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This Is…..

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1 This Is….


3 Leaders WWII Causes of WWII Hiroshima Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

4 Leaders: 100 Who was Adolf Hitler?
Dictator of Germany before and during WWII.

5 Leaders: 200 Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?
President during most of WWII.

6 Leaders: 300 Who was Harry Truman?
President of the U.S. that ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

7 Leaders: 400 Who was Winston Churchill?
Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII.

8 Leaders: 500 Who was Benito Mussolini?
Dictator of Italy before and during WWII.

9 WWII: 100 Why was Germany in a depression?
They had lost WWI and had very little money due to the requirements of the Treaty of Versailles.

10 WWII: 200 Who was Hitler? The dictator of Germany who wanted to take over the world.

11 WWII: 300 When did the U.S. get involved in WWII (name the event and year)? When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, 1941

12 WWII: 400 When did WWII begin (name the event and year)?
When Germany invaded Poland in 1939

13 WWII: 500 What ended WWII? When the U.S. bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

14 Causes of WWII:100 What do you call giving into someone’s demands to prevent conflict? Appeasement

15 Causes of WWII: 200 What is the term for “building up a military?”

16 Causes of WWII: 300 What is the term for “trying to stay out of conflicts?” Isolationism

17 Causes of WWII: 400 What is the term for “extreme patriotism and pride in your country?” Nationalism

18 Causes of WWII: 500 What is the term that means “trying to take over land to increase power and create an Empire?” Imperialism

19 Hiroshima: 100 Where is Hiroshima? Japan

20 Hiroshima: 200 Which city was bombed first, Hiroshima or Nagasaki?

21 Hiroshima: 300 How many days was between the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Three

22 Hiroshima: 400 Who was the president who ordered the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Harry Truman

23 Hiroshima: 500 How many people were killed instantly by the bombing of Hiroshima? 100,000

24 Miscellaneous: 100 What is island hopping?
Jumping from island to island in order to get closer to your main target (Japan)

25 Miscellaneous: 200 Where is the location of Pearl Harbor (state and geographic location)? Hawaii, in the Pacific Ocean

26 Miscellaneous: 300 What was the turning point in the war in the Pacific? Battle of Midway

27 Miscellaneous: 400 What event was the turning point of the war in Europe? Battle of Normandy

28 Miscellaneous: 500 What was D-Day?
The allies stormed the beaches of France and eventually forced their way into Germany. Dooms day.

29 TIE BREAKER Choose your wager Put these events in chronological order
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Germany invades Poland, MacArthur island hops towards Japan, Allies invade Europe on D-day


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