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Inside Out: Embedding Digital Learning Options into a School District

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1 Inside Out: Embedding Digital Learning Options into a School District
This is the Image Background Slide—no looping—perfect for WebEx. Presented by James O’Hagan Director of Digital & Virtual Learning Kelly Pochop Virtual Learning Coordinator Racine Unified School District

2 Meet Our Speakers James O’Hagan Kelly Pochop
James O’Hagan is the Director of Digital and Virtual Learning for the Racine Unified School District. He is a dynamic, resourceful education professional with a genuine interest in developing the next generation of productive citizens. James is actively involved in all areas of education including cutting edge instructional and learning space design, paradigm shifting, student career preparation, pedagogy evolution and community relations. He has a strong passion for technology to motivate and inspire students, creating a fun and challenging learning environment. Kelly Pochop Kelly Pochop is the Virtual Learning Coordinator for the Racine Unified School District since He previously launched Madison Virtual Campus for the Madison Metropolitan School District in 2006 and was also involved in the start-up of Digital Districts Online (DDO) of WiscNet in Kelly has served as a teacher, Smaller Learning Communities grant coordinator, online learning facilitator, and virtual learning coordinator/administrator from , specializing in the design and implementation of digital innovations for learners in schools and school districts.

3 This is About a Meaningful Learning Experience for Children
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4 Why Digital & Virtual? This is the Image Background Slide—no looping—perfect for WebEx.

5 Overview Vision Educating every student to succeed anytime and anywhere. Mission We provide opportunities for student success outside the traditional classroom in rigorous leading edge ways through personalized virtual coursework and mentorship. DO | INSIDE OUT

6 Overview Structure We provide a student-centered approach to learning, both blended and virtual, embedded into the traditional brick and mortar school. Services Credit-Recovery Computer-Based Instruction Virtual Online Learning DO | INSIDE OUT

7 What is Blended Learning?
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8 Types of Instruction Traditional Online Technology-rich Blended DO

9 Blended Includes Brick and mortar Face to face Online Component
Control of pace DO | INSIDE OUT


11 Is this Blended Learning (Example 1)
DO Is this Blended Learning (Example 1) | INSIDE OUT

12 Is this Blended Learning (Example 2)
DO Is this Blended Learning (Example 2) | INSIDE OUT

13 Is this Blended Learning (Example 3)
DO Is this Blended Learning (Example 3) | INSIDE OUT

14 Technology-rich vs. Blended Learning
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15 Technology-rich Classroom (Source)
DO Technology-rich Classroom (Source) | INSIDE OUT

16 What Blended Learning Model is the Best?
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17 What Blended Learning Model is Right for the Moment?
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18 What Blended Learning Model is Right for the Moment?
DO What Blended Learning Model is Right for the Moment? | INSIDE OUT

19 What Blended Learning Model is Right for the Moment?
DO What Blended Learning Model is Right for the Moment? | INSIDE OUT

20 Pockets of Disruption Credit Recovery US History at Horlick HS
Algebra Middle School Math Advanced High School Math Expulsions with Academic Services Alternative Education Students in Juvenile Detention Private School Education Home School Education Outside Public School District Education DO | INSIDE OUT

21 Racine Unified School District and Blended Learning?
DO Racine Unified School District and Blended Learning? | INSIDE OUT


23 What does the data suggest?
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 to date Senior Cohort # 1538 1,499 1,680 1,671 1,775 Senior Enrollments in OW 17 32 268 646 525 Senior Headcount in OW 23 192 332 363 Senior Graduation Percentage 69.9 72.8 78.1 ? Freshman Cohort # 1488 Frosh Enrollments in OW 499 Frosh Headcount in OW 297 DO | INSIDE OUT

24 Pockets of Readiness This is the Image Background Slide—no looping—perfect for WebEx.

25 Summer School Recovery
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26 Past Face to Face Multiple Sites Seat Time Based Teacher Centered DO

27 Recent Past Blended Learning Multiple Sites Competency Based
Teacher Centered DO | INSIDE OUT

28 Future Blended Learning Single Site Competency Based Student Centered

29 Structure This is the Image Background Slide—no looping—perfect for WebEx.

30 Challenges Challenge 1 Three math credits are required for graduation.
Freshman need to complete their school year with six credits. Challenge 3 Changes to the teacher handbook will impact available staffing. DO | INSIDE OUT

31 SMART Goals Goal 1 By the end of summer school, 65% of students taking a summer school credit recovery math class will earn 0.5 credits. Goal 2 By the end of summer school, 65% of freshman students taking a summer school credit recovery class will earn 0.5 credits. Goal 3 By the beginning of May, 90% of summer school staffing will be decided. DO | INSIDE OUT

32 Future Blended Learning Single Site Competency Based Student Centered

33 Professional Development
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34 Student Experience Team Taught
One teacher of record and two additional teachers - preferably one Special Ed and one ESL - using Odysseyware Low Teacher Student Ratio 15:1 Library The library has a prominent role with this experience DO | INSIDE OUT

35 Space Impacts Behavior
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36 DO J I Case High School | INSIDE OUT

37 Early library furniture renderings
DO Early library furniture renderings | INSIDE OUT

38 Questions & Comments Contact & Connect James: @jimohagan

39 THANK YOU! This is the Image Background Slide—no looping—perfect for WebEx.

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