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TAX PROCESS Process Change Description Type of Change Process

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1 TAX PROCESS Process Change Description Type of Change Process
The Tax module will allow automatic calculation of all taxes as per tax codes and the tax related information will be available on the centralised server on a real time basis. Currently, only information of TDS deducted under salary transaction is available and that too at multiple places on paper Process Change Description Type of Change Withholding tax Tax is withheld (or deducted) by DoP form transactions made on account of Salary, commission to agent, fee for professional charges/technical services, contractor, rent and so on. The Accountant in PAO will select the relevant tax code while invoice posting. Tax will get calculated and posted in relevant account. The tax processing user will enter TDS remittance details in SAP and bank challan details. Calculation of TDS return and generation of TDS certificates wi11 be automatic. Note: TDS returns filing it yet to be established Automation of calculation of TDS returns and generation of TDS certificates. Process Change Description Type of Change Service Tax Service Tax is charged on taxable articles. Inputs (for purchase) and output (for sale) service tax code would be made for the tax rate specified by DoP as per current law. Service tax posting would directly reflect in a general ledger account in the SAP system, as the pricing calculation of the article at POS will take service tax into account. Automation

2 Key inferences: Tax accountants at HO and PAO will be impacted by changes in tax process. Service tax and withholding tax process will change mainly due to automation and system used related work practices. The structural impact will be higher for withholding tax process as the tax accountants will be required to select the relevant tax code and type while invoice posting and enter TDS remittance and bank challan details in the system. For service tax process, pricing calculation of the article at POS will take service tax into account and no manual entries will be required. CONTROLLING-INTERAL AUDIT: Internal Audit module is yet to rolled out. PROFITABLITY ANALYSIS; Profitability analysis is yet to established

Most of the current Human Capital Management processes in the DoP such as Recruitment, Personal Information management, Leave Management and Performance management are executed manually and information is stored is physical documents. Other processes such as Training Administration have some usage of data stored in local computers. But the processes are not standardized across the department. Implementation of ERP based Human Resources (HR) Management package brought in new capabilities such as workflow based approvals for employee HR transactions, automatic service book updates, automatic notifications, Employee/Manager Self-Service Portal and so on. These capabilities help DoP in reducing manual work and effectively manage its human resources. Key changes that are introduced in the new System are as follows: Key Capabilities Introduced Type of Change Introduction of personal authorization based employee portal for employee self-service and manager self service actions. Raise HR request online (such as leaves, claims, loan requests, TA, LTC and so on) Upload scanned proof of documentation where required. Submission of paper based request forms or documents unless policy or regulatory requirement is avoided. Employee Self Service

4 Key Capabilities Introduced
Type of Change Online centralized database with employee personal information and service book details. No paper based or manual documentation of service book, Pay-slips, Form 16, Loan claims and so on. Note: Form 16, Loans, claims are yet to be established. Automation of Workflow Online tracking of HR related requests such as claims, leaves transfers and so on. Note : Yet to be established Systematic reminders to the approvers for any pending actions Note: yet to be established Integration with other modules of SAP Automatic calculation of payroll based on HR related data Online classification HR related expenses to appropriate account heads Consistent HR entities across organization Standardized process and reporting of HR data Unique identity of each postal office and employee distinct IDs. Training Administration system Automated training management–notifications, online registrations and so on. Online training modules.

5 Modules in scope for HR module implementation are shown below:
The following sections show our analysis of impact due to implementation of SAP based HR solution on the existing roles and identify any new roles that would be introduced. SAP HRMS Personal Information System (PIS) Recruitment Organization Management Self-Service Establishment Performance Training Administration Leave

6 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
ORGANISATION MANAGEMENT: To enable, day to day transactions in HR system, initial configuration/setup done by the vendor. Organization management modules are implemented to define reporting structures and entities with DoP. OM Administrator is able to create or update such Organizational Management objects in the new SAP system. However, currently some OM objects are being handled by the implementation team, in the coming day, the DoP need to handle the complete Organization management. Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Manage: Org units Job Family Job Position etc. OM Administrator receives details of an entity and creates or updates the entity in SAP system. New Business Process Creation and updation of entities/posts information available on portal

7 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
RECRUITMENT: Implementation of Recruitment management module of SAP introduces a recruitment portal for internal DoP employees and external candidates selected through recruitment process. This aims to enable the department to performs recruitment related activities more effectively. One of the major changes other than automation of processes in recruitment is the introduction of recruitment portal. Access to recruitment portal will be provided to appointing authorities and recruitment agencies. The merit list of candidates will be shared in the portal instead of sending physical copies. Note : Recruitment process through portal is yet to be established. Several recruitment processes are automated as explained below. Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Vacancy Management Calculation of vacancies are automated in SAP. Approval happens through workflow in employee portal Automation Reduction in manual activity during vacancy calculation Post Management Entry for any new post identified along with relevant attributes would be done by OM Administrator. Notification would be sent to the Recruiting Officer for review and approval. Workflow automation

8 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Direct or Departmental Recruitment Recruitment Portal would be used to manage the recruitment activities till candidates from Direct and Departmental examinations are selected in merit list. Access will be provided to recruiting agencies and candidates. Automation of sharing the merit list with the DoP Post Selection Activities Merit list Recruiting office would be uploaded in Employee portal and sent for approval. After approval the offer letters would be ed to the selected candidates who can accept or reject in the portal and upload documents for verification. Training and/or posting orders are issued. Charge report will be submitted by the employee in portal at the time of reporting. Automation Integration with PIS and OM modules Key inferences: Key impact areas in recruitment are Direct or Departmental Recruitment and Post Selection Activities due to automation of recruitment process and introduction of recruitment portal for internal employee and selected candidates. All existing employees, selected candidates, employees in Recruitment section of COs and DOs are impacted and hence larger bubble size for the aforementioned two processes.

9 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM: Personal Information System module of SAP helps in creating and managing employees related data. Currently most of the employee related information is available in Service Book, which is available at the respective DDO or PAO. In the new system, a service book is maintained electronically and is updated automatically on occurrence of pre-defined events (like leave, transfer etc.) Most of the manual processes in managing personal information are automated by introduction of virtual service book and automation of workflow. Following new roles are envisaged. HR Administrator performs all back-end operations related to personnel information system. These operations include – creation and maintenance of employee records, generation and issue of confirmation/transfer/promotion orders to employee etc. and processing of any employee requests. Payroll Administrator is responsible for running monthly payrolls and update any payroll information of employees in case of any revisions. Time Administrator should be able to manage work schedules and leaves of employees as per authorization. Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Employee Joining Process Candidate will be notified about selection. When candidate reports in the office his employee number will be generated by HR Administrator Joining HR Administrator will also update details of employee into online service book and gradation list created in ESS. Documents will be scanned and uploaded in DMS, card is given to employee along with login details. Automation Electronic service book is maintained for DoP employees instead of physical copy

10 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Confirmation/Extension of Probation HR Administrator will generate list of employees due for confirmation from the system and supervisor will check if the criteria are met. If criteria are met, the employee is confirmed else the probation period is extended as per rules. The updates to salary, seniority, leave is done automatically after confirmation is done. Finally confirmation orders are issued by the HR Admin. Automation through portal Integration with OM, Service Book and Performance Management Transfer Process List of employees eligible for tenure transfers will be drawn from SAP and employees will be alerted to give their 3 choices or apply extension on portal. System will match available options with preferences and generate transfer orders which will be approved by competent authority and employee gets the order and fills charge report after joining the new location. Transfer orders are generated in the system and employee records are modified by HR administrator. Automation through SAP and Employee portal Integration with Finance/Payroll for paying transfer benefits, OM module Paper work will be reduced as options are collected and orders are generated in the system.

11 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Promotion Process (Seniority based promotion, Departmental exam, MACP) Vacancy calculation for promotion will be done and list of eligible employees generated as per specific cadre. The evaluation process will remain same as the current process. Promotion orders will be sent to employees through the system. Employees can then accept/reject the promotion, attend training and fill charge report. Automation through SAP and Employees Portal Integration with OM (vacancy and gradation list), Payroll, performance management Work Practices. Change due to the introduction of ESS portal Disciplinary/Vigilance cases The case data is maintained in the System. The Vigilance officer at circle level will enter the data manually in the system and track/update the case. Access will not be provided for a wider user base. HR Administrator maintains the list of cases in the system. Automation Work practices of vigilance officers will be changed as the case data are managed in the system. Long term absence Return from long term absence Employee applies for long terms leave through ESS portal and the request reaches the reporting authority for approval Service book updated automatically Leave requests through employee portal

12 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Suspension Review /revocation of suspension Suspension initiated by a appointing/disciplinary authority. The resulting action can be suspension or 50% pay. The Suspension request will be through a workflow Deputation/ extension of deputation (in and out of any other Govt. organization) Employee can apply for deputation based on the vacancy lists circulated by the department. HR administrator forwards the application to the relevant department for approval. After approvals from the other dept. and competent authority, release orders will be generated. Extension of deputation will be initiated by the other department. While the applications for vacancy lists are managed offline, any new depute is considered an employee and a record is created in recruitment system. Posting orders are generated in the system on return after deputation. Deputation information and requests are automated Movable and immovable assets declaration Employee declare their assets and liabilities in the employee portal. Any updates are send to HR administrator. Note : Yet to be established. Automation

13 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Service Book Maintenance Online maintenance of service book throughout the employment life of the employee in DoP by HR administrator. No manual updates. Service book data maintenance is centralized at COs. When an employee moves across circles, the ownership for his/her service book will be transferred to the destination CO Automation of service books Integration with Employee portal, payroll, leave mngt. Etc. Service book updation for other than auto entry items like change in family details, nominations, etc. approval is done through workflow. Retirement/ Resignation process A list of employees who are due for Superannuation and Voluntary Retirement will be pooled out of the system by HR administrator. Then prescribed forms are collected, leave account is checked in the system and request for Vigilance clearance and no dues from Admin and Accounts are sought. Calculation of separation benefits like gratuity, pension are calculated and PPO generated automatically, Disbursement to employee will be done by Payroll Administrator. Note : Yet to be established. Automation of separation activities like pension calculation Accountants need not use third party applications for calculation of pension and generation of PPO

14 Key Inferences: All employees are impacted due to the changes in the processes in the module. Major change areas are introduction of self-service portal and virtual service book. Key impact areas in personnel information system are service book maintenance, retirement, transfer and promotion processes. Hence key stakeholder groups impacted are Accountants in Accounts branches in DDOs and PA/OAs in staff sections.

15 LEAVE MANAGEMENT Leave Management module deals with managing work schedules and leave balances of all employees. The most significant change tool which is enabling automation of leave management is the introduction of an employee portal. Portal access will be provided to all the DoP employees. Leave applications should be through this portal. Approvals and service book updates are automated. Following new roles are envisaged: Time Administrator manages work schedules, holiday calendar and initiates allotment of absence quota based on pre-defined polices to all employees. Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Creation of work Schedule Time administrator creates various work schedules for jobs in various offices in SAP Ex: LPC work schedules, Post office work schedules, admin office work schedules are created separately by the virtue of their different working hours. Migration Holiday Calendar Time administrator in each circle finalizes and uploads holiday calendar for the respective circle in SAP and the same is approved by the directorate. Note: Approval of calendar at the directorate yet to be established. Employees can view Holiday calendar in portal.

16 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Absences Employee applies leave through ESS portal instead of SR 1 form. Based on the availability of leaves, the system accepts the request and forwards it to the sanctioning authority if the leave is admissible. Service book is updated automatically on approval of leave request. No manual updation in service book. Substitute arrangement for leave vacancy can be assigned at the time of leave approval for approving authority. Automation of Sevice Book Offline procedure is discontinued. Absence Quota Update of absence quota is initiated periodically by Time Administrator and is automatically updated in the service books. Staff are available to view their respective leave balances in ESS portal. Automation of Service Book Migration Leave Encashment Request for Leave encashment of EL on LTC is done through ESS portal. Work practice changes due to the introduction of ESS portal Key Inferences: As leave management went through a significant change with the introduction of self-service portal, all employees will be impacted by this change. All employees need to be trained on self-service portal. Major impact area is “Absences”, i.e. how leaves requests are submitted and approved.

17 TRAINING MANAGEMENT : Training administration enables the department to standardize process across all training centers. It provides a comprehensive training management solution form planning to delivery and post training evaluation. It would be integrated with ESS portal and MSS portal for managing all training related requests. This module helps training centers by automated training management and helps employees by online training modules. Any training activity taken by employees would be automatically recorded in their respective service books. Note: Training Module/process need to be established in SAP environment. Several training management processes are automated as explained below: Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Training Calendar process design Training division (central authority) uploads the master data including circle/division/region details, course catalogue in the system. Authorized person(s) will be given access to edit the online courses. Each training center (PTC, ZTC, DTC, WTC etc.) has a Training Manager. The course catalogue will be common across all PTCs and will be available online. Automation Migration

18 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Course administration Training centre in-charge manages the course registration and cancellations, session capacity, faculty and finally allocation and reallocation of seats. PIS shall be used to check eligible candidates for the course. Automation Class Scheduling The training manager at CO/RO/DO nominates employees based on the number of allocations received from training centers. Nominations will be done online in the system. Employee gets an alert for registering to the course. Manage registration Once the initial set of nominations is received at the training centre, the training centre in-charge, (course admin) will send reminders to the participants to confirm their attendance. Employee can confirm/cancel the nomination request through portal. If there are any cancellations, necessary adjustments can made from the waitlist and ensure that there is minimum capacity. Training delivery Participants, course material and faculty will be finalized by the training centre before the scheduled date. The training material will be shared with the participants, if any pre-reading is required. After the delivery, cost will be accounted under appropriate heads according to the defined cost centres. Attendance for the participants is managed in the system by training manager. There is also a provision for online training through ESS portal. Integration with F &A

19 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Administer Training feedback After the completion of course, all participants will be prompted to complete course assessment. The responses can be tracked online and reminders can be sent to complete the assessment. The collected responses will be analyzed by the training division to identify further improvements. Automation Administer participant evaluation Participants will undertake an assessment test after the completion of the course. The training centre will compile the results and will send out certificates to the participants. The scores are captured in PIS. The reporting authority will receive feedback on employee’s performance from the training centre. Reporting authority can also give their feedback on the performance improvement of the employees post training. Training needs analysis Training needs analysis will be performed by the training division based on the participant evaluation, training feedback and other inputs received from the employees. Training division creates a template and invites inputs from its employees. Post training activities Post training activities include training feedback, participant evaluation and analysis. Training feedback and participant assessment data are captured in the system and are made available as a report to the respective heads. The service books of the participants will be automatically updated with the training details. Integrated with PIS

20 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Training administration for GDS staff SDI will be notified as per the training calendar. The attendance and course performance will be captured in the system and feedback will be taken from all participants. Automation Integration with Finance Management System. Training manager triggers the accounting process for training after the completion of the course. The request will be approved by the head of the training unit before the cost is accounted under appropriate heads. Integration with F & A Key Inferences: Key impact areas in Training administration are Manage Registration, Class Scheduling and Administer Training Feedback. Major impacted stakeholders are staff at training centers and training participants. There is minor change in nomination process and hence minor impact on supervisors and dealing assistants at COs and DOs.

Performance Management module includes management of appraisals of all employees. It ensures a standardized evaluation processes across all circles. The existing APAR forms will be available in employee portal. Any updates to APAR form will be performed and tracked online. This significantly reduces the paper work involved in appraisal process and ensures visibility about employees’ performance to the management. This is a significant change for all employees and supervisors. Following new roles are envisaged: PMS administrator is responsible for initiation of an appraisal cycle and managing dates for various stages of appraisal, PMS administrator also manages overall appraisal process. Establishment Review module helps DoP in their periodical review of post offices and generation of review reports. Collection of certain data from post offices is easier by implementation of this module.

22 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Performance Management Business Process Design The configuration/ set up of Performance management module (PMS) is shared. It includes the system for APAR grading system. Workflow settings, appraisal templates, eligibility rules Note: PMS is yet to be established. Automation Objective Setting Currently, there is no formal process of objectives setting. In the new system, PMS Administrator initiates the appraisal cycle. Then objectives and performance levels for the performance year is set by employees after discussing with their respective reporting officers. Reporting officer can also edit objectives while approving those set by the employee. This activity will be performed online in PMS module. Business process change with formal setting of objectives Management of objectives through ESS portal Annual Performance Appraisal The employee assesses their own performance with reference to their objectives in Employee portal. It will be followed by assessment and review by Reporting/Reviewing Officers. They will check and assess the employee’s overall performance and the implementation of set objectives. The overall process will be controlled by PMS administrator. Workflow automation Self-assessment through the portal

23 Sub Process Change Description Type of Change
Review Process Design Existing Establishment norms will be followed for the review process. However, the review will be carried by HR administrators in SAP instead of Excel sheets or manual process. Data from various Post Offices can be entered in SAP for review Automation Migration Key Inferences: Key impact areas in performance management is Annual Performance Appraisal. All employees will be impacted by the change as they would be filling APAR forms online. They need to be trained on accessing and filling APAR forms online. Supervisors will have additional responsibility of setting objectives in performance management module for their sub-ordinates. Hence the size of bubble is the largest.

24 EMPLOYEE PORTAL: Employee requests are easier to manage in the new system with the introduction of employee portal. All employee are given access to employee portal, through which they can do various transactions such as employee search, update personal data, leave management, manage appraisals etc. Request raised by an employee follows a pre-defined workflow for necessary approvals. Once the request if approved, employee service books are updated automatically. Request approving authorities (such as supervisors) are given necessary right to view and accept/reject employee requests. The conventional manual updates of service book are replaced by workflow based updates. Sub Process Change Description Type of Change Employee Search All employee data is stores in SAP system and it makes employee search easier. Employee search can be performed from employee portal. Automation Manage personal data Employee can request to update their personal data themselves by logging in to employee portal. The details are updated in their respective virtual service books once approved by appointing authority. Portal enables the request to be processed faster Reduction in manual work for accountants in Account branch

Issue and concerns raised by DoP staff in adoption of changes due to automation of work and making entries in the system are complied in a template and forwarded to the Helpdesk, which is maintained by vendor. End user at POs are assisted by user champions in their work and doubts are clarified then and there. Super champions make frequent site visits and interact with the employees and making the working atmosphere comfortable. Training are being imparted for new roles and areas where complexity is identified.

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