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Our Investment in Whiteness

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1 Our Investment in Whiteness
May 7, 2017

2 Why Talk About Racism? Why Now?

3 When did you first experience “whiteness
When did you first experience “whiteness?” (if you have) What was that like?

4 How many would be offended (or unhappy) if you were told you are a white supremacist? Why?

5 How many of you can agree that you are the recipient of many advantages solely because you are white? What are some of those race-based advantages?

6 More Examples of White Privilege:
More Examples of White Privilege: * I never worry the police may stop me for driving while white * When I watch TV I have no difficulty finding shows which feature white characters * If I cut myself, the flesh-colored bandaid matches my skin * I easily find hair care products which match my hair texture * I can usually cash a check with only one piece of ID * When I was young and studied American history, I studied white people and was taught my race made America what it is * No one assumes my career success is because I received special treatment such as Affirmative Action


















24 A Few Facts: * The only factor demonstrated to be related to police killings is race of the victim * Black Americans are 2.5 times more likely than white Americans to be killed by police * In Q1-2016, 12% of Blacks killed by police were unarmed; 6% of Whites killed by police were unarmed * Blacks with a college degree are twice as likely to be unemployed than whites with a degree

25 Prior to Presidential campaign of 2016, only 6% of Americans believed race is a national problem White denial is not new: * in % of Whites believed Blacks were treated equally; * in % of Whites believed Black children received an equal education; * in 1963, 67% of Whites believed civil rights movement asked too much too soon * in 1851 an American physician diagnosed slaves who ran away as mentally ill (drapetomania)


27 WHAT CAN WE DO? Nothing will change a 400 year history of American inequality and bias overnight! To start we can: * recognize our own prejudices * confront subtle racism * practice talking about race (even if you make errors most people will respect your effort) * listen when POC talk about their experience

28 Characteristics of Racially Integrated UU Churches
Characteristics of Racially Integrated UU Churches * Minister and Congregation are visibly concerned with issues of race relations & justice * Congregation has a vision of being racially diverse, and leadership supported that vision * Congregation and leadership took specific actions to be inclusive, often against internal resistance or fear * Congregation incorporated black experience into worship (ushers, black music, black speakers)


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