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Impiego dei MAPS per l’upgrade dell’ITS

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1 Impiego dei MAPS per l’upgrade dell’ITS
Alessandra Lattuca Università degli studi di Torino – INFN (To) Tor Vergata - Rome, April 10, 2015 On behalf of the ALICE Collaboration Impiego dei MAPS per l’upgrade dell’ITS

2 outline Background and Motivations for the ALICE ITS UPGRADE
Overview of the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) technology High Speed Data Transmission Summary

3 Alice detector Main goal: detailed study of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) Produced in heavy ion collisions

4 The present inner tracking system
Primary vertex Localization Secondary vertex reconstruction Particle Identification Layer Type r (cm) ±z (cm) 1 Hybrid pixel 3.9 14.1 2 7.6 3 Drift 15.0 22.2 4 23.9 29.7 5 Strip 38.0 43.1 6 43.0 48.9 Limitations: Read-out rate Capability is 1 kHz; Material Budget per layer: 1.14%X0

Inner Layers MAPS 2.24 – 2.67 27.1 1 3.01 – 3.46 2 3.78 – 4.21 OUTER BAR Middle 3 19.44 – 19.77 84.3 4 24.39 – 24.70 Outer Layer 5 34.23 – 34.54 147.5 6 39.18 – 39.49 Material Budget per layer 0.3%X0 (Inner Barrel) Read out rate: 50kHz

6 Standard Maps Thin Sensor  Thermal diffusion
N-well collection diode  NO P-Mos transistors allowed 

7 DEEP PWELL for P-Mos implementation 
Quadruple well Maps TowerJazz 0.18 µm CMOS technology Improved TID due to the smaller technology node (Gate oxide < 4 nm) High resistivity epitaxial layer. The resistivity ranges between 1 kΩ ∙cm and 6 kΩ ∙cm so that a sizeble part of the sensor volume can be depleted Thermal diffusion + Reverse Bias application to speed up the collection time N-well collection diode 6 metal layers option in order to have high density and low power digital circuits DEEP PWELL for P-Mos implementation 

8 Alpide Chip Matrix of 512 rows x 1024 columns
Until now, 2 prototypes of ALPIDE were fabricated and a third version is under development Pixel dimension (pAlpide1 e pAlpide2): 28 x 28 µm2 4 different pixel flavours New Low Power Priority Encoder read-out architecture

9 Last Prototype of Alpide

10 High Speed DATA Transmission
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) + Serializer + Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Driver The DTU will be implemented for both ITS chip design options, ALPIDE and MISTRAL –O Send data from the chip periphery to the patch panel Need to drive data at : the targeting speed of 1.2 Gbps along a 0.3 m Al Flex Printed Citcuit + 5m Cu twinax cable (Inner Barrel); the targeting speed of 400 Mbps along a 1.5 m Cu Flex Printed Circuit + 5m Cu twinax cable (Outer Barrel)

11 Data Transmission Unit (DTU) Block Diagram

12 LVDS : PRINCiple of operation
LVDS : Low Voltage Differential Signaling (TIA/EIA-644) Current steering Principle Less sensibility to the common mode noise Less EMI

13 ANALyzing the transmission: eye diagram

14 First version – Submitted in March2013 with an engeenering run to which cern contributed
DRIVER Additional switches for the Slew rate Control

15 2 LVDS Driver variants Submitted in march 2013 & tested in september 2013
LVDS CHIP 1 LVDS CHIP 2 The difference between the two chips is in the receiver part. For the LVDS chip 1 the current which flows in the receiver has a fixed value of 1mA . In contrast, for LVDS chip 2 it possible to select the current which flows in the circuit.

16 Bit rate (Mbps) 400 Diff. Amplitude (mV) 494 Unit Interval (ns) 2.5 Eye Width (UI) 0.99 Eye Height (mV) 457 Rise time (ps) 198 Fall time (ps) 183 Jitter (ps) 0.014 Current (mA) 4 Bit rate (Mbps) 1000 Diff. Amplitude (mV) 450 Unit Interval (ns) 1 Eye Width (UI) 0.93 Eye Height (mV) 400 Rise time (ps) 151 Fall time (ps) 144 Jitter (ps) 0.11

17 Transmission quality degrades by increasing the transmission speed and reducing currents

18 LVDS-Block Diagram – engeenering run November 2014

19 Pre- Emphasis A A_D A A_D I_Out -IMD 1 -IMD-IPE IMD+IPE IMD
-IMD 1 -IMD-IPE IMD+IPE IMD Pre-emphasis is needed to overcome RC limitations of the long transmission lines. We will add/subtract a small amount of current ONLY if two subsequent bits are different. For this reason we need to know the bit stream A and its delayed copy A_D

20 Vertical Aperture (mV)
POST Twinax Parameter Value Hor. Aperture (ps) 746.6 Vertical Aperture (mV) 564.6 tr (ps) 516 tf (ps) 535 bit period 827.3 jitter 67.2 Simulation Conditions: Calibre view Nominal Corners Driver Code: 9 (4 mA) Pre-Emphasis Code: 4 (2mA) 30 cm Al FPC + 5m Coax Cab. Bit rate: 1.2 Gbps

21 LVDS TEST CHIP Submitted in November 2014
LVDS driver test chip submitted in November The driver will be tested by using: A clock from the PLL An external PRBS and the same signal delayed FUTURE PLAN: SUBMISSION in APRIL 2015 On the next prototype we will include the driver without SR control in the full DTU chain (PLL + HS Serializer + Driver)

22 Summary and conclusion
ITS Upgrade; MAPS technology; High Speed Data Transmission: so far two LVDS driver standalone were submitted. At the end of April 2015 the entire DTU will be integrated on the third version of ALPIDE; The first LVDS driver prototype were tested where the second prototype submitted in November 2014 will be tested in few weeks from now. The R&D program for the ITS Upgrade will end in 2015 in order to be ready for the chips installation after the Long Shutdown 2, in 2018.

23 Thanks!

24 Bibliography [1] The ALICE experiment at CERN LHC JINST 3 S08002 [2] Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (CERN-LHCC , 29 November 2013 ) [3] A. Tajalli, Y Leblebici, A slew controlled LVDS output driver circuit in 0.18 m CMOS technology, Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of 44 (2),

25 Backup slides

26 present its limitation
Limited read-out capabilities : 1kHz with 100% dead time Poor resolution on the distance of closest approach.

27 Hit densities

28 Limitations of the present ITS
First layer radius : 3.9 cm Read out rate: 1kHz Pixel Size: 50 x 425 µm2 Material Budget per layer: 1.14%X0 Power Consumption: 500 mW/cm2

29 HI-LHC: High Luminosity LHC projects
L = 2-3 x 1034 cm-2 s-1 Interaction rate = 50 KHz

30 Towards the new ITS First layer radius : 2.2 cm
Pixel Size: 28 x 28 µm2 Material Budget per layer: 0.3%X0 Power Consumption: < 300 mW/cm2 Read out rate: 50kHz

31 Specifications of the ITS
Parameter Spec. Unit Line rate Inner Barrel 1.2 Gbps Line rate Outer Barrel 400 Mbps Load Termination 100 ± 10% Ohm T. Line Lenght (mm) Material Model FPC 300 Aluminium MTline Inner Barrel Twinax 5000 Copper Nport – S parameters 1500 Outer Barrel

32 Characteristics LVDS DRIVER Param. Min Max VIS 0 V 1.8 V IOUT 2 mA
VOS (SS) 1 V 1.2 V ∆VOS (SS) -50 mV + 50 mV Bit Rate 400 Mbps 1200 Mbps PRE-EMPHASIS Param. Min Max VIS 1.8 IOUT 1 mA 2.5 mA Bit Rate 400 Mbps 1200 Mbps

33 Characteristics DRIVER Param. Min Max VIS 0 V 1.8 V IOUT 2 mA 8 mA
VOS (SS) 980 mV 1209 mV ∆VOS (SS) -20 mV + 20 mV VOS (PP) 150 mV tpZH 0.35 ns 8.4 ns tpZL 0.25 ns 0.7 ns tpHZ 0.85 ns 1.3 ns tpLZ 1.35 ns RECEIVER Param. Min Max VICM 0 V 1.8 V VIT+ 50 mV VIT- -50 mV VIS LVDS VOUT 0 V (L) 1.8 V (H) tpEH 0.25 ns 0.55 ns tpHD 0.7 ns 2.6 ns Duty Cycle 46% 51%

34 Definition VIS Input Voltage Swing VICM Input Common Mode VOS Steady-state CM output voltage ∆VOS(SS) Variation on the steady-state CM output voltage between logic states VOS(PP) Peak-to-peak common mode output voltage VIT+, VIT- Input voltage threshold VOUT Voltage at the receiver output IOUT Current driver by one driver tPZH Enable time, High impedence to high level output tPZL Enable time, High impedence to low level output tPHZ Disable time, High level to high impedence output tPLZ Disable time, Low level to high impedence output tPEH Enable time, Switch on to high level output tPHD Disable time, Switch off from the high level output

35 The inner tracking system (ITS)
Primary vertex Localization Secondary vertex reconstruction Particle Identification

36 TEST setup Agilent 81133A 3.35 GHz Pulse Pattern Generator
Tektronix MSO/DPO70000 Digital & Mixed Signal Oscilloscope two 50 cm Cu coaxial cable

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