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Texas Revolution Part 2.

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1 Texas Revolution Part 2

2 Consultation of 1835 Remember! This is where William H. Wharton called a meeting to be held at Washington-on-the-Brazos between two factions—Peace Party and War Party.

3 Consultation of 1835 Branch T. Archer is elected president of the Consulatation of 1835.

4 Consultation of 1835 War Party
They want to declare independence from Mexico.

5 Consultation of 1835 Peace Party
They want to remain loyal to Mexico. They feel like declaring independence will alienate Tejanos and lose their support. They want the Constitution of 1824 restored.

6 Consultation of 1835 Declaration of November 7, 1835
Both groups compromised and draft the Declaration of November 7, 1835 which: Pledged loyalty to Mexico and the Constitution of 1824 Stated Texans had only used force to defend themselves Warned Mexico that if the Constitution of 1824 was not restored, Texas would become independent.

7 Consultation of 1835 Government and Problems
At the Consultation of 1835, the Texans also created a temporary government that consisted of A Governor—Henry Smith of Brazoria A Lieutenant Governor—James W. Robinson of Nacogdoches A General Council—one representative from each municipality Smith and Robinson belonged to the War Party, but most of the General Council belonged to the Peace Party. The idea was that if both parties shared power, they would compromise. Instead, the government was ineffective because it lacked clear goals and leadership that led to disagreements

8 Consultation of 1835 Commissioners to U.S.
Under the Consultation of 1835, Stephen F. Austin, William Wharton, and Branch T. Archer are elected Commissioners to the United States. Their task was to go to the United States to secure troops, money, and supplies necessary to carry out a war.

9 Consultation of 1835 The Consultation created a regular, or official, army and named Sam Houston as Commander-in-Chief. However, Sam Houston did not have authority over the Army of the People.

10 The Matamoros Expedition
The port of Matamoros was a great source of income and could pay for the war if the Texans gained control of it. Phillip Dimmit promoted the plan; however, Francis W. Johnson developed a similar plan and gained the support of the Army of the People. Disagreements over who would lead the expedition developed. Governor Smith did not trust Johnson and vetoed his appointment as leader of the expedition, but the General Council overrode that veto.

11 Santa Anna is coming… Johnson is authorized to take command of the expedition, but it’s never undertaken due to a delay in plans caused by the failure to gather troops. Also, news arrives that Santa Anna is coming to recapture the Alamo…

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