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ch. 26: THE united states IN Today’s world

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1 ch. 26: THE united states IN Today’s world
Terrorism in the 80’s to the war on terror in 2017

2 the roots of terrorism April 1983: suicide bombers destroy US embassy in Lebanon (63 killed) October 1983: bombing of U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon kills 241 U.S. personnel. Dec. 1983: coordinated attacks on foreign targets in Kuwait, including U.S. embassy “Kuwait 17” arrested & convicted for participating in the attacks

3 Clinton wins the presidency
1992: Bill Clinton (D) defeats George Bush (R) Clinton promises to embrace liberal & conservative programs balances budget, creates surplus of $ 1996: Clinton wins re- election 1998: impeached for perjury, acquitted by Senate finishes out rest of term Clinton wins the presidency

4 Terrorism in the 1990’s 1993: Terrorists explode bombs in the parking garage of the World Trade Center in NY. 6 Americans killed. FBI arrests Al-Qaeda operatives 1995: 168 killed in bombing of Oklahoma City Federal Building (Timothy McVeigh) 1997: coordinated bombing of U.S. Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania (12 Americans killed) Pres. Clinton sends counter terrorism experts & US Marines to bolster security. Oct. 2000: USS Cole bombed in Yemen; 17 US sailors killed (linked to Al- Qaeda)

5 The 2000 Election Pres. Bush commits to $1.6 billion worth of tax cuts
George W. Bush (R) defeats Al Gore (D) [Clinton’s VP] More Americans voted for Gore, but Pres. Bush wins the Electoral College Pres. Bush commits to $1.6 billion worth of tax cuts

6 8:45- 9:03- Two hijacked commercial jets (bound for LA) crash into both towers of the World Trade Center WTC: the symbolic center of American finance 9:40- FAA shuts down all air traffic in the US 9:43- a third hijacked plane crashes into the Pentagon in Wash. DC Pentagon: headquarters of the Defense Dept. 10: minutes after the first plane hit, both towers collapsed September 11, 2001

7 September 11, 2001 2,977 people killed in 9/11 attacks
10:10- A fourth hijacked plane (allegedly headed for the US Capitol) crashes in a field in Pennsylvania passengers supposedly overtook the hijackers & crashed the plane on purpose. 2,977 people killed in 9/11 attacks 9/11 (2 hr) 9/11 timeline (5 min) 9/11 (6 min)

8 The US Declares war on terror
After 9/11- Pres. Bush: “the US would wage war on global terrorism” “Either you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists” Seven nation were on the US gov.t list of state sponsors of terrorism Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, N. Korea, Sudan top leaders in the al-Qaeda network were responsible for 9/11 Oct. 2001: Congress passes the Patriot Act surveillance of citizens Senate votes 99-1 in favor

9 the war in Afghanistan Taliban- Islamic regime (gov.t) that controlled most of Afghan. home base of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network since ‘96 Afghan. refused to turn bin Laden over to US Oct. 2001: US began bombing Taliban defenses & al Qaeda base camps goals: find bin Laden, destroy al Qaeda, end Taliban rule since ’01, over 2,300 US soldiers killed in Afghan. May 2011: US Special Forces kill bin Laden in safe house in Pakistan Jan. 2017: 8,400 soldiers still deployed in Afghan.

10 Obama becomes #44 2008: Barack Obama(D) defeats John McCain(R)
wars in Iraq & Afghan. + “the Great Recession” lead to a large Democratic victory uses a campaign of hope & optimism for the future 2012: Pres. Obama wins re- election, but Democrats lose control of Congress partisan politics: Dems. and Repubs. refuse to work together

11 The war on terror today ISIS: Islamic- state of Iraq & Greater Syria
more than a network of terrorist cells or even a militia: it’s almost a nation armies are supplied from captured arsenals and paid with money from looted banks Thousands of violent jihadists worldwide have pledged allegiance to ISIS’s black flag Mosul, Iraq- largest city under ISIS control there are currently 4,000 US military advisors in Iraq to help combat ISIS

12 isis- controlled territory

13 The 2016 Election Donald J. Trump(R) defeats Hillary Clinton (D)
More Americans voted for Clinton, but Pres. Trump wins the Electoral College Senate & FBI investigation into Russian tampering of elections

14 Tuesday May 17, 2016 CH. 22-26 Summaries [Wed. 5/18]
22.5- End of V. War CH ’s Politics CH. 25- Reagan/ Bush CH. 26- US in Today’s World Final Exam S.G. [Fri. 5/20] work on Final Project [Mon. 5/23]

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