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On polynomial chi-binding functions

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1 On polynomial chi-binding functions
Ingo Schiermeyer TU Bergakademie Freiberg BIRS 2016 1

2 Chromatic Number Theorem (Erdős, 1959)
Coloring, sparseness, and girth, 2015 Alon, Kostochka, Reiniger, West, and Zhu

3 Chromatic Number Mycielski construction

4 Chromatic Number Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture (Berge, 1960)
A graph G is perfect if and only if it does not contain an odd hole nor an odd antihole of length at least five. The SPGC became the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem in 2002 by Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour, and Thomas.

5 Chromatic Number András Gyárfás (Budapest, 1985)
Problems from the world surrounding perfect graphs

6 Chromatic Number Conjecture (Gyárfás)
Let T be any tree (or forest). Then there is a function ( -binding function) such that every T-free graph G satisfies

7 Chromatic Number This paper of (Gyárfás) contains several other challenging conjectures. Project „Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number“ by Chudnovsky, Scott, and Seymour. Theorem (CSS 2014) Every pentagonal graph is colourable.

8 Chromatic Number Theorem (Gyárfás, 1987)
There is a chi-binding function for Stars Paths Brooms Trees with radius 2 (Kierstead and Penrice) Special trees with radius 3 (Kierstead and Zhu) pK2 (Wagon 1980)

9 Chromatic Number Problem 2.7 (Gyárfás, 1987)

10 Chromatic Number Problem 2.7 (Gyárfás, 1987)
If there is a polynomial binding function for P5-free graphs, then it would imply the Erdös-Hajnal Conjecture for P5-free graphs, which is open. Problem 2.7 (Gyárfás, 1987) Theorem (Gyárfás,1987) There is no linear binding function for P5-free graphs.

11 Chromatic Number Erdös-Hajnal Conjecture

12 Induced subgraphs Dart Gem House Bull Kite

13 Induced subgraphs K_2,3 House

14 Chromatic Number Problem 2.16 (Gyárfás, 1987) Theorem (Wagon, 1980)
Theorem (Chung, 1980) There is no linear binding function. Theorem (BRSV, 2016)

15 Chromatic Number Problem 2.16 (Gyárfás, 1987) Theorem (Wagon, 1980)
Work in progress

16 Chromatic Number ? ?

17 Chromatic Number ? ?

18 Chromatic Number ? ?

19 Chromatic Number ? ?

20 Chromatic Number ? ?

21 Chromatic Number

22 Chromatic Number Theorem (Fouquet et al. 1995) Theorem (IS 2014) Gem+

23 Induced subgraphs Gem+ TwinGem

24 Chromatic Number Problem

25 Chromatic Number P5 ? ? ? ? ? P5, gem+ P5, cricket P5, dart P5, gem
? ? ? ? ? P5, gem+ P5, cricket P5, dart P5, gem P5,hammer P5, windmill P5,claw P5, paw P5, diamond P5, house P5, K2,t

26 Chromatic Number Theorem (Gyárfás, 1987)
Theorem (Esperet, Lemoine, Maffray, Morel, 2013)

27 Chromatic Number Theorem (Gyárfás, 1987)

28 Chromatic Number Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu! Herzlichen Dank!
Mille grazie! Thank you very much!

29 The end

30 Chromatic Number Theorem (BDS 2015)

31 Chromatic Number Sketch of proof:

32 Induced subgraphs Butterfly -- Windmill (3,2) CTW 2016

33 Chromatic Number CTW 2016

34 SEG 2016

35 Chromatic Number Problems:
We are still confused, but on a higher level (Feynmann)

36 Induced subgraphs Dart Gem House Bull Kite

37 Chromatic Number Theorem (Fouquet et al. 1995) Theorem (IS 2014) Gem+

38 Induced subgraphs Gem+ TwinGem

39 Chromatic Number Problem

40 Chromatic Number András Gyárfás (Budapest, 1987)
Problems from the world surrounding perfect graphs AGTAC 2015

41 Chromatic Number Conjecture (Gyárfás)
Let T be any tree (or forest). Then there is a function ( -binding function) such that every T-free graph G satisfies SEG 2015

42 Chromatic Number Mycielski construction SEG 2015

43 Chromatic Number Theorem (Gyárfás, 1987)
Theorem (Esperet, Lemoine, Maffray, Morel, 2013) SEG 2015

44 Chromatic Number Problem (Gyárfás,1987)
If there is a polynomial binding function for P5-free graphs, then it would imply the Erdös-Hajnal Conjecture for P5-free graphs, which is open. Theorem (Gyárfás,1987, IS 2014) There is no linear binding function for P5-free graphs. SEG 2015

45 Chromatic Number Theorem (Fouquet et al. 1995) Theorem (IS 2014)
SEG 2015

46 Chromatic Number Theorem (Brooks, 1941) SEG 2015

47 Chromatic Number Conjecture (Borodin and Kostochka, 1977)
Proved for claw-free graphs by Cranston and Rabern 2012. Theorem (Rabern, 2014) SEG 2015

48 Chromatic Number Conjecture (Reed, 1998) SEG 2015

49 Chromatic Number Reed‘s conjecture holds for SEG 2015

50 Chromatic Number Reed‘s conjecture holds for SEG 2015

51 Induced subgraphs Dart Gem House Bull Kite SEG 2015

52 Chromatic Number Theorem (IS 2014) SEG 2015

53 Chromatic Number Theorem (IS 2014) SEG 2015


55 Chromatic Number Erdös, P., Simonovits, M., Sos, V.T.: Anti-Ramsey theorems. In: Infinite and Finite Sets (Proc.Colloq. Keszthely, Hungary 1973) edited by Hajnal, A., Rado, R., Sos, V.T. vol. II, pp Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10. Amsterdam: North-Holland 1975 MCW XX

56 Chromatic Number f(G,H): Maximum number of colours in an edge colouring of G with no totally multicoloured copy of H. If G is coloured with at least f(G,H) + 1 = rb(G,H) colours, then there is a totally multicoloured copy or a Rainbow copy of H. MCW XX

57 Chromatic Number Let Then MCW XX

58 Chromatic Number Turan numbers Extremal graph theory Rainbow numbers

59 Chromatic Number Theorem (Turán, 1941) MCW XX

60 Chromatic Number Theorem (Erdös, Simonovits and Sós, 1975)
Theorem (Montellano-Ballesteros and Neumann-Lara, Schiermeyer, 2002) MCW XX

61 Rainbow Matchings Theorem (Erdös & Gallai, 1959)
Theorem (Schiermeyer, 2004) MCW XX

62 Rainbow Matchings MCW XX

63 Rainbow Cycles Conjecture (Erdös, Simonovits and Sós, 1975)
with n = t(k-1) + r and This conjecture was proved for k=4 by Alon (1983), for k = 5, 6 and 7 by Jiang, West and Schiermeyer (2001, 2003), and for all k by Montellano-Ballesteros and Neumann-Lara (2005). MCW XX

64 Rainbow Cycles MCW XX

65 Rainbow Cycles Theorem (Montellano-Ballesteros, Neumann-Lara, 2005)
with n = t(k-1) + r and MCW XX

66 Rainbow Cycles Theorem (Gorgol, 2008)
where denotes a cycle with a pendant edge. Theorem (Gorgol, 2008) where denotes a cycle with two pendant edges. MCW XX

67 Rainbow bulls and diamonds
Bull B Diamond D MCW XX

68 Rainbow numbers for certain graphs
Theorem (Gorgol and Łazuka, 2006) Theorem (Neupauerova, Sotak, IS 2012) MCW XX

69 Rainbow numbers for diamonds
Theorem (IS, 2012) Theorem (IS, 2012) Let H be a graph of order containing a cycle If H has cyclomatic number , then has no upper bound which is linear in n. MCW XX

70 Rainbow numbers for diamonds
Theorem (Garnick, Kwong, and Lazebnik, 1993) Conjecture (Erdös, 1975) Theorem (Garnick, Kwong, and Lazebnik, 1993) MCW XX

71 Rainbow numbers for diamonds
Theorem (IS, 2012) MCW XX

72 Rainbow numbers for diamonds
Theorem (IS, 2012) MCW XX

73 Rainbow numbers for diamonds

74 Rainbow numbers for diamonds

75 Rainbow Colourings n D H K(2,3) 4 5 7 8 6 9 10 11 12 14 17 MCW XX

76 GRAPHS 2008

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