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Mrs. Robinson 8th grade Math

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1 Mrs. Robinson 8th grade Math

2 Welcome to Eighth Grade!
This year Curriculum Night and Meet the Teacher are combined. We have 15 minutes to get everything in. If you do not get a supply list, it will also be posted on my web page. Thanks for stopping by!

3 All About Mrs. Robinson My background I grew up in Wyoming.
I graduated from University of Wyoming BA and Nova University MA My experience This is my 12th year of teaching at Pueblo I have taught 5th, 6th, elementary grades, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade mathematics.

4 Belief Statement It is my belief that there is more than one way to reach a solution. There are many ways that we learn. In a safe, inviting, caring environment, we can accomplish work, learn, share, and grow together.

5 Supply List/Email Form
Pencil (regular or mechanical) Marking pen Composition book (for notes only) Clear protractor or ruler Scientific calculator – Linear (8th) Graphing calculator – Algebra (9th, opt.) TI-84 Plus graphing calculator

6 Pre-Algebra and Algebra Online help:
Go to: Carnegie Learning Resources and Support Parent Resources Scroll down to

7 Course Description – Linear (8th grade math) part 1
In Linear Algebra,  Grade 8  instructional focuses will be on: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships;

8 Course Description – Linear (8th grade math) part 2
(3) using ideas about distance and angles, how they behave under translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations, and ideas about congruence and similarity to describe and analyze two-dimensional figures and to solve problems; and (4) understand the statement of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse and apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find distances between points on the coordinate plane, to find lengths, and to analyze polygons.

9 Time Line– 8th grade math (Algebra Other)
Focus Unit Chapter(s) Main Idea 1 1, 2, 3, 4 Algebraic Thinking 2 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Pythagorean Theorem and Transformational Geometry 3 11, 12, 13 Linear Systems & Properties of Exponents 4 14 Volume 5 15, 16, 17 Data Analysis

10 Course Description – 9th grade math (Algebra 1-2)
Use properties of rational and irrational numbers Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems Interpret the structure of expressions Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials Create equations that describe numbers or relationships Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning Solve equations and inequalities in one variable

11 Course Description – 9th grade math (Algebra 1-2) part 1
Solve systems of equations Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically Understand the concept of a function and use function notation Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context Analyze functions using different representations Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities Build new functions from existing functions

12 Course Description – 9th grade math (Algebra 1-2) part 2
Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problems Interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation they model Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables Interpret linear models

13 Time Line– 9th grade math (Algebra 1-2)
Unit/ Module Chapter(s) Main Idea 1 1, 2 & 3 Quantitative Relationships w/Equations, Inequalities & Linear Functions 2 4, 5, 6, & 7 Building Functions & Systems of Linear Equations & Inequalities 3 8, 9, & 10 Analyzing Data 4 11, 12, & 13 Quadratics 5 14, 15, & 16 Real number system, Other Functions, & Modeling

14 Mathia On line Independent math program

15 Carnegie Tutor (9th) On line Independent math program

16 Daily Note Taking Requirement:
Students are required to take daily notes, copying down information from the overhead and class presentations. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to borrow a classmate’s notes, or view the power point on Edmodo, and copy any missed notes. Daily notes are given a grade at the end of each quarter.

17 Assignments/Homework:
Math is a subject that requires daily practice to build and retain skills and knowledge. As such, your child will have an assignment daily, with the exception of test days. (On a test day, there is no assignment or homework.) Agenda is on line

18 Quiz/Test Make-up Policy:
If a student is absent on the day of a quiz/test, they will have time to make up the missed quiz/test per Student Handbook policy.

19 Determination of Grades:
(All) Quarter Grades: Homework 20%, Quizzes 30%, Tests 50% (9th) Semester Grades: Per TUHSD Policy 1st Quarter 40%, 2nd Quarter 40%, Semester Final 20%

20 Class Rules of Conduct:
Effort towards Excellence is expected. Treat each other (and items) with respect.

21 Tutoring here at PUEBLO:
For help: Everyday Before School – G-2 After school – by appointment Learning Lab: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (library) Register on line through eservices.

22 iClass…integrated learning
Math rotation will be focusing on Data Analysis (8th) and Analyzing Data (9th). iClass assignments are entered as part of the content class grade. Rotations occur every quarter. Q1 is period 1 content teacher, q2 = period 2, q3=p5, q4=p6 M,T,F iClass lessons. W no iclass/p.4. Th is a study hall/team day during iclass time period. Students will combine/integrate the knowledge they acquire through the learning they receive in content area classes.

23 Parent Portal (Center)
Allows you to see Attendance, Grades, Calendar of Assignments, Addresses of Teachers, and Class Schedule. Please check to make sure your information has been entered correctly.

24 Grade notification: I will need your help by staying actively involved in your child’s education. I will do my part to keep you informed through the use of: Phone calls Online grades Hard-copies of grades every 5th week of each term. These hard copies will require your signature and to be returned to me the following day.

25 The Big Finish: Please call, , or pin a note if you ever have any questions, comments or concerns. Open for questions. Thank you so much for coming!

26 Wish List We love used pencils, pens, calculators, paper, rulers, boxes of tissues, gift cards to Staples/Target. Used: those old items sitting around in a drawer or cupboard that no one else uses anymore.

27 Let’s Have a Great Year! Mrs. Robinson

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