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Information for East Midlands GP Speciality Trainees

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1 Information for East Midlands GP Speciality Trainees
Lead Employer

2 Welcome to the Lead Employer
We would like to take this opportunity to provide clarification around a number of Lead Employer processes which will address the most frequently asked questioned received over the last couple of weeks. We do appreciate that as part of the implementation and transitional phase of our contract you may continue to have queries and we will be on hand to assist you with these as they arise.

3 Aims of this Presentation
This presentation aims to provide you with a general overview of Lead Employer Policies & Procedures including: Annual Leave Entitlement 2016 T&Cs How to contact us Disciplinary Matters Study Leave Less than Full Time Payroll Processes Out of Programme Updating Personal Details Recognition from Employment Inter Deanery Transfers Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Shared Parental Leave Grievance & Safeguarding SUI & Never Events

4 How to contact us Should you wish to contact us please do not hesitate to get in touch via the below This can be used for general East Midlands administration and policy enquiries

5 Annual Leave 2002 Terms and Conditions
Annual Leave Entitlement of Trainees is as follows: For further clarification on Salary Scales please refer to Annex A: Need%20to%20know/Pay%20and%20Conditions%20Circular%20M D% % pdf

6 2016 Terms & Conditions On first appointment to the NHS: 27 days After five years completed NHS Service: 32 days Authorisation of annual leave should be via the local process in the GP Practice. Practice Managers should record annual leave on ESR. For those Practices who do not yet have access to ESR, please make sure you have provided your 16 digit Smart Card Number to our ESR Team who will help set this up for you up. This can be ed along with any queries to

7 Study Leave All applications and claims for Study Leave must be submitted to Health Education East Midlands by the trainee. The trainee can visit their website for further information regarding the process: Following approval by Health Education East Midlands and receipt from Trainees of the relevant receipts/claim forms, the claim will then be passed to the Lead Employer Payroll department for payment in Trainees monthly salary. Any queries regarding Study Leave should be directed to HEE in the first instance Please note that the cut -off date for payment of claims is the 8th of each month and any received after this date will be processed through the following month’s payroll.

8 Payroll Process Please refer to the Payroll Communication attached, which was circulated earlier this month for processes relating to: Business mileage Removal expenses and excess mileage Extra duties Mess Fees Expense deadlines Payroll contacts.

9 Less than Full Time All queries should to be directed to Health Education East Midlands Please refer to the HEE EM website for more information .php?id=799

10 Out of Programme All queries should be directed to Health Education East Midlands Please refer to the HEE EM website for more information .php?id=963

11 Inter-Deanery Transfers
All queries should be directed to Health Education East Midlands Please refer to the HEE EM website: .php?id=992

12 Resignation from Employment
In line with the trainee’s appointment, trainees are entitled to receive notice of termination of employment and are required to give the Trust the same notice of 3 months in line with their contract of employment. All resignation letters should be ed to:

13 Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Shared Parental Leave
St Helens and Knowsley as the Lead Employer will process all maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave applications and will notify GP Practices of these. Policies can be found via HR Direct: Any queries should be sent to or Telephone:

14 Updating Personal Details
Trainees and GP Practices can update personal details via ESR Self Service Please follow this link below to access ESR

15 Attendance Management
All durations of sickness absence should be recorded onto ESR. This will enable the Lead Employer to monitor levels of absence and ensure appropriate review meetings can be arranged for any trainee who has triggered the attendance management absence levels. To assist with the monitoring of absence it is also important that a return to work interview is recorded for the trainee for all periods of absence along with the completion of a self- certificate of absence by the trainee. Any duration of absence beyond 7 days must also be covered by a fit note and a trainee should ensure a fit note is submitted to you in line with the above timeframes. On receipt of the fit note this should be recorded on ESR and a copy of the note should be scanned to the Lead Employer at Please refer to HR Direct for copies of our attendance management tool kit and supporting forms. HR Direct – Username: leademployer Password: leademployer

16 Attendance Management Continued
In circumstances where the trainee advises they are off with stress or MSK related illnesses this should be immediately notified to the Lead Employer HR Case Management team at On notification of the absence the Lead Employer will submit a referral to HWWB as required. NB: there is no requirement for you as a Host organisation to refer a trainee to your own HWWB provider. Should you have any queries in this respect please do not hesitate to contact the Lead Employer. All referrals to HWWB will be undertaken by the Lead Employer (please refer to attached flow chart).

17 Disciplinary Matters In circumstances where matters arise which may need to be investigated in line with the Maintaining High Professional Standards Framework (MHPS) such concerns will be managed by the Lead Employer in conjunction with the Host Organisation and HEE EM as the Educational Provider. Should you wish to discuss any concerns relating to a GP speciality trainee please do not hesitate to contact the Lead Employer Case Management team in the first instance at Further details of our Disciplinary process incorporating MHPS can be found on HR Direct.

18 Disciplinary Matters Continued
We understand that serious concerns may also arise which require immediate intervention including a period of exclusion from the workplace. In these circumstances a review of the facts available and risk assessment would be undertaken by senior stakeholders including the Lead Employer Medical Director, Head of School/Post Graduate Dean, Area Director, Educational Supervisors. Where an immediate exclusion is required outside of normal office hours this will be managed in line with your local operating procedures ensuring an update is submitted to the Lead Employer to enable advice to be sought as required e.g. from external agencies, Safeguarding teams, NCAS etc.

19 Grievance & Safeguarding
Grievance Should a trainee feel the need to raise concerns where possible the aim will always be to resolve these informally in line with the Lead Employer Grievance and Dignity at Work Policies (please refer to HR Direct). All levels of concerns should be notified to the Lead Employer HR Case Management team at Safeguarding Where safeguarding concerns are raised involving a GP trainee these should be immediately notified to the Lead Employer. In these circumstances the Lead Employer Safeguarding team would liaise directly with external parties to ensure the relevant stakeholders are involved i.e. LADO, Police, and Social Services etc.

20 SUIs/Never Events During a period of training a doctor in training may be involved in an SUI or Never Event which the Host organisation will be required to undertake their own internal investigation/RCA. In these circumstances there is also a requirement for the Host to formally notify the senior educational stakeholders including Area Director, Head of School and Post Graduate Dean. In these circumstances, there is also a requirement for the Lead Employer Medical Director to be aware in order that relevant risk assessments can be undertaken in conjunction with HEE EM to provide appropriate assurances that patient safety is not impacted. In these situations it may also be necessary for interim restrictions to practice to be implemented with approval from the key stakeholders as outlined above. Should a GP speciality trainee be involved in an incident while placed with you please ensure this is notified to the Lead Employer also. A separate communication will shortly be issued directly by the Lead Employer Medical Director outlining the governance framework for reporting of these incidents and his direct link with the Post Graduate Dean as the trainees Responsible Officer.

21 Summary As outlined above our HR information portal providing all of our policies and processes can be found at which will provide the answers to most of your queries. We do however acknowledge that during any period of change and implementation of new processes this can sometimes raise the number of general queries made however we do encourage you to raise any such queries however small you may feel these are as this enables us to continue to review our communications processes ensuring our systems and policies as a Lead Employer remain fit for purpose.

22 Last Words I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of the Lead Employer to thank you for all your assistance over the last few months leading up to our contract implementation with HEE EM from 1st July 2017 and look forward to working with you.

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