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Web Sites For LOCs and AOCs.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Sites For LOCs and AOCs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Sites For LOCs and AOCs

2 Why have a web site Sharing information Creating presence
Demonstrating modernity Evidence of a national movement

3 Who will use it LOC members Other LOCs/AOCs Local practitioners
The local PCT Other PCTs (PCOs) AOP Department of Health

4 What should it contain Committee structure
Committee members and contact details Diary of meetings and CET events Details of local schemes and protocols

5 Who will run it Technical practitioner ISP Design agency
Web specialist

6 What will it cost Hosting Design Maintenance Development Updating

7 How much time will it take
Initial set-up time Gathering of information Transformation of data into a suitable form Need to update frequently to keep the site fresh

8 AOP offering Central site Free to Simple to use AOP hosted LOCs AOCs
groups of LOCs Simple to use AOP hosted

9 Who will want to use it LOCs/AOCs with no great level of technical expertise LOC/AOCs which are cash-strapped or time-poor LOCs/AOCs which want to be part of a central resource If you have a web presence already: Create a basic page on this site and link through to your existing site

10 How it works 3 pre-determined designs
3 levels of navigation for each site Ability to type in text, or cut and paste Create links to other sites or to Upload files: Word ▪ Excel Powerpoint ▪ Executable Zip

11 The front end

12 The front end

13 The front end

14 The back office

15 Technical Requirements
Internet Explorer (at least version 5.5) Windows Preferably broadband

16 How to proceed Contact David Craig (
Decide the structure of the site Gather the content together That’s it

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