizeof(FILE_OBJ)); f->open = MyFileCreate; InsertListTail(&f->link, &ObjListHead); } 804d7200: call malloc 804d7230: mov [ebp-50h], 805d5141h Appear in relocation table Point to a function entry Addr=e Size = 40 Caller=804d7200 Addr=e Size = 40 Caller=804d7200 We monitor the execution of the OS kernel at binary level. Suppose the left side is the actual source code, and the right side is the instructions being executed. When we see a memory object is allocated, we check the execution context, that is, we check who is the caller. That is we monitor all memory objects, and their caller information. Here we see a function pointer is assigned to a memory location. It is not so straightforward to observe this at binary level. Then we know locations of all function pointers in the kernel space, and the relative locations in each memory object. Then we determine the type of each word in the memory object. We have four primitive types: DATA, FP, CFP, and NULL. How can we tell this constant number is an initial function pointer? We have an important observation. A function pointer is an absolute address to a function entry in a relocatable kernel module. DATA DATA DATA CFP NULL FP

12 Inference Engine Goal: Infer abstract memory layout
Approach: context-sensitive abstraction Notion: Object creation context is the execution context where an object is created (e.g., caller of malloc) Binary point of view: return addresses on the call stack Rationale: Objects created under the same context have the same type Solution: Merge concrete layouts with the same context into an abstract layout

13 Inference Engine: Context-Sensitive Type Inference
Addr=e Size = 40 Caller=804d7200 Addr=e Size = 40 Caller=804d7200 Generalized Layout caller=804d7200 DATA NULL DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA + = CFP CFP CFP NULL CFP CFP FP CFP FP To infer a generalized layout, we merge the memory objects allocated under the same context into a single template

14 Detection Engine Goal: Solution: Implementation:
Enforce the hook detection policy on user’s machine Solution: Monitor memory objects Hook the same set of functions Apply the abstract layout Use the return addresses as the key to the abstract layout Implementation: Kernel module vs. Hypervisor

15 Detection Engine: go back to the example
FILE_OBJ FILE_OBJ DEVICE_OBJ head head head ObjListHead open state open ioctl Abstract Layout (caller=804d7200) Abstract Layout (caller= ) DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA CFP DATA CFP

16 Experimental Evaluation
Aspects to Evaluate Attack Space Analysis subsystem: policy coverage Detection subsystem: realworld rootkits/performance/false alarms Experimental Setup Host machine: 3.0GHz CPU 4 GB RAM Ubuntu Guest machine: 512MB RAM Windows XP SP2

17 Evaluation: Attack Space

18 Evaluation: Function Pointer Lifetime Distribution

19 Evaluation: Policy Generation

20 Evaluation: Realworld Rootkit Detection

21 Evaluation: Performance of Detection Subsystem

22 Conclusion Function pointer hooking is a new trend
Large attack space Hard to detect Without OS source code, even harder We developed HookScout Binary-centric: deal with OS binary code Context-sensitive: deal with type polymorphsim Proactive: detect attacks in advance

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