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FACSE Program Supervisor
CTE UPDATE WA-FACSE Conference Great Wolf Lodge October 25, 2016 Mary Nagel FACSE Program Supervisor
Why do you teach? ? #Teacher 2 teacher
KEN EMMIL Assistant Superintendent
Career and College Readiness DIANE GARD Executive Assistant KELLI BENNETT Certification JILL PILBRO Program Assistant BARBARA DITTRICH Advanced Placement MONICA TRABUE Program Assistant GEORGE ASZKLAR CTE Director KIM HOSS Program Assistant LANCE WRZESINSKI Business & Marketing / Microsoft Imagine DEIFI STOLZ Career and Technical Education / Methods of Administration MARY NAGEL Family & Consumer Science / Financial Literacy DENNIS WALLACE Skilled & Technical Sciences JONATHAN JACKSON Grants & Innovative Programs REBECCA WALLACE Agriculture Science CLARENCE DANCER STEM Education DENISE MILESON GRADS Teen Parent Program MARIANNA GOHEEN Health Science MARY KANIKEBERG Jobs for Washington’s Graduates
OSPI Vision Every student ready for career, college, and life.
Performance Indicators for Career and College Readiness Increased Graduation Rate of CTE Completers Improve the access to, quality of, and quantity of Career and Technical Education programs, and associated Career and Technical Student Organizations which results in high level of student engagement, and preparation for lifelong learning and employment through the development of adaptable skills and knowledge, and increased retention and graduation rates. Technical Skill Certifications Through increase course equivalency options, students will have an additional pathway to learn and understand the required information need to pass assessments as well as be college, career, and life ready through CTE educational offerings. Course Equivalency Increase technical skill certificates awarded students through Career and Technical Education, ensuring the credentials earned are valued, validated by local business, the Washington State Labor Market, and lead to careers, post-secondary education and training.
CTE Model CTSO Career and College Readiness Classroom Shop / Lab
Instruction / Theory Shop / Lab Hands On / Project Based Technical Skills / Soft Skills Framework Academic Alignment Industry Standards Leadership 21st Century Skills Leadership 21st Century Skills CTSO Extended Learning Outside of the Classroom Community Outreach Community Service
Washington State Graduation Rates 2014-15 School Year
CTE Completers are secondary students that have completed 360 hours within a single locally determined program area.
What message are you sending about teaching?
Teachers’ voices matter
Teachers’ voices matter. This collection of stories demonstrates teacher talent and creativity, and underscores teachers' dedication to their students. Share your story on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to inspire your fellow teachers and add your voice to this growing community. #whyiteach
CTE Program Re-Approval Five-Year Cycle
Submission Window Opens Group January 2016 January 2017 January 2018 January 2019 January 2020 January 2021 January 2022 1 Agriculture Statewide re-approval process suspended. The districts are to keep updated frameworks on file. Skilled and Technical Sciences STEM Health Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences Business and Marketing 2 3 4 5 No Group 5
District Grouping of Re-Approvals 121 and 171
Group 4 was up for renewal in should still update your framework.
Course Re-Approvals The districts are to keep updated frameworks on file. The frameworks need to be updated to the most current standards, i.e., Industry and Academic (Washington State Learning Standards). Health and Fitness & Financial Education are new. Computer Science and Art are in development.
New Framework Builder Toolkit
Family and Consumer Science Education, Health Occupations, and includes middle school for these content areas For more information, contact Mary Nagel or
National FACSE standards Review
Review is still available will complete at ACTE Bias and sensitivity review is taking place NASAFACS website at
Standards update Health standards Financial education Standards
Were accepted in January and are now to be implemented Financial education Standards Roll out at the Sept general meeting Working on an implementation plan Need volunteers /Fellows Robert Hand
CTE Student Leadership
CTE Student Leadership
by the numbers 129 chapters 172 advisors 8 more than last year
2084 members 362 student participants in 216 STAR events 459,578 Washingtonians were impacted by their projects 81% of the participants found the STAR event experience to be useful to their future. Toolkit available at
By laws proposal FCCLA board and advisory board have completed a By-law change to ladder the leadership opportunities for students and go to an executive council of 10 with 10 Regional presidents. Reducing timeout of the classroom for teachers and more regional leadership development.
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
Equivalency career and technical education (CTE) courses meeting the requirement set forth in RCW 28A can be taken for credit in place of any of the courses set forth in subsections (1) through (6) of this section (WAC ), if the courses are recorded on the student’s transcript using the equivalent academic high school department designation and course title.
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
Two-For-One The two-for-one” policy is a rule change (WAC ) in effect for students in the graduating class of Students who take CTE- equivalent courses may satisfy two graduation requirements while earning one credit for a single course; hence, “two-for-one”. The purpose of this policy is to create flexibility for students to choose more elective courses or to address other graduation requirements. A CTE-equivalent course consists of two courses: one CTE, one academic. One of those courses is placed on the student’s transcript for credit. Students generally choose which course they want placed on the transcript, and this choice is driven by their High School and Beyond Plan. This practice will remain the same. Under the rule in effect through the class of 2015, WAC , the student earns one credit and satisfies one graduation requirement.
Precision Exams OSPI and Precision Exams have partnered to deliver standardized CTE assessments statewide This partnership will enable our CTE programs to effectively and affordably provided industry assessments for every student in 150-plus CTE course areas It also give our schools positive standards-based tools for program evaluation and improvement Contact: Adam Sanchez Website: Phone:
STEM Professional Development
STEM Renewal Requirement for CTE Teachers (RCW 28A ): At least 15 clock hours, or one-half of one annual professional growth plan (PGP), must have an emphasis on STEM integration for ALL CTE Instructors. This requirement applies to certificates being renewed starting in 2019. What Does STEM PD Require: The learning or activity must demonstrate authentic integration of 2 of the following 4 elements: science, technology, engineering and/or math. For more information, contact Clarence “CJ” Dancer or
Work-Based Learning Instructional vs. Cooperative Work-Based Learning
Approved Certification | V Codes List of Approved Providers Appropriate CIP Codes See the 2012 Work-Based Learning Manual For more information, contact Lance Wrzesinski or
DEL News Are you Registered as a STARS trainer?
Were you aware your students can get for taking your course Were you aware your students can get for graduating? Were you aware that you can receive stipends for registering? TRAINING STIPEND Certified trainers may apply for a training reimbursement one time per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) for any amount up to $ Eligible trainings include any state-approved annual continuing education training or the child care basic STARS training that meets the initial licensing requirement. To find out more go to: df
DEL News Work group on stackable certificates and articulations.
Visitation to programs Thanks to : Heather Bullfinch and Yakima Diane Anson and West Valley Yakima Roxanne McNerney Sunny side Bobbie Lotz Tri-Tech
Graduation, Reality, and Dual-role Skills (GRADS)
Graduation, Reality And Dual-role Skills (GRADS) is a program for pregnant teens and/or young parents that focus on work and family foundation skills of significance to these students. GRADS programs include student demonstration of skills leading to high school graduation and economic independence. If you are interest in finding out more, contact Denise Mileson or
GRADS Outcome Evaluation and Benefit-Cost Analysis
Summary Washington State Institute for Public Policy Conducted an outcome evaluation and benefit-cost analysis of the GRADS program. Based on the results of our analysis, GRADS participants have a 10.6 % point higher rate of high school graduation by age 22 6.5 % point higher postsecondary course enrollment rate by age 24. Our benefit-cost analysis indicates that the benefits of GRADS outweigh its costs. $3 to $1. We tested the uncertainty in our estimate and find that benefits outweigh costs 93% of the time.
“The study gives us independent validation that the GRADS program works,” said Randy Dorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction. “We are able to keep students in school. That removes one of the barriers they have to success in life. What’s more, the program helps two generations. It helps the teen parents get the skills they need, and it gives the child quality care. It’s a good investment. I strongly urge every district that doesn’t have one to start a GRADS program.” Randy Dorn – Superintendent of Public Instruction
Commit to "Dining In" on Family & Consumer Sciences Day, December 3, 2016!
SIGN up to commit today
Washington had 1318 pledges last year
Working on a partnership with the Washington Hospitality Association.
Special Projects For the year Articulation and Child Development Curriculum update and SharePoint Careers in Ed Para Pro alignment Stackable Certificates Science Take out 301 Chief Architect training
Careers in Ed. curriculum & framework update
Careers in Education Curriculum Revision Project was completed last year and rolled out in the spring. This year Planning group working on a Para-Pro test support and articulating agreement. Careers in Ed. training in the spring.
Conferences and Exhibits
What have you done today to make you feel Proud
谢谢 Arigato Thank You! Mahalo Danke GRACIAS Merci
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