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Geospatial Tools for Improved Water Management in Jordan

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1 Geospatial Tools for Improved Water Management in Jordan
Prof. Jawad Al-Bakri, UOJ Geospatial Tools for Improved Water Management in Jordan Jawad Al-Bakri, Sari Shawash, Eman Qaryouti, Areej Al-Khreisat Department of Land, Water and Environment Faculty of Agriculture The University of Jordan

2 Contents Background and use of RS-GIS at MWI
Recent applications at MWI Case study in year 2016 Main findings Conclusions

3 Why Geospatial? The technology is improved with time.
Real-time data is available at low or no cost. Integration of Geospatial data (remote sensing and GIS). Attractive technology (automation and digital analysis) that is used at laptops and mobiles.

4 Use of Geospatial techniques at MWI
The use of RS-GIS at MWI started with mapping water resources (ground and surface). Each firm of MWI has its own GIS application. For RS, the concrete steps started in 2012 through a WB project.

5 Recent applications of Geospatial techniques at MWI
Years : Crop mapping for two pilots (Azarq and Mafraq). Developing the work to assess GW abstraction records. Mapping irrigation in highlands. Estimation of crop water consumption.

6 Crop mapping and estimation of CWR
Mapping of irrigation to uncover violations Detailed mapping of irrigated crops

7 3.4.5 Crop mapping: outputs and analysis

8 Crop ETc from FAO-56 (Mafraq)
Crop (s) Net Water Consumption (MCM/year) Olives 31.9 Fruit trees 24.1 Grapes 0.8 Vegetables 40.3 Mixed crops 15.4 Total (Net CWR) 113 Gross CWR 161 Recorded by MWI 49

9 Case study Work in 2016. Support by GIZ
5 study areas in 5 basins in the highlands Data used: Landsat ETM+ and OLI, Rapid Eye, Met. Records, ground data. Crop mapping with time series of Landsat data, verified and refined with RapidEye. SEBAL Model for ETa, calibrated with credible data (Ramtha WWTP, soil moisture at Samar, Irrigated farms) Comparison with GW abstraction records at MWI.

10 Case study Azraq Mafraq Ramtha South Amman Jafir

11 RS data and models Landsat 8 (30m), RapidEye (5m). Climatic records.
SEBAL model for actual ET mapping

12 2- G is obtained from surface cover type and thermal bands
1- Rn = RS ↓ − α RS ↓ + RL ↓ − RL ↑ − (1 − εo) RL ↓ RS and RL are calculated from remote sensing data and atmospheric models. Albedo is obtained from spectral reflectance and surface cover type 2- G is obtained from surface cover type and thermal bands Part of SEBAL model to calculate surface temperature and G from RS data

13 3- H is calculated from an iterative process that uses data related to stability conditions of the atmosphere data on The model calculates the instantaneous ET which is transferred into daily, weekly and monthly ET. ETrF or Kc = instantaneous ETa/ETr

14 Examples on outputs: crop mapping

15 Examples : ETa mapping and groundwater abstraction



18 Outputs: Water Accounting and auditing
Study Area Irrigated area (dunum) Crops (%) No. of wells Recorded abstraction (MCM) SEBAL-ETa (MCM) Difference between ETa - GW Ramtha 11,496 -Vegetables (73) -Trees (17) - Forage (10) 26 3.75 5.92 2.17 Mafraq 89,037 Vegetables (46) -Trees (56) 170 28.70 34.22 5.52 Azraq 50,701 -Vegetables (17) -Trees (70) - Forage (13) 404 21.70 30.3 8.6 South Amman 44,548 -Vegetables (72) -Trees (28) 68 7.28 13.77* 6.49 Jafer 23,819 -Trees (7) - Forage (21) 57 6.62 10.72* 4.10 Total 219,601 -Vegetables (49) -Trees (46) - Forage (5) 725 68.05 94.93 26.88 * Including evaporation from irrigation ponds.

19 Mapped CWR > records of GW (30-50% excluding irrigation losses).
Main findings Mapped CWR > records of GW (30-50% excluding irrigation losses). Over-abstraction of groundwater in all basins. Evidence of violations and illegal access to water sources. SEBAL estimates < actual (due to irrigation losses)

20 Recommendations for future work
Adoption of SEBAL and other calibrated models. Use of different techniques and remote sensing sources (EarthExplorer: Sentinel-2, Landsat 8,..). Working with farmers to assess irrigation practices and find solutions (Full irrigation, deficit irrigation and water stress). Merge remote sensing with socioeconomic data to provide solutions.

21 شكرا لاستماعكم Citation:
Al-Bakri, J. T Auditing and assessment of groundwater abstraction in irrigated highlands of Jordan during year A report for Management of Water Resources Program - Water Governance Component, GIZ, Amman, Jordan.

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