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A V I D College Readiness System A Bright Future for California Pupils

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1 A V I D College Readiness System A Bright Future for California Pupils
New California Funding Opportunity College Readiness System

2 College Readiness Block Grant
Provide high school pupils “additional supports to increase the number of students who enroll at institutions of higher education and complete an undergraduate degree within four years.” $75,000 per high school (min.) for a period of up to 3 years District preliminary allocations Further information

3 Increase the number of students that enroll in and complete college
A Natural Fit California’s College Readiness Block Grant To close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society Increase the number of students that enroll in and complete college

4 Plan due for how impact will be measured
Timeline Plan due for how impact will be measured Through 2016 2017 Funds available for expenditure/ encumbrance OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG AVID Summer Institutes 1st Appropriation50% 2nd Appropriation50%

5 Building Your Plan for CRBG Funds
Using AVID’s program and established data collection system to meet outcomes: Increase the number of CA pupils…. participating in classes of rigor—AP®, IB®, and/or AICE graduating college-ready—completing A-G requirements applying and accepted to four-year colleges enrolling and persisting in college

6 College Enrollment & Persistence
AVID’s Proven Impact On CA Pupils 4 Key Measures of Success Rigor College Readiness College Applications College Enrollment & Persistence AVID CA Seniors: 79% took at least one course of rigor AVID CA Seniors: 93% completed 4-year college entrance requirements AVID CA Seniors: 80% accepted to a four-year college/university (89% applied) AVID CA Seniors: 77% enrolled in either 2 or 4 year-college 89% persisted by enrolling in the second year #4: Full Text/Explanation 77% enrolled in either a two- or four-year college the first fall term after high school (compared to 68% of seniors in the U.S. Overall). Of the 13,064 AVID CA seniors who enrolled in college the first academic year after high school, 89% persisted by enrolling in the second year. Sources: AVID. (2016). AVID senior data collection: AVID seniors in CA N = 18,553 [Electronic Database]. AVID. (2014). AVID senior data collection: AVID seniors in CA N = 16,285 [Electronic Database]. National Bureau of Economic Research (2014). Current Population Survey Supplement Files [Data File, Oct. 2014]. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau (2014). Current Population Survey Data on School Enrollment. CPS October 2014 – Detailed Tables [Data File, Table 7]. Retrieved from

7 AVID Opens Opportunities
For All students, but especially underrepresented students 81% Parents Did Not Graduate from a College/University 78% Free/Reduced Lunch 33% English Language Learners AVID CA Seniors 73% Hispanic or Latino AVID. (2016). AVID senior data collection: AVID seniors in CA N = 18,553 [Electronic Database]. 9% White 7% Asian 6% Other 5% Black or African American

8 AVID Closes the Achievement Gap
2015 CA Graduates Completing Four-Year College Entrance Requirements* AVID. (2015). AVID senior data collection: Study of 17,771 AVID seniors [Electronic Database]. California Department of Education Data Reporting Office. (2015). 12th grade graduates completing all courses required for U.C. and/or C.S.U. entrance: All students: State of California  [Table]. Retrieved from State data represents the most current comprehensive data available. *Four-year college entrance requirements is defined as those students who completed all courses required for U.C. and/or C.S.U. entrance. **Interpret with caution due to the low number of AVID American Indian or Alaska Native graduates in California. ***Other includes two or more races and declined to state. *Four-year college entrance requirements is defined as those students who completed all courses required for U.C. and/or C.S.U. entrance

9 Leverage this Funding Opportunity For Maximum Impact
Start AVID (share your success with another district) Expand AVID Schoolwide Core Content Classes AVID Elective Classes

10 Expanding AVID Increase the number of AVID high schools.
Add more AVID Elective classes. Provide Leadership for College Readiness training for high school administrators. Train more educators in AVID instructional methodologies for schoolwide impact (Summer Institute and Path trainings).

11 Recommended Path Trainings
Elective Focus Essential Academic Skills for College Readiness Counseling: High School

12 Recommended Path Trainings
Elective Focus Leadership Focus Leadership Focus Essential Academic Skills for College Readiness Counseling: High School Leadership for Advancing Leadership for AVID Schoolwide

13 Recommended Path Trainings
Elective Focus Leadership Focus Leadership Focus Schoolwide Focus Essential Academic Skills for College Readiness Counseling: High School Leadership for Advancing Leadership for AVID Schoolwide Critical Reading AVID Academic Language and Literacy: A Schoolwide Approach Student Success ELA: Exploring Texts with Strategic Reading Mathematics 1 Science 1 History/Social Science Through Inquiry Leadership | Systems | Instruction | Culture

14 Support Moving Forward
Utilizing CRBG and Other Funds for AVID Growth Planning, Implementation & Support Grants & Funding Resources Your AVID Program Manager or AVID California Division AVID Development Department Funding requirements and alignment resources (e.g. LCAP)

15 A V I D College Readiness System A Bright Future for California Pupils
New California Funding Opportunity College Readiness System

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