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Presentation on theme: "A GROWING SENSE OF UNITY"— Presentation transcript:

After the War of 1812, Americans begin to feel more loyalty toward the Federal Government and the United States as a whole. Some newspapers began to call this time after another successful war against Great Britain, “The Era of Good Feelings”. In addition, the Federalist Party had disintegrated after the Hartford Convention. So even political fighting began to cool down. The Country finally began to gain an unified identity. 8.05D Explain the causes of and issues surrounding important events of the War of 1812.***TAKS James Monroe is elected President in 1820, unopposed.

2 A plan to strengthen the U. S. Economy.
The American System A plan to strengthen the U. S. Economy. Variety of protective tariffs Create the Second National Bank Improve and build road and canal systems

3 AMERICAN SYSTEM In 1815, two former “warhawks”, John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay, proposed the American System that created a variety of protective tariffs which encouraged Americans to buy only American made goods. The plan proposed that with the increase in money from the tariffs, the country would be able to build up transportation and a strong national bank. This would allow the United States to become more dependent on its own citizens rather than world trade, which failed them during the War of 1812 blockade. John C. Calhoun 8.05B Summarize arguments regarding protective tariffs, taxation ***TAKS 8.07A Analyze the impact of tariff policies on sections of the United States before the Civil War ***TAKS 8.14A Analyze the War of 1812 as a cause of economic changes in the nation Henry Clay

4 “Let us bind the republic together with a perfect system of roads and canals”
When John C. Calhoun spoke these words in 1817, Congress had already supported the building of a national road, but many desired a road on much larger scale. By 1841, it extended hundreds of miles across several states. In 1825, the Erie Canal was completed. The success of the Erie Canal and the money it generated was not lost on the new country. Some cities grew into trading giants as a result of canals. New York City became the nations largest city as it nearly doubled in size by The years from have been called the “Age of Canals” as many new canals were constructed in the Northern U.S. 8.28B Analyze the impact of transportation systems on the growth, development, and urbanization of the United States ***TAKS

5 In 1825, the Erie Canal opened the Great Lakes region to trade and settlement as it formed a water way to the Hudson River and Atlantic Ocean. The success of the Erie Canal led other canals in the Northern United States. Press this Button for History of the Erie Canal (Click on “Launch Erie Canal Tour”) 8.28B Analyze the impact of transportation systems on the growth, development, and urbanization of the United States ***TAKS



8 Latin America Gains Independence
Miguel Hidalgo Latin American Countries such as Mexico, Venezuela, & Argentina revolted against Spain & won their Independence The United States & Britain were happy that Latin America would now be open for trade. Simon Bolivar Jose de San Martin

The American Revolution had begun a chain reaction of revolutions around the world. By 1824, all of Spanish South America was independent. The Seminole Indians were attacking American Settlements near Georgia. So, in 1817, President Monroe sent Andrew Jackson to deal with the Indians in Florida. While he was there, Jackson also captured all of Florida from Spain and held it. Jackson was ordered to withdraw, but the U.S. demanded that Spain “police” Florida or give it up. Spain finally agreed to the Adams-Onis Treaty. The treaty required that Spain give up all of Florida and its claim on the Oregon Country. The U.S., in turn, agreed to give up its claim on Texas and a $5 million debt owed by Spain. 8.06E Identify areas that were acquired to form the United States. ***TAKS

In 1823, President James Monroe issued the “Monroe Doctrine”. This Monroe Doctrine banned all future European colonization and influence of the Americas. The Monroe Doctrine would have been impossible for the small United States navy to enforce, but Great Britain also wanted to keep the Americas free from European control because of the trade benefits. The U.S. was able to take a “tough stand” because of Great Britain’s support.                                             8.05E Explain the impact of Washington's Farewell Address and the Monroe Doctrine. ***TAKS 8.23B Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the United States such as Frederick Douglass, James Monroe, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. ***TAKS James Monroe

11 Monroe Doctrine (1823) a. Proclaimed that European powers should no longer colonize or interfere with the affairs of the nations of the Americas. b. Established the U.S. as a strong nation. c. Many Europeans saw the Monroe Doctrine as arrogant claiming the U.S had no right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America.


13 Monroe Doctrine Political Cartoon


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