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Intro to Info Tech Storage Devices

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1 Intro to Info Tech Storage Devices
1/12/2018 Intro to Info Tech Storage Devices This presentation can be viewed on line at: Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries

2 Objectives Explain the various devices
1/12/2018 Objectives Explain the various devices Explain and compare the relative advantages and disadvantages

3 Storage Devices Hold data and instructions, can also hold output
1/12/2018 Storage Devices Hold data and instructions, can also hold output Comprised of a device and media Device writes to and reads from a particular medium Been around since beginning of computers Early medium – punch cards

4 Storage Devices Measured two ways Also, compared according to
1/12/2018 Storage Devices Measured two ways Speed (access/write/rewrite) Capacity Also, compared according to Portability – can medium be moved to another device "Rewritability" – once written to can medium be it be changed

5 1/12/2018 Storage Devices Secondary storage vs. Internal storage (Main Memory/MM) Slower access SS measured in microseconds, PC MM nanoseconds Holds much more PC MM measured in GB, SS TB

6 1/12/2018 Storage Device Types Magnetic Disks Optical Disks Other

7 Magnetic Disks Surface can be magnetized and demagnetized
1/12/2018 Magnetic Disks Surface can be magnetized and demagnetized Magnetic state represents a 0 or 1 Surface broken up into Tracks Pie shaped sections Sectors Tracks and sections numbered This provides identifier for sectors

8 Magnetic Disks 2 types Floppy disk/floppy drive Hard disk/hard drive
1/12/2018 Magnetic Disks 2 types Floppy disk/floppy drive Portable media Hard disk/hard drive Some are/some are not portable Most desktop PCs have a single unit where medium can't be separated and moved to another device

9 Floppy Disks Historically, different sizes Single vs. double sided
1/12/2018 Floppy Disks Historically, different sizes 3.5, 5.25, 8 3.5 holds about 1.44 megs Single vs. double sided Zip disks hold a lot more

10 Hard Disk Made up of multiple inflexible platters Read/write heads
1/12/2018 Hard Disk Made up of multiple inflexible platters Read/write heads One for each platter surface How heads and platter work: Heads 2 millionths of an inch over surface Sense the magnetic state of platter surface Head crash – Bad!

11 Hard Disk How the whole thing works
1/12/2018 Hard Disk How the whole thing works Arm extended to correct track Platter spun so correct sector is under read/write head Surface read and value sent via circuitry through the arm

12 Hard Disk With hard disks, different units of storage
1/12/2018 Hard Disk With hard disks, different units of storage Cluster: group of adjacent sectors, smallest unit of allocatable storage Cylinder: all same tracks on different platter surfaces To make access faster try to store info In one track If data larger than a track, store in same cylinder Why?

13 Other Hard Disks External hard disks Removable HD
1/12/2018 Other Hard Disks External hard disks One unit separate from system unit Plugs into USB port Capacity in TBs Some more portable than others Removable HD Very portable Machines must have a removable HD bay

14 Other Hard Disks Miniature HDs Large systems have many hard drives
1/12/2018 Other Hard Disks Miniature HDs Often built into a mobile device like camera, headphones Pocket HD has more capacity than a thumb Large systems have many hard drives Will have disk controller(s) Specialized chip that manages communication with disk drives Decreases work for the CPU

15 1/12/2018 Optical Disks Surface of the disk is altered to affect it's reflectivity To read, a beam of light is shot onto the surface The amount of light reflected will represent a 0 or 1

16 Optical Disks Compared by their 2 major types Sidedness Capacity Speed
1/12/2018 Optical Disks Compared by their Sidedness Capacity Speed Read/Write capability Reading is called ripping Writing is called burning 2 major types CDs DVDs

17 1/12/2018 Compact Discs Usually One sided Capacity 650MB – 1GB Different types determined by the read/write capability CD-ROM CD-R CD-RW

18 Compact Discs CD-ROM (Read Only Memory) What good is this type of CD?
1/12/2018 Compact Discs CD-ROM (Read Only Memory) Single session – can write to disc once Can read many times Used to be called a WORM disc What good is this type of CD? S/W mfgs write to these type of disks and then distribute Users can't inadvertently erase the application

19 Compact Discs CD-R (Read) CD-RW (Rewritable)
1/12/2018 Compact Discs CD-R (Read) Multi-session – can write to one portion of disk and then later to another Can read many times Can't erase what is written CD-RW (Rewritable) Can write, read, erase, and rewrite to disc

20 CD Drives Compared by The type of discs they support
1/12/2018 CD Drives Compared by The type of discs they support Can they read and/or write Read, write, rewrite speed Measured like this: Read 128X Write 64X Rewrite 24X

21 DVDs Digital Versatile Disc Holds more than CDs
1/12/2018 DVDs Digital Versatile Disc Holds more than CDs 4.7GB to 100GB Capacity depends on whether Single or double sided Regular or high capacity DVD Single or multiple layers Battle for high capacity DVD format between Blu-ray and HD Blu-ray won! (BD)

22 Reading and Writing to DVDs
1/12/2018 Reading and Writing to DVDs For Blu-ray, two types of discs BD-R is read only BD-RE can read and write Regular discs are more complicated DVD+R and DVD-R are read only DVD+RW, DVD-RW, and DVD+RAM can read and write The DVD drive must support the particular DVD format Most DVD drives support CDs

23 Reading and Writing to DVDs
1/12/2018 Reading and Writing to DVDs DVD-R approved by DVD Forum Includes: Mitsubishi, Sony, Philips, Hitachi, Time Warner and others DVD+R supported by the DVD+RW Alliance. Includes: Sony, Yamaha, Philips, Dell, HP and others Differences Defects management How DVDs are formatted and rewritten What TV DVD players will play them For computer backups, either one will do

24 Other Storage Tape A magnetic ribbon Two formats:
1/12/2018 Other Storage Tape A magnetic ribbon Two formats: Cartridge Reel to reel Only provides sequential access Discs provide direct access Tapes often used for back up

25 Other Storage Flash memory cards USB Flash drives (aka Thumb drives)
1/12/2018 Other Storage Flash memory cards Flash memory (i.e. chip based) Used in notebooks, cameras, PDAs Need a special drive/slot in device USB Flash drives (aka Thumb drives) Comprised of both media and device Don't need special drive/slot, just need a USB port

26 Other Storage Smart cards Online Chip based memory
1/12/2018 Other Storage Smart cards Chip based memory Can also process information Holds a defined amount of money You buy something, that amount is decreased Online Can access files from anywhere Give others access Many are free

27 Online Storage Three big players (8/2015)
1/12/2018 Online Storage Three big players (8/2015) Google Drive 15 GB free OneDrive -formerly Skydrive (MS) Dropbox (Dropbox Inc.) 2 GB free, 1 TB $7.99/month All offer other ways to get more Referals, buy a device, exempt music

28 Online Storage Also compared based on (as of 5/12)
1/12/2018 Online Storage Also compared based on (as of 5/12) Search – can file content be basis Dropbox only scans file names OneDrive supports content scan for MS formats (Word, Excel, PP, etc.) Google supports many formats, even uses OCR for scanned content Others access With Google Drive, file is either view or edit OneDrive lets you specify for each file/user Dropbox must set up a shared folder for edit

29 Other Storage Microfilm and Microfiche
1/12/2018 Other Storage Microfilm and Microfiche Film is reel to reel, fiche is small rectangle of plastic film Hold microscopic images Need separate devices to read and write Readers considered auxiliary devices not peripheral devices Don't need the CPU to access the storage medium Extremely long lasting years Magnetic disk 5-30 yrs Optical yrs

30 Other Storage Enterprise storage - vast amount of capacity
1/12/2018 Other Storage Enterprise storage - vast amount of capacity Storage array Separate device comprised of hundreds of disks Have multiple processors Act as "storage servers" Capacities up to .5 PB (half a quadrillion bytes)

31 Other Storage Solid state hard drive (SSD)
1/12/2018 Other Storage Solid state hard drive (SSD) Uses non-volatile memory chips No moving parts Much faster than magnetic disk (up to 100X) More expensive (up to 20X) Limited number of writes (1-5 mill) Often used in combination with magnetic disk SSD acts as cache for frequently used files

32 1/12/2018 Points to Remember Secondary storage: non-volatile storage managed by a dedicated storage device Secondary storage serves as a source of input and target for output Wide variety of media measured by Speed Capacity Durability Read/write capability

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