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Processing Day by Day: It’s All in the Details

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1 Processing Day by Day: It’s All in the Details
Leecea Johnson Vice President Operations, Los Angeles

2 Overview Operations Overview TRS Initiatives 2006 Goals
Recordkeeping and Administration Overview Partner Management Service Standards Chatham Results Keeping You Informed Day to Day Processing Enhancements - Fees Client Satisfaction

3 Operations Mission Statement
To delight and retain our clients by delivering reliable, high quality plan services through stable, well-controlled operations. Customer Satisfaction Service Delivery Quality Responsiveness

4 TRS Operations Goals Customer Satisfaction Service Delivery Quality
Increase customer satisfaction 10% by 12/31/2006 as measured by the Annual Client Satisfaction Survey Service Delivery Annually increase service standards and delivery to become industry leader by 12/31/07 Quality Improve overall quality of customer interaction as measured by achieving 90% on Customer Satisfaction Index by 12/31/06; Maintain 90% while improving underlying standards by 10% Responsiveness Resolve 90% of customer issues on 1st call by 12/31/07 (80% by 12/31/06); Improve overall responsiveness by 10% as of 12/31/07

5 Operations Mission Quality & Responsiveness Service Delivery
Customer Satisfaction Asset Retention

6 TRS Operations Goals: Status Update
Service Delivery: Annually increase service standards and delivery to become industry benchmark by 12/31/07 2005 Target Standards = Kits, Contributions, Distributions & Statements 2006 Target Standards = Fund mapping, takeover allocation, enrollment forms 2007 Target Standards = Address changes, fund additions, eStatements Quality: Improve overall quality of customer interaction as measured by achieving 90% on Customer Satisfaction Index by 12/31/06; Maintain 90% while improving underlying standards by 10%

7 TRS Operations Goals: Update
3/31/06 Target 3/31/06 Results Activity – AE Visits 514 606 Activity – AE Calls 1685 1895 Activity – PSD RR 80% 82.9% Activity – PSD ASA 30 seconds 23 seconds Activity – ESD RR 86.2% Quality – Installation 90% 93.2% Quality – AE 91.4% Quality – PSD 91.2% Quality – ESD 94% Quality – Doc Ops 90.7%

8 TRS Operations Goals: Update (cont.)
3/31/06 Target 3/31/06 Results SL – Kits 98% 99% SL – Statements 100% 99.9% SL – Contributions 96.7% SL – Distributions 99.2% Survey – AE Overall 85% 95.9% Survey – PSD Overall Survey – Ed Services 90% 98.3% Survey – Installation 91%

9 TRS Operation Goal: Single Point of Contact
Launch Date is June 12, 2006 Plans over $500,000 TPAs with >1 plan Assigned Retirement Plan Specialist Proactive call & goals

10 Recordkeeping & Administration Overview
Partners of Transamerica and the Recordkeeping Services provided Partner Management Team and Overview Partner Management Reporting 2005 Service Standards Statistics 2006 Initiatives

11 Recordkeeping Overview: Partners
TRS Partners TA-OHIO Partner since 1994 TPA Service Partner for Merrill Lynch plans starting in 2006 Located in Cincinnati, OH with approximately 100 employees 3,826 Plans with 69,728 Participants (as of 12/31/2005) TAEAST Partner since 1995 Original Partner for TPA product Partner for MEP plans since 2003 Located in Long Island, NY with approximately 100 employees 3,297 Plans with 251,893 Participants (as of 12/31/2005) Diversified Investment Advisors Sister company under Aegon umbrella providing NAV product Located in Cedar Rapids, IA 156 plans with 20,715 Participants (as of 12/31/2005)

12 Recordkeeping & Administration: Partner Management Team
Leecea Johnson Director Gloria Cleveland Pension Specialist Chris Logan Pension Consultant Rose Cozzolino Pension Consultant Tom Henderson Pension Consultant David Ruiz Pension Consultant Francine Gray Pension Consultant Audit Support DOL/IRS Inquiries Retroactive Calcs. NCP Calculations SAS-70 Reviews Monthly Reporting SDBA Participant Forms Invoice Generation Fee Adjustments Billing Fund Changes Trading Restrictions Process Improvements Trend Analysis QC Management Training Plan Audit Support Research Requests Process Improvements On-site Management

13 Recordkeeping & Administration: Partner Audits
On Site Audits Methodology Pension consultant conducts on site audit each quarter Random selection of plans Review for service level, accuracy and documentation Audit report provided to Senior Management for review Scope Daily balancing and quarter end reconciliation Payroll contributions and loan payments Participant level requests: transfers, elections, Participant loans and distributions

14 Recordkeeping & Administration: Partner Management Responsibilities
Project management for new products and services Plan sponsor billing for recordkeeping fees On site audits Recordkeeping scorecard for survey results Monthly reporting Quality control procedures Implementation of new funds Monitor partner service standards Analysis of trends on recordkeeping operations SAS-70 assessments Participant Level Trading

15 Recordkeeping & Administration: Service Standards
Service Standards versus Actual Performance January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Service Standard 2005 YTD Performance Contributions Processed within 1 business day 99.5% processed within 1 business day Distributions / Loans processed within 3 business days 99.4% processed within 3 business days Participant Statements processed within 10 business days 99.7% processed within 10 business days

16 Recordkeeping & Administration: Chatham Results
Chatham - Overall satisfaction with….. 2004 2005 Diff Transamerica Averages Processing transactions 81.3% 83.8% 2.5% Participant statements 74.5% 81.5% 7.0% Plan sponsor services 66.7% 72.7% 6.0% Plan Recordkeeper 73.0% 1.5%

17 Recordkeeping & Administration: Customer Satisfaction
“And the survey says?” Transamerica’s strengths noted in Chatham Results Clients are very satisfied with the accuracy and timeliness of contributions, disbursements, and loans. Clients give “best-in-class” scores for timeliness, accuracy and overall satisfaction in the this area. Additional comments were given that Transamerica is quick in processing disbursements, a rarity among Chatham clients. Accuracy, clarity, and timeliness of participant statements all received very strong scores, and surpass Chatham’s proprietary benchmark in all attributes.

18 Keeping You Informed

19 Keeping You Informed Installation
Plan installation & reconciliation data Statements Quarterly Activity Statements & Valuation Reports Year End Data TPA web site to obtain census data download Form 5500 Schedule D Fund Codes Vesting Update Template for Processing Refunds Distributions Distribution forms not in good order Loan Default letters (Pending) RMD Mailing

20 Day to Day: Employee Enrollment
On-line or by Hardcopy (Paper) Select Deferral % (Maintained by Sponsor) Select Investment Allocations (Future changes via VRU / Web) Cancel future employee contributions (Maintained by Sponsor) Designate Beneficiary (Maintained by Sponsor)

21 Day to Day: Contribution Processing
Data Remittance Methods Internet Upload (preferred method) 3-1/2” Diskette Contribution Remittance Method ACH Wire Transfer Check

22 Day to Day: Contribution Processing
Contributions invested in “Default” fund in the event of missing or incomplete participant investment elections Default fund selected by Sponsor Default confirmations provided to Sponsor and Participant Contribution detail report available on website

23 Day to Day: Payroll Upload
Contribution processing – preferred method. Access web site via login as an employer with ID and Password into Transaccess. Select Payroll Upload options and the above screen appears. Payroll Validation program currently being implemented. Intended to streamline the data remittance process. Program checks performs various checks prior to accepting the file from the plan sponsor. Produces error messages that need to be resolved prior to the acceptance of the file. Types of error checks performed: Valid file type and format Data logic checks: SSN not on recordkeeping system SSN Format error Loan payment for a participant with no loan Funding Discrepancies: Total participant contributions do not equal deposit amount

24 Day to Day: Vesting Sponsor can submit full census each payroll
Vesting calculated and updated according to method in document Vesting update request sent to plan sponsor in November to request hours by participant to update vesting in time for 4th quarter statement (copy to TPA) Vesting can be suppressed on statements, web, VRU

25 Day to Day: Distribution Processing
Distributions must be approved by an authorized signor (can be TPA)

26 Day to Day: Distribution Processing
Distribution Events: Termination Retirement Forced Distributions QDRO In-Service Withdrawals Hardship Required Minimum Distribution Disability or Death

27 Day to Day: Forfeiture Processing
Forfeitures used according to TPA checklist Forfeitures used after the close of the plan year: Pay Plan Expenses Reduce Employer Contributions Reallocate to employee (must provide dollar amount per participant) Forfeitures invested in fund chosen by Sponsor

28 Day to Day: Loan Administration
Loan Requests: Plan design determines number of loans, recordkeeping system limit is 20 loans. Request loans via Form or paperless Paperless requests only for General Purpose loans, and no J&S requirements. Paperless loan requests initiated by 4:00pm EST processed next day. Check received within 5 days

29 Day to Day: Loan Administration
Loan Payments: Interest & Principal applied to loan payment Loans can be paid off anytime, partial payments not permitted. Loan delinquent report generated for participants that have not made a loan payment in the last 90 days

30 Day to Day: Transactions and Reporting
Participant Statements and Worth a Look newsletter Participant Homes Plan Sponsor Summary Reports Plan Sponsor Mailed within 10 business days of the end of the quarter TPA automatically receives a copy of all sponsor summaries

31 Participant Statement
Day to Day Sample Participant Statement

32 Enhancements: Fees Current TPA billing options:
TRS can deduct the following fee types when instructed by Trustee/TPA.  (TRS must receive instructions each period in which fee(s) are to be deducted) Specified amount deducted from contract (pro-rated) Specified amount from each participant's account

33 Enhancements: Fees TPA billing options available August 1, 2006:
 Options for TPA billing will be available on Supplemental Installation Checklist to include specific dollar amounts for the following: Distributions (deducted from benefit) New loan set-fee (deducted from loan amount) Amount deducted from each participant's account Amount deducted from contract (pro-rated) Fee deductions can be automatically processed for each plan as requested Instructions can still be performed on a one-time basis

34 Enhancements: Fees TPA billing options available August 1, 2006:
TPA will receive payment and detailed report from TRS monthly. Report will include : Contract Number and Name Participant Name (if applicable) Effective Date Fee Deducted

35 Customer Satisfaction
“And the survey says?” Transamerica’s strengths noted in Chatham Results Clients using the Partner Series service model are generally more satisfied than clients using other TRS models.

36 Best Practices Part II


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