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Administrative and Civil Service Reform: An Overview

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1 Administrative and Civil Service Reform: An Overview
Core Course on Governance and Anticorruption PRMPS & WBIGP Presented by: Gary Reid & Ranjana Mukherjee ACSR Thematic Group Public Sector Group Presented to: February 14, 2005 The World Bank

2 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee
The Governance Triad Politicians/ Policymakers Delegation of Implementation Internal Accountability Delegation and Voice Political Accountability Public Goods and Services Client Power/Social Accountability Citizens Bureaucrats February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

3 ACSR: Reforming the infrastructure of the public administration
Policy management Human resource management Administrative structure and functions February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

4 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee
Policy management Objectives Strategic prioritization: Policy decisions are consistent with the Government’s strategic priorities. Trade-offs are faced: Policy decisions take into account social, economic and fiscal trade-offs posed by competing policy objectives. Implementability: Policies stand a reasonable chance of being implemented as intended. Learning from experience: The social, economic and fiscal impacts of policy decisions are continuously monitored and assessed; and the results of those assessments are employed to improve subsequent policy decisions and their implementation. Strategic prioritization: Romania policy instability. Trade-offs are faced: Francophone Africa education example. Fewer, higher quality, more expensive teachers vs. more, lower quality, less costly teachers. Implementability:Albania CSR (narrow scope). Political resistance was not insurmountable. Dramatic salary increases were fiscally feasible. Learning from experience: Albania recruitment & selection “exceptions” requests tracking. Also, R&S process circumvention by Ministers. February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

5 Making policy together - ministers and bureaucrats
Bureaucrats & policies February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

6 Policy management (cont.)
How? Rules and procedures governing the policy formulation process. Organizational arrangements required for effective implementation of those rules and procedures; i.e., assignment of functional responsibilities and authority, as well as creation of organizational structures, staffing and capacities consistent with those functional responsibilities. Resource assignments to the organizational units required for effective policy formulation. Rules and procedures: ex? Organizational arrangements.ex? Resource assignments ex? Policies really made February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

7 Human resource management
Objectives Ensure depoliticized, meritocratic personnel management Attract and retain required human capital skills and talent. Ensure a fiscally sustainable wage bill. Motivate staff to achieve organizational objectives. Provide needed complementary inputs Meritocratic management: Albania CSR Attract & retain: Albania CS pay reform Fiscally sustainable: Albania narrow scope of CS Motivate staff: Not yet accomplished in Albania. But Ceara example. Complementary inputs: ? February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

8 HRM: Meritocratic personnel management
Recruitment and selection procedures Due process protections Personnel performance evaluation process Promotions processes Albania example: Transparent and competitive recruitment and selection procedures, including tiered screening. Albania ex. Due process protections on major personnel management actions. Albania ex. Personnel performance evaluation process that (a) encourages evaluators to make reliable, unbiased ratings, and (b) links performance criteria for individual staff to the policy and program objectives of the unit for which they work. Ceara ex.Nurses’ role in evaluating these local health care delivery staff. (Doctors’ didn’t do it.) Transparent and competitive promotions processes that include performance evaluations among their criteria.India ex. February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

9 HRM: Attract and retain staff
Provide attractive remuneration Competitive remuneration structure. Transparent, rule-based, human capital-linked remuneration. Decompressed salary structure. Provide non-financial advantages to public employees Opportunities for human capital accumulation Opportunities for career growth Recognition for a job well done Due process protections Tenure protections Provide attractive remuneration Remuneration structure ensures consistency across skill-sets in the competitiveness of public sector remuneration with relevant domestic private sector comparators. Bahrain, Albania Total individual remuneration is dominated by transparent, rule-based, human capital-linked elements of remuneration. Singapore Structure of salaries allows for significant salary growth over one’s career, for positions in which it is important for the public administration to nurture a cadre of career staff; I.e., the civil service. WB (20:1) Provide non-financial advantages to public employees Opportunities for human capital accumulation: Korean SES, Venezuela, Romania Opportunities for career growth: U.S. SES Recognition for a job well done: Guyana Due process protections: Albania, Public Service Commissions Tenure protections: Tradeoffs posed. Romania February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

10 HRM: Motivate staff to achieve organizational objectives
Focus organizational units on agreed objectives Focus staff on organizational objectives Nurture staff pride in their work Focus organizational units on agreed objectives: Central Banks, Securities and Exchange Commissions, Revenue authorities (Tax, Customs) Establish clear objectives Continuously gather feedback on progress in achieving objectives Continually assess what’s working, what’s not and why Reward units both for performance and for effort Focus staff on organizational objectives: Ceara Performance evaluation process built around organizational objectives Promotions linked to performance evaluations Salary increments based, in part, on performance evaluations (limited applicability) Performance bonuses (limited applicability) Nurture staff pride in their work: Ceara Informal encouragement and support from managers Develop a sense of mission for the unit Design work processes so that staff can see how their own effort contributes to achieving organizational objectives Facilitate regular client feedback February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

11 HRM: Provide required complementary inputs
Capital (facilities, equipment) Operations and maintenance (recurrent cost items) Capital (facilities, equipment): Operations and maintenance (recurrent cost items): February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

12 HRM: Ensure a fiscally sustainable wage bill
Adequate control over wage-bill-determining policies and parameters Adequate control over individual staffing and remuneration-setting decisions Slides on wage bill per GDP and public employment per capita Adequate control over wage-bill-determining policies and parameters: Staffing structure authorization procedures require clearances by central authorities responsible for maintaining sound fiscal policies (e.g., Ministry of Finance). Remuneration structures subject to clearance by central authorities responsible for maintaining sound fiscal policies. Employment monitoring system linked to payroll system Adequate control over individual staffing and remuneration-setting decisions Individual hiring decisions subject to clearance by central authorities responsible for maintaining sound fiscal policies (e.g., Ministry of Finance). Individual salary setting decisions subject to clearance by central authority responsible for integrity of salary setting system (e.g., Department of Public Administration or similar body). February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

13 Administrative structure and functions
Size of public employment Shape of public employment Building blocks of government Branches of government Ministries and Departments Arms-length agencies within the executive branch Watchdog agencies Administrative decentralization Size of public employment: See slide. Practice varies across regions. <3% is generally decent; >7% is worrisome. Shape of public employment: see picture. Bad practice: 80% in support and unskilled positions. Building blocks of government Branches of government (3) Ministries and Departments: Hierarchical; budget controlled by Ministry; HRM practices governed by CSL or similar legal framework governing the public administration. Arms-length agencies within the executive branch: Semi-contractual (rather than hierarchical) relationship between a Ministry and the agency, reflecting some sort of performance agreement; greater managerial autonomy; personnel management typically governed by Labor Code or some other legal framework distinct from the CS Law. Watchdog agencies: Oversight of various aspects of executive branch behavior (e.g., Ombudsman, SAI, Civil Service Commission); Typically report to Parliament. Management typically governed by special legislation specific-to the agency. Budget set by Parliament rather than by Government. Administrative decentralization: Structure of government February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

14 Government Employment, as % of population
Early 1990s Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 1806 February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

15 Central Government Wages & Salaries
Early 1990s Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 1806 February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

16 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee
February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

17 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee
Arms-length agencies within the executive branch: New Public Management debate Developing country model (revenue generation & cost recovery) different from U.K. model (better service delivery) Hard Agencies in Soft States Parent departments’ capacity Audit Public Service traditions February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

18 Functions that tend to be devolved early (intermediate decentralizers)
More Important Functions Less Important Functions Promotion Directing & supervising activities & tasks Conducting evaluations Controlling overall staff numbers Transfers within LGs Paying staff from its own budget Recognition as the formal employer These functions are arguably easier to do; while important, significant intervention may not be necessary for these to happen Source: Evans, 2004 February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

19 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee
Q & A February 14, 2005 Gary Reid and Ranjana Mukherjee

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