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World Religions.

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Presentation on theme: "World Religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Religions

2 Animisim/Indigineous
Animism- belief that spirits inhabit natural objects and forces of nature No basic Religious Text Found in native cultures throughout the world

3 Buddhism Founded some 2500 years ago by Siddhartha Gautama
Buddhists follow his teachings, the Dharma (divine law). Sacred text is the Tripitaka Numerous Sects Key Beliefs: 4 Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Nirvana

4 Christianity Monotheistic religion founded by Jesus Christ in AD 33
Sacred text is the Bible Main Sects: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Key beliefs: Creation, Holiness of God, Sinfulness of Man, Substitutionary Atonement, Resurrection, Heaven/Hell

5 Confucianism Began more than 2500 years ago in China.
Based on the teachings of Confucius Focuses on three areas: Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, and Education Sacred text is a book called the Analects Key Beliefs: Balance, Social Ranking

6 Hinduism World’s oldest major religion (polytheistic).
Began in India and spread Sacred text is the Vedas Numerous Sects Key Beliefs: Karma, Dharma, Reincarnation, Heavens/Hells

7 ISlam Monotheistic religion founded in 610 AD by Muhammad, who began teaching in Mecca Spread throughout Middle East and North Africa Religious text is the Quran Main Sects: Sunni & Shia Key Beliefs: Five Pillars, Allah, Judgement, Heaven/Hell

8 Judaism First major Monothestic religion Began when God called Abraham
Religious Text is the Torah Main Sects: Orthodox, Traditional, Reform Key Beliefs: One God, Jewish Law, Messiah

9 Sikhism Began in the mid 1400’s from the teachings of Guru Nanak
Combines the teachings of Hinduism and Islam Religious Text is the Guru Granth Sahib Key Beliefs are Monotheism, Service, Meditation, Honest Labor,

10 Closing For each of the religions covered you need to find:
Place of Worship Holidays/Celebrations Symbols

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