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Matt Sapiano1 and Wes Berg2 1University of Maryland

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1 Satellite inter-calibration activities and methods for window channel radiometers
Matt Sapiano1 and Wes Berg2 1University of Maryland 2Colorado State University 1

2 The Global Precipitation Mission
CORE SATELLITE Dual frequency radar Multifrequency radiometer Non-sun synchronous orbit ~70 deg inclination ~400km altitude ~4km horizontal resolution 250m vertical resolution CONSTELLATION SATELLITES ~8 satellites Radiometer only Rely on existing radiometers Multifrequency radiometer ~3 hour average revisit time Intro to why we want to do intercalibration; Space agencies are responsible for individual satellite calibration GPM will utilize a constellation which must be homogeneous BUT: this “constellation” actually stretches back to 1987 MISSION: Provide enough sampling to reduce uncertainty in short-term rainfall accumulations. Extend scientific and societal applications. MISSION: Understand the horizontal and vertical structure of rainfall and its microphysical elements. Provide training for constellation radiometers

3 Outline Introduction Overview of NOAA CDR Project
XCAL and other intercalibration activities Cross-track biases Ephemeris and geolocation errors Diurnal variability Monitoring of changes in TBs over time Approaches to intercalibration Summary

4 Sample products from passive microwave radiometers
Some examples of the products derived from SSMI/SSMIS Such products are needed for climate studies, so a CDR is necessary…

5 Currently Available Radiometer Data
AMSR-E no longer working, AMSR-2 and Megha-Tropiques now added, but not really available yet

6 Differences in Sensor Characteristics
Sensors for GPM Sensor Channel Frequency (GHz) Inc Ang TMI 10.7 19.4 21.3a 37 85.5 53.4° AMSR-E 6.9 18.7 23.8 36.5 89 55.0° SSM/I 22.2a 53.1° SSMIS 91.7 150b 183.3 ±1,3,7b WINDSAT 6.8 10.7c 18.7c 37c 49.9°-55.3° Make sure that everyone gets the concept of radiation: Tb = epsilon x Ts a V-Pol only; b H-Pol only; c V, H, +/45º, L, R

7 Effect on precip: SSM/I Calibration

Generate a transparent and documented FCDR of SSM/I and SSMIS brightness temperatures (Tb) from 1987 – Present Tb will be Intercalibrated for SSM/I and SSMIS Tb will be physically consistent: time-of-day bias and EIA dependence not removed Produce two sets of NetCDF4 files Basefiles include granularized raw data with duplicates removed FCDR files include intercalibrated TBs with new geolocation, QC, etc. Produce well documented software package (“Stewardship code”) that ingests basefiles, applies corrections and outputs the FCDR This is our approach to the FCDR – Transparency and reproducability are important What if we make a mistake? What if someone else wants to improve what we did? Spent a lot of time on intercalibration, and that is a main focus of this talk Diagram shows our deliverables (two sets of files and some well documented code + ATBDs and heritage docs)

9 SSMI(S) FCDR Intercalibration
Sensor data must be physically consistent Sensor still different due to differences in frequencies, view angles, resolution, observation time etc. Geophysical retrieval algorithms must take into account sensor differences in order to create TCDR (eg: precipitation, wind, humidity, etc). Investigate calibration differences using multiple approaches [described later]. Consistency/inconsistency between approaches will provide insight into methods as well as estimate of the uncertainties. Goal is to understand any differences and use sensor information to select correct solution

10 Known issues/risks Inconsistency between Calibration Methods
Using multiple approaches will help to identify problems and estimate uncertainties. Ultimately stewardship must allow for future investigators to look into discrepancies and develop new/improved techniques/approaches. Geolocation Errors Difficulty in separating effects of spacecraft orientation from other issues. Limitations in determining spacecraft attitude Other sensor Issues Warm versus cold end calibration, nonlinearities etc. Unknown error sources that can be difficult/impossible to quantify/correct.

11 Xcal and other intercalibration activities
XCAL is a working group of the NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) project whose goal is to intercalibrate available radiometers for GPM. Meets ~2-3 times per year Comprised of multiple institutions/groups who have developed different techniques for intercalibration. Working group consists of experts in both engineering and science application aspects of radiometers Responsible for developing intercalibration adjustments for Level 1C Data (Intercalibrated TB dataset for GPM). GSICS – Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System Effort is focused on operational weather satellites and funded by operational agencies

12 Cross Track Biases Caused by partial beam blockage or other (unknown?) issues Differences relative to position 32 (i.e. the center of the scan)

13 Spacecraft ephemeris and pixel geolocation: SSMI/SSMIS FCDR
Many operational satellites such as SSM/I on board the DMSP spacecraft use predicted ephemeris. Spacecraft ephemeris are recomputed using 2-line element data and SGDP4 code. Pixel geolocation depends on accurate spacecraft ephemeris and pointing information (spacecraft attitude and sensor alignment). Retrieval algorithms are often sensitive to the EIA or view angle of the sensor.

14 Predicted vs computed spacecraft ephemeris
Computed values derived from SGP4 NASA/NORAD code.

15 Estimation of Satellite Attitude
Satellite attitude offsets required to accurately calculate geolocation Roll, Pitch, Yaw Earth Incidence Angle (EIA) was not included in original data EIA is needed for intercalibration and geophysical retrievals Estimates of EIA are grossly inaccurate without satellite attitude estimates Previously used s fixed EIA – bad idea! Plot shows actual EIA which has a range of 0.5 degree off which translates to ~1K difference in TBs We needed to add EIA to the FCDR, but we could not do this without knowing the Roll, Pitch Yaw Lower panel shows the effect on the TBs of assuming zero roll, pitch, yaw for F13

16 Geolocation and solar angles
Original data source (TDR files) did not include Earth Incidence Angle (EIA) or Sun glint Used Two-Line Elements (TLEs) with NORAD SGP4 code to add Spacecraft Position and Velocity vectors to Basefiles Stewardship code uses SCpos and SCvel to calculate ephemeris (SClat, SClon, SCaltitude) for every scan, as well as pixel lat/lon, EIA and sun glint angle for every pixel Stewardship code can also be set to output satellite azimuth, solar zenith/azimuth and time since eclipse Pixel geolocation in TDRs was fine (ie: error was acceptable) But: TDR files did not contain EIA or Sun Glint angle; nominal EIA, or similar fixed value was commonly used EIA is important for many geophysical retrievals and is critical for intercal, so we calculate it Code is freely available and is used for QC check, geolocation and for estimation of RPY offsets

17 Methodology: Coastline analysis
Used mean of ascending TBs minus mean descending to assess Geolocation error Used 11 months of 85H TBs mapped onto 1/20th degree grid Before corrections: coastlines are visible as red and blue bands because A&D do not line up Differences in A-D due meteorological events unaffected by small changes in geolocation Root mean square error (RMSE) of the A-D used as a metric for geolocation accuracy Fast iterative technique developed to find optimal roll, pitch and yaw Involves estimating RMSE associated with many RPY combinations Coastline analysis is common tool for estimating roll pitch yaw offsets Attitude errors lead to errors in the position of land masses between A and D passes Technique involves finding RPY values that remove the discrepancy between A and D Pitch is easy to estimate, but roll and yaw are dependent (both affect East-West) so it can be tricky Developed a system to estimate R, P, Y in an optimal way by finding the combination with the lowest RMSE

18 SSM/I Satellite Attitude Estimates
Attitude is relatively stable over the life of each spacecraft F08 and F10 are less stable than F11-F15 Technique works well Yields Time varying attitude with estimated accuracy within ~0.1 degrees. Determination of high-frequency changes not possible with this approach Expected impact for climate is generally negligible Plot shows final values of RPY offsets over time Pitch has the biggest impact on EIA; roll has a smaller role (although it is larger towards the edge of scan). Yaw does not affect EIA on a conical scanner F11-F15 are fairly stable, F08 and F11 are a little les stable

19 Impact on Geolocation Trends in EIA or differences between sensors can introduce biases if not properly accounted for EIA variability over orbit (driven by altitude) may also be important Particularly true for F10 due to its more eccentric orbit Significant differences in EIA for each sensor will impact intercalibration Probably also important for some geophysical retrieval algorithms Trends in EIA may be important – trend in F13 EIA is actually quite large and can impact some retrievals EIA changes across an orbit are also important – driven by altitude, so F10 is particularly affected Algorithm developers should take note of these issues and use EIA – we have not corrected the TBs for changing EIA!

20 EIA effect on retrievals
SSM/I Precip (GPROF2010) SSM/I TPW (OE) Constant nominal EIA (53.1) Shows the important impact of EIA differences – using nominal is a bad idea Calculated EIA

21 Sayak Biswas, Dr. Linwood Jones
TRMM V7 Correction and Angle Issues Presentation material for GPM inter-calibration working group meeting, May 19, 2009 Sayak Biswas, Dr. Linwood Jones UCF, CFRSL Dr. Kaushik Gopalan UMD, ESSIC Steve Bilanow Wyle, PPS

22 Space Craft Aft-Structure Shadowing
Earth Shadow Exit TB Bias (K)

23 Eclipse = 31min Eclipse = 26.4 min
Humps in lower plot show potential spacecraft shading from antenna or other surfaces. Eclipse = 26.4 min

24 Time of Day Dependence This problem led to an artificial diurnal cycle that has now been removed.

25 Diurnal Impacts It is important to properly account for these differences when comparing TBs from different satellites The intercalibrated brightness temperatures (i.e. FCDR) should retain these differences.

26 Window Channel Radiometer Record

27 RadCal Beacons Turned on
Monitoring TBs SSM/I F15 RADCAL issue: beacon was switched on in 2006, lead to severe interference Important to monitor satellites for calibration issues 19 V 22 V 85 H RadCal Beacons Turned on

28 Intercalibration Satellite providers deal with the absolute calibration of satellite observations Errors can be large (1-2K) Providers do not use same technique or standard so absolute cals differ Projects such as NOAA SDS and NASA GPM need consistent estimates from several satellites Seek to intercalibrate the satellites to within ~.1-.2K Goal is to estimate adjustments to TBs for each channel so as to make observations consistent with some calibration standard Calibration standard choice not easy and might be arbitrary/political Aim to make sensors physically consistent (not correct channel diffs, etc) Intercalibration often takes the form of simple offsets, although TB dependent adjustments may be more appropriate How do we calculate TB-dependent adjustment? Need to use techniques that cover a large portion of TB space Need at least 2 points: low and high TB

29 Intercalibration techniques
Different satellites have different sampling characteristics, so intercalibration has to use a common target May need to account for Incidence angle, channel differences The following is not an exhaustive list, but does encompass the techniques used by XCal and for the CSU SDS project Direct comparison of satellites being intercompared For polar orbiters, this takes the form of polar matchups Matchups are available elsewhere if one of the satellites is not in a non-Sun-synchronous orbit (TRMM, GPM core) Comparison of each satellite with a non-Sun synchronous satellite Comparison with a fixed target Target could be an in situ observation related to TBs by a geophysical retrieval Target could be a strictly homogeneous area (not many of these exist) Calculation of some fixed reference point with known properties Only example of this is from Vicarious calibration Note: cannot compare global means of satellites as sampling characteristics are totally different -

30 SSM/I Intercalibration
As part of creation of SSM/I FCDR, require intercalibration estimates for F8-F15 Applied 5 different techniques to SSM/I Model double difference Polar Crossovers TMI matchups Vicarious Cold Calibration Amazon Warm Calibration Strategy is to seek agreement between methods and use to estimate uncertainty of intercalibration Approach to intercal is to use multiple approaches and get a consensus

31 1. Model Double Difference
Simulate TBs using model (reanalysis) data at 1 degree as an input to radiative transfer model Match with gridded observed TBs Screening used to remove land/coast Also screen rain and clouds based on model (liquid water) and satellite (SD85: standard deviation of 85Ghz in 1 degree box) Two implementations based on NASA MERRA ECMWF ERA-I In this case, the model is used as a transfer standard from satellite to satellite Satellites are not co-located in time or space in this technique

32 2. Polar Crossovers Gridded SSM/I data onto equal area polar grid (~100km grid box size) Extracted coincident overpasses (within 30 mins) for two SSM/I Matchups occur only at the poles Used standard RT model with MERRA atmosphere to correct EIA bias over open ocean F13 F15 Open Ocean (1day)

33 SSMI and TMI Ground tracks for 2-3am on 20 Nov 2004
3. TMI Matchups SSMI and TMI Ground tracks for 2-3am on 20 Nov 2004 Gridded to 1 degree and extracted coincident overpasses of SSMI and TRMM TMI Occur only in the tropics Estimated sensor differences between TMI and SSM/I (EIA, channel diffs) using three methods Optimal Estimation (OE): estimate geophysical profile from TMI; simulate TBs from TMI and SSMI; use this to estimate sensor diffs MERRA: use model profile to simulate TBs from TMI and SSMI; use this to estimate sensor diffs ERA-I: use ERA-I instead of MERRA All three implementations use the same RT model

34 Ruf, 2000; IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 38(1), 44-52
4. Vicarious Cold Cal For each frequency and polarization, there is a fixed surface temperature at which the minimum TB occurs TB minimum is affected by water vapor, so finding minimum can be challenging in practice Vicarious Cold Cal technique involves finding this minimum Build histogram of TBs from large amount of data (~1 year) Screen high water vapor pixels (cloud, rain, etc) Estimate minimum TB from histogram Use OE or Merra/ERA-I data to correct for EIA of each sensor since TB minimum is EIA dependent Ruf, 2000; IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 38(1), 44-52 Vicarious Cold Calibration technique developed at U. Michigan by Prof Chris Ruf

35 Brown and Ruf, 2005; J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 22(9), 1340–1352
5. Warm Calibration Other techniques give estimates at cold end of TBs – really need an estimate at warm end This would allow estimation of gain (ie: slope) Warm Calibration technique developed by UMich group uses Amazon rainforest This is a warm, (near) black-body (= unpolarized) target First, estimate surface (temperature and emissivity) and atmospheric (water vapor, cloud liquid water) parameters Forward RT model used with non-linear least squares fit Forward model then used to remove EIA differences Diurnal cycle correction also necessary Technique applied to SSM/I by Darren McKague (U. Michigan) Sample Amazon Targets Brown and Ruf, 2005; J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 22(9), 1340–1352

36 Combining aproaches Have estimates from five techniques, most with several realizations of sensor differences Technique Simulation of EIA differences Sensors covered Notes Polar Matchups ERA-I (on 1 equal area grid) F10, F11, F13, F14, F15 Direct overlaps near poles; restricted to open ocean only Reanalysis Transfer Merra, ERA-I (both on 1 grid) F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15 Simulate Tb from reanalysis matched to SSM/I; model is transfer standard TMI Matchups Merra, ERA-I, Optimal Estimation (all on 1 grid) F11, F13, F14, F15 Crossovers between TMI and SSM/I; used TMI as a transfer standard Vicarious Cold Merra, ERA-I (1), Optimal Estimation (at native res.) Estimate stable minimum Tb over clear-sky open-ocean Amazon Warm Physical model developed by Brown and Ruf (2005) (at native resolution) F13, F14, F15 Used homogeneous Amazon warm target; used TMI as a transfer standard to remove diurnal cycle Approach to intercal is to use multiple approaches and get a consensus Techniques are bunched around colder TBs – hence addition of Amazon warm cal Small EIA differences can lead to errors as large as the intercal – translation of EIA is important when comparing satellites Use common RT model Make multiple flavors of the 5 techniques – each flavor represents a different method for translating between sats

37 Combined analysis F13-F15 Plot shows intercal estimates for F13-F15 as a function of F13 Tb Vicarious Cold cal and Amazon warm cal are valid only for single Tb values Agreement is extremely good Spread amongst colder techniques ~0.5K for most channels Amazon Warm cal in less good agreement, but has 0.57K error Larger (~1K) for F08 and F10 (not shown)

38 Beta (B6) Calibration (April 2012)
Combination of techniques to get Beta Intercal requires some care TMI only available for F11, F13, F14 and F15 Amazon Warm Cal technique not available for all satellites (requires TMI to remove diurnal effects) F08 is a special challenge due to lack of overlaps: use VCC and Model Since variations of each technique are not independent, average these first, then take mean and SD of four techniques to make Beta Cal Amazon warm results not used in order to be consistent amongst sensors SSM/I Beta Cal 19V 19H 22V 37V 37H 85V 85H F08 0.74 -0.02 1.53 0.84 1.56 1.98 -0.7 F10 0.14 -0.03 1.38 -0.19 0.4 0.44 -0.07 F11 0.19 -0.16 0.15 0.67 0.36 -0.55 -1.22 F13 F14 0.34 -0.2 0.06 0.45 0.35 F15 0.29 -0.26 -0.13 0.24 0.26 0.09 Sapiano et al., Towards an Intercalibrated Fundamental Climate Data Record of the SSM/I Sensors, Trans. Geosci. And Rem. Sens., in revision.

39 SSMIS Beta Version (April 2012)
SSMIS has several major, known issues Worse for F16 than for F17, F18 Preoperational data not used currently Applied corrections for Solar/lunar Intrusions Emissive antenna Estimated attitude for EIA calculation SSMIS has 6 feedhorns: use common satellite attitude with a fixed sensor alignment offset for each feedhorn Spillover and cross-pol corrections from operational code used, but not scene-dependent correction. SSMIS beta intercalibration Same approach as used for SSM/I. Only applied to the 7 SSM/I equivalent channels Intercal 19V 19H 22V 37V 37H 85V/91V 85H/91H F13 - F16 0.67 -0.75 0.36 -2.04 -2.13 1.59 0.38 F13 - F17 0.25 -0.95 -0.4 -2.39 -1.54 3.59 2.51 F13 - F18 0.73 0.28 0.12 -1.38 -0.76 3.01 2.28

40 Intercalibration Issues
Non-physical trends can exist in satellite estimates Can be difficult to quantify these given sampling requirements of some techniques No techniques calibrate in rainy part of TB spectrum Difficult to get idea of how calibration should change with TB Vicarious warm calibration helps here, but the middle of the spectrum is not sampled

41 Summary of key issues A number of specific calibration-related issues need to be addressed before sensors can be effectively intercalibrated (cross-track biases, geolocation and pointing errors etc.) Although conical-scanning radiometers designed to have same view angle across the scan, differences of as little as 0.1 degrees can impact calibration as well as geophysical retrievals, particularly over oceans. Calibration needs to be ongoing as sensors change/degrade, orbits drift, and new sensors are launched As demonstrated by biases in TMI due to heating of the antenna (Jones et al.), calibration errors often change over time (as with spacecraft heating) and can mimic real physical signals (i.e. diurnal cycle). Using multiple approaches to intercalibration helps to confirm results, identify issues, and determine residual errors. As a result, calibration should be considered an ongoing, continually evolving endeavor that involves collaboration by multiple groups with expertise in both the engineering and scientific aspects of the sensors.

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