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Master of Science. Master of Science Why do a Master of Science degree You get the opportunity to choose a specialisation and get a deeper understanding.

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2 Master of Science

3 Why do a Master of Science degree
You get the opportunity to choose a specialisation and get a deeper understanding of the subject. Become an expert in a particular discipline Enhanced employability Develop skills that are essential for future career - International experience - Critical thinking - Independence and team work - Work under pressure/learn to prioritize Most trainee/entry-level positions require a Master’s degree

4 Why do a Master of Science at BI.
#1 Business School in Norway 1% of business school worldwide have achieved triple accreditation International mindset, international faculty, international students = strength through diversity Prepare for global workplace: learn the business in the global language of business Recognized and valued brand in Norway and Scandinavia – and Europe Highly ranked faculty and programmes International opportunities while studying in Oslo

5 Why choose BI ? Study quality: Students
Focused on the quality of studies Study quality: High level of study quality when the stakeholders expectations are met Business Schools Employers

6 From BI’s Bachelor to BI’s Master
Which Bachelor’s Programmes qualify to apply for which Master’s Programmes? Bachelor in… Master of Science Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management Master of Science in Leadership and Organisational Psychology All Bachelor’s Programmes Økonomi og ledelse/Siviløkonom Økonomi og administrasjon, Regnskap og revisjon, Økonomi og forretningsjus, Finans og BBA Master of Science in Professional Accountancy (in Norwegian) Økonomi og ledelse/Siviløkonom, Økonomi og administrasjon, Finans og BBA Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Business

7 Master of Science programmes at BI
Master of Science in Business (Siviløkonom) Master of Science in Business (without Sivøk title) Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management Master of Science in Leadership and Organisatinal Psychology Master in Regnskap og Revisjon

8 MSc Business One program – Seven majors
About 400 students enroll to this programme each year – largest MSc programme at BI The content of the 2 year programme: Major – 7 courses Core courses for all students Several options – besides the major Master Thesis Finance Tax, law and accounting Marketing Economics Leadership and change Logistics Strategy Microeconomics Mathematics Statistics Ethics Methodology Exchange Internship Free exchange outside major International internships Courses with study tours Summer school 30 ECTS

9 Master of Science in Business (Siviløkonom)
Students in the MSc Business will acquire solid knowledge within core areas of business administration, in addition to specialized knowledge within their chosen major in either finance, economics, marketing, HRM, logistics, strategy, accounting auditing and tax.

10 MSc Business – international opportunities
QTEM - Eligible for students majoring in Finance or Economics - A networks master that consists of 19 prestigious business schools across the globe - Emphasis on developing quantitative and analytical skills - Degree requirement: The student are exposed to at least three different countries plus complete an internship

11 Why QTEM? – added value Added international aspects – exposure to three different countries – with the possibility to tailor-make 2 semester 2 degrees (one from BI and one from QTEM) Highly recognized by employers because they have been involved in developing the candidate profile. Unique international student network QTEM give you the possibility to go on exchange with students with the same purpose and goal as you with Different learning environment (different universities) – unique learning experience (different context). The network is growing steadily and the QTEM degree will be ranked in FT – (just as the MSc in Business program at BI)

12 MSc Business Double degree
- Two degrees from two universities in two years - The student spends the 1st year at BI and the 2nd year at another school - For MSc in Business: EDHEC –Frankrike Catolica – Portugal Queens - Canada

13 Specialized Masters - structure
Ten Five One Specialization courses Core courses Depends on the program Internship Exchange semester (specialization courses) Master Thesis 30 ECTS Double degree agreements Half of our 4 specialized masters programs have double degree agreements with international schools (see information for each program)

14 Master of Science in Finance
Specialist in Finance Curriculum modelled to prepare you for Certified Financial Analyst Focus on corporate governance, analysis and trade Bloomberg Room used in classes and case work Faculty top 5 in Europe Analytical and model-based Possibility for exchange, internship, and double degree (Catolica in Portugal)

15 MSc in Leadership and Organisational Psychology
Combine business and psychology Focus on the human aspect in a business / public sector Motivation, cooperation, recruitment , analysis, diversity, gender Possibility for exchange and internship

16 MSc in Strategic Marketing Management
Marketing with a leadership perspective plus focus on data Analytical and quantitative Top in Europe in research within marketing Possibility for exchange, internship and double degree Double degree – Second year, 2 options - Luiss (Rome)- Italy - Groningen - Netherlands

17 Master i Regnskap og Revisjon
Basis for auditor (statsautorisert revisor) Speciality in accountancy, auditing, taxation, ethics, law – wide variety of choices Possibility for exchange

18 What does a master require of you?
Master’s Mindset Focus, commitment, and willingness to put in the effort Openness and ambition High academic level and hard work Preparation and participation in the classroom Process evaluation throughout the semester All the master programmes are taught in English Except Master in regnskap og revisjon

19 Admission requirements and procedures
Completed bachelor degree by August 15 (minimum 180 ECTS) Minimum 3,50 (B) GPA Specific admission requirements for the individual programmes (no Ds in certain subjects) Motivational letter in English (except regnskap og revisjon) CV Application portal opens in mid November Everything is uploaded in the system (including scholarship letter) BI students do not have to upload BI transcripts, but we do require exchange semesters Priority deadline: March 1st Rolling admission and conditional offers

20 Admission Decisions 1) Full offer: if you have successfully completed your bachelor’s degree and satisfy the admission requirements, you may receive an offer of admission 2) Conditional offer: if you are in your final year, and we believe you will satisfy the admission requirements upon graduation, you may receive a conditional offer of admission. In this case, you will need to submit documentation as soon as you have fulfilled the conditions before you will receive a full offer of admission. 3) Deferral: if you are in your final year or are retaking courses, and your GPA is close to the requirements, you may be asked to send us your grades from your Spring semester before a decision can be made. 4) Denial of admission: if you do not meet the admission requirements, you will receive notification that you will not be admitted to the programme. Please note: meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee admission. An overall assessment of an application or a lack of available study places may result in a denial of admission.

21 Presidential Scholarship
Scholarship for top candidates, with a GPA (grade average) of minimum A (4,5) At least one scholarship for each of the BI campuses The scholarship covers the tuition fees for the two years (conditions for the second year: keep at least a B average and have normal progression of minimum 60 ECTS); international students also qualify for a living stipend 10 for Norwegians; 20 for International Students Deadline: March 1

22 MSc International Scholarship
Scholarship for candidates with strong aademic records, with a GPA (grade average) Financial situation also considered The scholarship covers the tuition fees for the two years (conditions for the second year: keep at least a B average and have normal progression of minimum 60 ECTS); small, one-time living stipend in 1st semester 20 for International Students Deadline: March 1

23 Contact us e-mail:
C3 Service Centre 13:00-15:00 (daily) Telefon:

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