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Instructor: Çağrı Topal

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1 Instructor: Çağrı Topal
BA 2204 and BAS 324 Human Resource Management Work flows and job analysis Instructor: Çağrı Topal

2 Work: organizational perspective Work-flow and structure
Work-flow: the way that work is organized within organizational structure Organizational structure: formal and informal relationships among people and groups in an organization

3 Work: organizational perspective Strategy and organizational structure
Strategy shaping structure Strategy and structure shaping HR strategies and work flows

4 Work: organizational perspective Designing (structuring) organization
Bureaucratic organization Hierarchical, functional, specialized tasks, supervisor control, individual-based Flat organization Flat, output-oriented, generalized tasks, self- control, team-based Boundaryless organization Partnership, pooling capabilities and resources, mostly flat

5 Work: organizational perspective Work-flow analysis
Examining how work creates or adds value to business processes Business process reengineering: identifying core business processes and redesigning work flows accordingly

6 Work: group perspective Self-managed teams
Responsible for producing an entire product, a component, or an ongoing service Composed of cross-trained members Including the following HRM practices Peer evaluation Pay for team performance Hiring by team members Natural and contextual team leaders

7 Work: group perspective Other types of teams
Problem-solving teams Quality improvement or cost reduction, voluntary, intra-unit, tempoary Special-purpose teams Complex issues, professional, inter-unit, temporary Virtual teams Problem-solving team, interactive computer technology

8 Work: individual perspective Motivating employees
Two-factor theory Hygiene and motivator factors Work adjustment theory Fit between ability/need and job Goal-setting theory Clear, challenging, and self-created goals Job characteristics theory Fit between the needs of meaningfulness, responsibility, and feedback, and job

9 Job design Work simplification
Breaking work into simple/repetitive tasks Job enlargement Expanding a job’s duties Job rotation Rotating workers among different tasks Job enrichment Putting all the tasks of a product/service back together Team-based job designs

10 Job analysis Systematic process of collecting information about jobs and identifying the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a particular job Setting standards for HRM Including many techniques such as task inventory analysis and critical incident technique Static view

11 Job descriptions Portrait of a job
Specific and detailed in bureaucratic organizations General in flat or boundaryless organizations Composed of identification information, job summary, job duties and responsibilities, and job specifications and minimum qualifications

12 Flexible workforce Contingent workers
Core vs. contingent workers Temporary employees Part-time employees Employees through outsourcing or subcontracting Contract workers Interns

13 Flexible workforce Flexible work schedules
Altering the scheduling of work while leaving intact the job design and the employment relationship Flexible work hours Compressed workweeks Telecommuting

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