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Elective care e-learning tool

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1 Elective care e-learning tool
Lynn Neat, Improvement Manager, Elective IST Sarah Parker, Head of Information, Mid Yorskhire Hospitals NHS Trust Linda Clarke, Head of Operational Performance, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Elective Care Conference , Thursday 4th May 2017 Title slide with embedded images

2 Why has it been developed?
General lack of understanding about RTT and wider elective care rules, national standards and best practice operational processes Increasingly supporting trusts with poor levels of data quality Cost and time saving to trusts and wider health systems to have access to a national tool.

3 About the tool Free to all NHS staff
Content developed by national experts from NHS Improvement, NHS England and the Department of Health Web solution provided by e-Learning for Health, part of the Health Education England Can be linked to trust’s learning management system Ten short sessions, comprising learning material and assessments (plus reassessments if necessary) Required to achieve 4 /5 (80%) to pass each session Structured chronologically in pathway order Certificate awarded at the end of each session.

4 Sessions 1) Elective Care Foundation 2) Referral to Treatment Basics
3) Referral Management 4) Booking First Outpatient Appointment 5) Clinic Attendance and Outcomes 6) Diagnostics 7) Pre-operative Assessment 8) Adding to the Admitted Waiting List 9) Admitted Scheduling 10) Admissions Mandatory sessions for all Role specific sessions

5 Suggested module packages
Key Core suggested modules required by identified staff groups Potential suggested modules required according to organisational structure / need

6 Session One : Elective Care Foundation



9 Session 3 : Referral Management






15 Stage one pilot Took place in autumn / winter 2016 / 17
Material in PowerPoint, therefore tested mainly from a content perspective Two trusts involved – Mid Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust Feedback overwhelmingly positive

16 Stage two pilot Took place in April over two weeks Full web-based solution Participating trusts Mid Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

17 Stage two pilot stats Approximately 100 staff members across both trusts took part All existing staff (as opposed to new starters) Ranged from band 2 – band 8d across a variety of administrative and managerial roles All ten sessions were piloted, including reassessments

18 Stage two pilot feedback

19 Additional comments ‘A good introduction tool for new starters in administration / operational roles’ ‘The content was very good and so was the presentation’ ‘RTT was made simpler and understandable’ ‘I found the modules interesting and feel that I have learnt a lot’ ‘A very informative e-learning package that gave me a better insight into RTT’ ‘I found the training very clear and user-friendly’ ‘Excellent e-learning, well structured, logical and brilliant questions. Really tested my understanding’ ‘This has been some of the best e-learning I have undertaken in any public sector role’

20 Additional comments ‘Referral Management : A lot of information to take in on this one’ ‘The only problem I had was where to go at the end of each session, ie I had to exit out (with the top right hand cross’ ‘I knew some of the answers due to my prior knowledge’ ‘Not the best use of page space – could be more spread out’

21 More about the stage two pilots Sarah and Linda

22 What do I need to do if I want to use the tool?
Anyone can access the material but ideally it should form part of a trust’s elective care training strategy Before starting, trusts should consider how it is going to be administered and managed, eg: Who will co-ordinate and decide which staff undertake which sessions? How frequently will staff need to undergo the training? How will it form part of staff induction? Who will maintain training records? What will happen if staff do not pass the assessment and reassessment? Do trusts want to link the administration into their own learning management systems? All trainees will need to register themselves to obtain an e-learning for healthcare account

23 How do I access the tool?

24 Come and see a demo at the market stall over lunch!!

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