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EE595 Senior Design Team 2 Spring 2007

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1 EE595 Senior Design Team 2 Spring 2007

2 Team 2: Staff Dan Lauber Ibrar Ahmad Josh Sutinen Tim Thierfelder
Bill Burton BSEE, BACS BSEE, CS Minor BSEE BSEE, Physics

3 Team 2: Expertise & Experience
Dan Lauber Ibrar Ahmad Josh Sutinen Tim Thierfelder Bill Burton Expertise: Software, General Design Experience: 3yr Internships, Design & project ownership Expertise: Access to parts, contacts, IEEE measurer Experience: 2yr Internship, 1yr Co-op Expertise: Microprocessors, motor control Experience: 1yr Internship Expertise: Digital Logic, Powerpoint Experience: Transmission Co Expertise: Digital Logic, IC’s Experience: Software, assembly

4 Team 2: Contact Info Dan Lauber Ibrar Ahmad Josh Sutinen Tim Thierfelder Bill Burton Phone 1: Phone 1: Phone 1: Phone 1: Phone 1:

5 Team 2: Weekly Availability Worksheet
Dan Lauber Ibrar Ahmad Josh Sutinen Tim Thierfelder Bill Burton Time 1: Mon 2-5 Time 2: Tues/Th 3-6 Time 1: Mon/Th 5- Time 2: Wed 3- Time 3: Fri Any Time 1: Mon/Wed 7- Time 2: Tues/Th 1- Time 3: Fri 5- Time 1: Mon/Wed 6-8 Time 2: Tues/Th 4-6 Time 3: Fri 4-8 Time 1: Wed Any except 3-5 Time 2: 4-

6 Team 2: Weekly Project Meeting Plan
Weekly Meeting 1: W270 (IEEE), Tuesday 4:30-6:30 PM Chair: Ibrar Ahmad Attendees: All Purpose: General Weekly Meeting 2: W270 (IEEE), Thursday 4:30-6:30 PM Note: Meeting Owners Send Weekly Notices, Record Business-Issues-Actions, Keep Weekly Attendance Records

7 Team 2: Total Resources 1200 Manhours $1000 Overall investment
Cash outlay PCB Prototyping Enclosure Components

8 Team 2: Decision Making Primary decisions will be decided by a consensus with a democratic vote in the event there is no consensus.

9 Roles to Define & Assign
Lead Project Integrator (LPI): Bill Burton Owns the MS Excel Project Plan documents Tracks and reports progress to project plan Owns weekly progress reports to TA Owns Logistics and communication of ALL team meetings Keeps Team Attendance at all meetings Owns the Block Diagram Assignments and oversees Design Partitioning Integrates Block design plans Tracks expenditures to budget Helps LMM procure prototype components Keeps a secondary backup of ALL major project deliverable files Identifies contingencies for problems incl team members MIA

10 Roles to Define & Assign
Lead System Designer (LSD): Dan Lauber Owns the overall product requirements and data sheet Owns the MS Excel Product Requirements document including negotiating and documenting the flowdown of requirements to design block level Owns the Block Diagram Implementation and Design Partitioning Reviews for Completeness ALL Block-Block Interface Requirements Helps integrate and populate Detailed Block design plans including DFM Has primary responsibility for the Safety & Compliance Features in the product Owns project level verification and validation plan Owns capture and documentation of all verification results Owns the MS Word Product User Manual document

11 Roles to Define & Assign
Lead Presentation Manager (LPM): Ibrar Ahmad Owns the master MS PPT Presentation slide set for team Keeps backup copy of master slide set and integrates weekly progress submissions from ALL team members Defines and sets ALL slide formats in template form including Logos Font sizes & font styles, Colors Header/footers Slide backgrounds Rev controls Responsible for good visibility of slide presentation Integrates pictures incl schematics, digital photos, animations and other non-PPT file types Checks presentation content against master checklist and communicates gaps Responsible for time allocations and controls during final presentation Submits CD and paper copies for all Preliminary Presentations P1-P4 and Final Presentation

12 Roles to Define & Assign
Lead Report Manager (LPM): Josh Sutinen Owns the master MS Word Project Report file for team Keeps backup copy of master report and integrates weekly progress submissions from ALL team members Defines within guidelines, report flow including chapter numbering, subchapter numbering, sub-sub chapter numbering, etc. Defines and sets ALL report formats in template form including Logos Font sizes & font styles Colors Header/footers and chaptering Rev controls Responsible for good visibility and proper spelling in report Responsible for integrating data sheets as needed Integrates pictures incl schematics, digital photos, block diagrams and other non-WORD file types Checks report content against master checklist and communicates gaps Submits final file on CD and printed paper copy of Final Project Report

13 Roles to Define & Assign
Lead Manufacturing Mgr (LMM): Tim Thierfelder Owns and documents the product overall assembly and test levels Owns master prototype & product parts lists including integration of design block parts lists Owns procurement of prototype components including identification of long lead components Defines the product and prototyping technologies Owns any required assembly drawings Owns the overall prototype mechanical and electrical assembly Owns the overall PCB layout strategy including Block to PCB mapping, PCB tools, PCB design drawings, and PCB procurement Owns the PCB assembly including any special tools, soldering, wire-wrapping, drilling, and glueing.

14 Project Ideas RC Car Attendance Counter Living Environment Controller
Absolute position based "virtual" limiting system Fully automated test bench

15 RC Car Create plugin interface for additional modules and future expansion Features: Odometer, Sensors, RF Communications, Charge Controller, Motor Controller

16 Attendance Counter Sensors Count the Number of People on the Bus
The Count is Displayed Visual Alerts are Given for Capacity and Deboarding Audio Warnings are Given for Capacity and Deboarding Power is drawn from the bus battery

17 Bus Tender – Block Diagram
Attendance Counter Bus Tender – Block Diagram Sensors User Interface signal signal power Visual Displays signal power Microcontroller Power Supply signal signal Audio Signals power

18 Living Environment Controller
Curtain/Blind controller adjusts based on room conditions/sunlight availability Power: 120VAC/Battery backup Thermostat interface Temp display Occupancy sensor, thermostat Schedulable, web server

19 Absolute Position based Virtual Limit Switch
Accessory for Linear Actuators Programmable limit of travel Integrated service life counter Reduces mechanical parts count of existing accessories

20 Absolute Position based Virtual Limit Switch – Block Diagram
Encoder Data signal power Motor Control signal power Power Supply Microcontroller Position Output signal Battery Backup power

21 Fully Automated Actuator Test Bench
Operator inputs specifications Bench automatically conducts tests and displays and records results Measured data: Speed, stroke, current, force

22 Feasibility Decisions

23 The Winner RC Car We chose this project because:
The project is funded up to $750 We are able to get support from Dave M. Many blocks to choose from Blocks are a good match for team technical skills Car is on campus, so it is convenient We have a previous group’s mistakes and successes Appealing to leave the car behind for reference in later senior design classes/development

24 RC Car Major Risks in Project Radio Frequency interference
Overheating of motors and battery Working with Lead Acid batteries can be hazardous Mechanical senior design may work on the car at the same time, so it may interfere with our work Interfacing with the existing microcontroller may be a challenge

25 Why were other projects rejected?
Not enough blocks No funding Long lead time Not enough required skills Did not seem as practical Did not seem as fun to work on Not enough on-campus support/help on developing the product Unanimously Supported YES

26 System - Standard Requirements:
Environment and Safety Market Operation Temperature Range: 5°C to 35°C Operation Humidity Range: to 80% Non-condensing Operation Altitude Range: to 1000 Meters Storage Temperature Range: °C to 40°C Max Storage Duration: years Small Competitors in Field Size of Market: $250,000 List Price of: $2,000 Market Geography: Europe, North America Market Demography: Males ages 18+ Market Industry: Recreation, Promotional Material Cost: $500 Manufacturing Cost: $200 Annual Volume: 100 units

27 System - Standard Requirements:
Power Energy Source 1 (48 VDC): Four Lead Acid Batteries Operating Voltage: +/-12VDC,+5VDC,+48VDC Power Consumption: 13 Ah Mechanical Max Product Volume: cm3 Shipping Container Size: cm3 Maximum Product Mass: 30 kgs Maximum Number of PCB: 6 Maximum PCB Area: cm2 Maximum Shock Force: 5 G’s Moisture Resistance: Sealed

28 System - Standard Requirements:
Manufacturing Maximum total parts count: 300 parts Maximum unique parts count: 20 parts Maximum parts and material cost: $500 Maximum mfg. assembly/test cost: $200 Max production lifetime: 5 years Warranty Period: 1 year

29 RC Car Block # Block Name Owner Brief Description Of Block Function
Power Interfaces Digital Analog 1 Power Supply Ibrar Ahmad Converts 48 VDC Power to +5VDC and +/-12VDC In: VDC Out: +5VDC, +/-12VDC None Out: Vbat 2 CPU Dan Lauber Interfaces between digital and hardware devices In: +5VDC Out: Data Bus, Aux. outputs In: Data Bus, Aux. inputs In: Vbat 3 User Interface Tim Thierfelder Magnetic Sensed Revolution Counter and relayed to the CPU In: +5VDC In: cable from sensor Out: Port A 4 H-Bridge (drive) Motor Controller Josh Sutinen Takes power from battery to the two motors and drives the motors at variable speeds. In: VDC In: CPU Out: Output is to motor power 5 Headlights Bill Burton Interfaces w/ power supply and CPU In: +5 VDC In: CPU 6 Charging Unit for 48V Battery Takes household voltage to charge four lead acid batteries in series. Charged battery indicator. In: 120 VAC Out: 48 VDC Out: Four Batteries (Vbat)

30 Block Diagram

31 Applicable Patents Patent Name
Central speed control mechanism for remote control cars Method and system for multiple servo motor control Toy system Patent Number Patent Date January 20, 2005 December 23, 2004 December 12, 2002

32 Ethical and Societal Issues
A visiting user could run into someone at high speed without intending to. Speed regulator into the control system. Sensor that would apply the brakes. Foam bumpers (mechanical?) A visitor might shock themselves while inspecting the car. Case over the cable attachments. Voltage warning stickers.

33 Steps to Prevent Flawed Engineering
Test a speed regulator Test the product with a user trying to doing erratic maneuvers Test the effects of a collision on performance Test the predicted behavior of a novice inspector to ensure they can have no contact with live voltage

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