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Phonetics LIN 001Y Section - A09 1/20/2017.

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1 Phonetics LIN 001Y Section - A09 1/20/2017

2 Our Class We’ve got roots to….
And we speak: English Japanese Spanish Macedonian Italian Hindi Cantonese Indonesian Mandarin Vietnamese Korean Tamil French Telugu Malayalam Armenian Ukrainian Russian Marathi

3 Our Class

4 Why phonetics? One-to-one correspondence between symbol and sound (kind of like numerals in math) You’ll be able to pronounce any word once it’s transcribed into IPA (or at least know how it should be pronounced) Other areas in linguistics (phonology, morphology, historical linguistics) build upon phonetics It’ll help you understand dialectal variation better If you plan to teach a language, it’ll help you teach pronunciation

5 There are three ways to characterize sounds:
Describing Sounds There are three ways to characterize sounds: Place of Articulation (Where?) Manner of Articulation (How?) Voicing (Vocal chords buzz?)

6 Places of articulation
Bilabial Labiodental Interdental Alveolar Post-alveolar/Palatal Velar Glottal

7 Places of articulation

8 Quiz

9 How Do I Pronounce These sounds?
[θ] [ð] [tʃ] [dʒ] [ʃ] [ʒ] [ŋ] [j] [ʔ] think, teeth those, writhe cheese, teach juice, cage ship, hush measure, beige bring, sting yellow, toy uh-oh

10 Practice What is the place of articulation of the following sounds? 1. [s] 6. [d] 11. [θ] 2. [ɹ] 7. [g] 12. [ʧ] 3. [f] 8. [m] 13. [ʃ] 4. [v] 9. [ŋ] 14. [p] 5. [ʤ] 10. [h] 15. [j]

11 Practice What is the place of articulation of the following sounds? 1. [s] (alveolar) 6. [d] (alveolar) 11. [θ] (interdental) 2. [ɹ] (alveolar) 7. [g] (velar) 12. [ʧ] (palatal) 3. [f] (labio-dental) 8. [m] (bilabial) 13. [ʃ] (palatal) 4. [v] (labio-dental) 9. [ŋ] (velar) 14. [p] (bilabial) 5. [ʤ] (palatal) 10. [h] (glottal) 15. [j] (palatal)

12 Manner of Articulation
Stops: Fully obstructs the flow of air (tongue comes into full contact with another articulator). Fricatives: The flow of air is constricted (there is friction), but is not completely obstructed (tongue comes close to another articulator, but does not touch it). Affricates: The flow of air is first obstructed (like a stop) and then released and constricted (like a fricative). Nasal: The velum is lowered, which enables air to pass into the nasal passage Approximants Glides: There is little obstruction of the airstream. Glides make the transition to the next sound “easier” (your tongue glides from one sound to the next). Liquids: There is slight obstruction of the airstream, but not enough to cause friction (as in a fricative). Lateral liquid = [l]/ retroflex liquid = [r]

13 Nasality Sounds can also be classified as nasal or oral
Nasal sounds are produced with the velum lowered When the velum is lowered, air passes through the nasal passage Nasal sounds = [m], [n], [ŋ] Oral sounds are produced with the velum raised Air passes through the oral cavity Oral sounds = all sounds except nasals

14 IPA Chart

15 Practice What is the manner of articulation of the following sounds? 1. [s] 6. [d] 11. [θ] 2. [ɹ] 7. [g] 12. [ʧ] 3. [f] 8. [m] 13. [ʃ] 4. [v] 9. [ŋ] 14. [p] 5. [ʤ] 10. [h] 15. [j]

16 Answers 1. [s] (fricative) 6. [d] (stop) 11. [θ] (fricative) 2. [ɹ] (liquid) 7. [g] (stop) 12. [ʧ] (affricate) 3. [f] (fricative) 8. [m] (nasal) 13. [ʃ] (fricative) 4. [v] (fricative) 9. [ŋ] (nasal) 14. [p] (stop) 5. [ʤ] (affricate) 10. [h] (fricative) 15. [j] (glide)

17 The tap/Flap sound There is a sound called the tap or flap
It looks like this  [ɾ] It often occurs in English words that are spelled with a double-t, double-d, or single-t or single-d Ex. later [l e ɾ ə ɹ] better [b ɛ ɾ ə ɹ] header [h ɛ ɾ ə ɹ] madder [m æ ɾ ə ɹ]

18 Challenge Think of as many pairs of sounds that have the same places of articulation and manner, but which differ only in voicing Ex. [t] [d] Both are alveolar (place of articulation), and both are stops (manner of articulation). However [t] is voiceless and [d] is voiced.

19 IPA Chart

20 Vowel Chart

21 Vowels

22 Activity Practice saying each vowel sound
Then, for each monophthong and diphthong , say one word that contains that vowel sound. Monophthongs Diphthongs 1. [ɑɪ]   2. [ɔɪ] 3. [eɪ] 4. [aʊ] 5. [oʊ]

23 Reading practice 1. [mɪɾl] 2. [səlɑɪvə] 3. [θɹu] 4. [khæləfɔɹnjə]
5. [khajoʊɾi] 6. [dʒʌmp] 7. [ʃɪp] 8. [khɹɪndʒ] 9. [tʃaɪld] 10. [boʊθ]

24 answers 1. [mɪɾl] = ‘middle’ 2. [səlɑɪvə] = ‘saliva’
3. [θɹu] = ‘through’ 4. [khæləfɔɹnjə] = ‘California’ 5. [khajoʊɾi] = ‘coyote’ 6. [dʒʌmp] = ‘jump’ 7. [ʃɪp] = ‘ship’ 8. [khɹɪndʒ] = ‘cringe’ 9. [tʃaɪld] = ‘child’ 10. [boʊθ] = ‘both’

25 Transcription activity
Transcribe your full name Jeffrey Chapman Moran ʤɛfɹi ʧæpmən məɹæn

26 Transcription Transcribe the following movie titles from the LOTR series 1) “The Fellowship of the Ring” 2) “The Two Towers” 3) “The Return of the King” 4) “The Hobbit”

27 Answers [ðə fɛloʊʃɪp əv ðə ɹiŋ] [ðə thu thaʊwɹz] [ðə ɹətɹn əv ðə khiŋ]
[ðə habɪt]

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