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Who is in and why: Stakeholders and engagement in CS market

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1 Who is in and why: Stakeholders and engagement in CS market
WP4: Exploring CS supply chain cluster options in urban planning Raffaele Giordano – CNR-IRSA (Italy)

2 Urban adaptation requires a collaborative approach
Urban adaptation requires a collaborative approach. Therefore, an inter-organizational cooperation is required. This has an impact on the climate services supply chain. At certain point, it becomes a network, linking all different stakeholders. Decision-makers environment: decision-makers do not act alone. The norms and the behaviour of the community can influence the use and value of the climate information. Urban climate change governance consists not only of deci­sions made by government actors, but also by non- govern­mental and civil society actors in the city. Participatory pro­cesses that engage these interests around a common aim hold the greatest potential to create legitimate, effective response strategies. CS for urban planning

3 Why stakeholders involvement?
Two clusters of stakeholders: CS users Enabling the process: CS mainstreaming in urban planning; CS market creation Why stakeholders involvement?

4 CS mainstreaming in urban planning

5 Stakeholders engagement: Social Network Analysis

6 Stakeholders engagement: Social Network Analysis

7 SNA: development phase
Actors identification: snowball sampling

8 SNA: development phase
An example: The urban regeneration plan With which actors (institutional and non-institutional) did you interact? What information did you exchange? How did you use this information (decision)? SNA: development phase

9 SNA: an example Name Acronym Spanish meteorological Agency (AIMET)
N.WF Segura river basin authority L.TS Murcia emergency management L.EM1 Fire brigades L.OP1 Military emergency unit (UME) N.OP National civil protection N.EM National Government N.GOV Municipality L.EM2 Community leader CL Community C Media MC Other Municipalities L.EM3 Local Police L.OP2 Network managers R.OP2 State police N.OP3 SNA: an example

10 SNA and stakeholders engagement
Key actors in the network; The «agents of change»; The «information hubs» in the networks; The «entry points» for the CS; The main drawbacks of the network hampering the CS uptake (e.g. governance structure, roles of actors, etc.). SNA and stakeholders engagement

11 CS supply chain

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