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Learning Trajectory Patterns by Clustering: Comparative Evaluation

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Trajectory Patterns by Clustering: Comparative Evaluation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Trajectory Patterns by Clustering: Comparative Evaluation

2 Problem Description & Definition

3 Scene Modeling -Clustering Approaches

4 Distance/Similarity Measures
Euclidean/Modified Euclidean distance Dynamic Time Warping Longest Common Sequences modified Hausdorff Distance 1/15/2018

5 Clustering Methods Iteration optimization Online adaptive
K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means Online adaptive incremental learning Hierarchical clustering agglomeratvie & divisive, min-cut graph based, dominant set clustering Co-occurrence de-compostion document and keywords Note: For clustering methods we decide to utilize CLUTO[7] data clustering software package, which is used for agglomerative, divisive, hybrid and graph-based clustering. The software provides a number of options and optimization criteria for each cluster variants. In matlab K-Means clustering is available to use directly. 1/15/2018

6 Evaluation(Dataset) We decided to use Lankershim dataset (a total of 30 minutes vehicle trajectories processed from the video data) provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM). 1/15/2018

7 Evaluation(Criteria)
We will manually label the trajectories into cluster and evaluate different distance metrics and clustering algorithms in terms of correct clustering rate (CCR) where N is the total number of trajectories and pc denotes the total number of trajectories matched to the c-th cluster 1/15/2018

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