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EDUNAV Degree Planner.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUNAV Degree Planner."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUNAV Degree Planner

2 Background Edunav automatically creates ed plans from an audit of their degree requirements Utilizes student transcript details and plan with counselor Student has 24/7 access EduNav. More user-friendly than Degree Works

3 EduNav Features Automatically updates both the weekly schedule and the overall plan to completion as conditions change (e.g. seat availability, course failure or withdrawal, degree requirements, student availability). Allows students to explore class options, and organize student's registration for each quarter

4 EduNav Features cont. Looks at career possibilities and the current local labor market, enabling students to see various careers in relation to their majors Lists salaries of various careers Connects to to make transfer easier

5 Counselors Counselors will take less time having to build ed plans during student appointments Counselors will have more time to do more career, transfer and personal counseling to help students work through roadblocks that may be impeding their college success

6 EduNav Plan/Time Line Fall 2015-present: Test phase that has included 5 counselors and student pilot group of 30 students. Oct. 2016: EduNav info and discussion to 3SP Advisory Group, and Technology Committee Nov 7, 2016: EduNav contract sent BOT for approval. Nov/Dec 2016: Marketing campaign to students (on student portal page, closed caption instructional video, workshops, etc.). Jan/Feb 2017: Demos to various campus constituents (Academic Senate, Deans meeting, Admin Council, faculty) March 2017: Go “live” single sign-on for students in My Portal. Tech help will be available to students should they have questions regarding EduNav. March 2017: Utilize Degree Works as a counselor tool and have EduNav as a student tool 2017/2018: Possible phase out of Degree Works.

7 EduNav Cost $$$ SmartPlan & Registration Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Annual Subscription Pioneer Partner Annual Price (66% discount $169,500 $199,500 $199,500 *Special Additional Foothill College Discount. ($89,505) ($99,505) ($99,505) Optimize List Price = $49, $48,995 $48,995 $48,995 *Special Additional Foothill College Discount. ($48,995) ($48,995) ($48,995) Degree Audit List Price = $99, $99,995 $99,995 $99,995 *Special Additional Foothill College Discount. ($99,995) ($99,995) ($99,995) Initial Implementation Professional Services List = $194,990 No Charge TOTAL $79,995 $99,995 $99,995

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