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Advise on beauty products and services

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1 Advise on beauty products and services
SHB30315 Certificate III in Nail Technology SHB40115 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy WRB20104 WRBCS201B – PROVIDE MANICURE AND PEDICURE SERVICES SHBBNLS006 Apply advanced nail art LEARNING MATERIAL Student name: Student ID: Date: Initial Impact P/L PO Box 301 Balnarring 3926 ABN Student name: Student ID: Date: © 2016 Initial Impact P/L Advise on beauty products and services

2 Apply advanced nail art
UNIT SCOPE Element 1. Establish client priorities. 1.1 Develop or access and review client treatment plan. 1.2 Discuss nail art requirements with client. 1.3 Identify contraindications to nail art, and refer client to appropriate professional as required. 1.4 Identify conditions and client characteristics relevant to nail art services and discuss with client treatment and product effects. 1.5 Conduct patch test as required and record outcomes. 1.6 Design nail art, confirm with client and record. 2. Prepare for advanced nail art service. 2.1 Prepare treatment area, equipment and self. 2.2 Use energy, water and other resources efficiently during preparation and subsequent treatment process to reduce negative environmental impacts. 2.3 Select products and equipment and personal protection equipment. 2.4 Maintain posture to minimise fatigue and risk of injury during treatment. 3. Apply advanced nail art. 3.1 Clean and prepare client’s hands and nails for service. 3.2 Apply two or three dimensional nail art according to treatment plan. 3.3 Modify application technique and products as required. 3.4 Complete nail art application for finger nails or toe nails according to treatment plan. 4. Review service. 4.1 Seek client feedback, revise, and record treatment plan. 4.2 Advise client of maintenance requirements. 4.3 Recommend home care, complementary products, and future services. 4.4 Rebook client according to the treatment plan. 5. Clean service area. 5.1 Remove used towels and clean surfaces and equipment according to organisational policies and procedures. 5.2 Restock equipment and products in preparation for next treatment. 5.3 Dispose general waste and hazardous substances to minimise negative environmental impacts according to organisational policies and procedures. Apply advanced nail art

3 Apply advanced nail art
UNIT SCOPE CONTINUED Foundation skills – 6 to 10 6. Student demonstrated foundation skills when they used oral communicationto use effective questioning and active listening techniques to consult with client, confirm requirements and monitor service outcomes. 7. Student demonstrated foundation skills when they used reading skills to interpret and follow manufacturer instructions and safety data sheets for use of cleaning and nail products and equipment. 8. Student demonstrated foundation skills when they used learning skills to identify nail art design trends. 9. Student demonstrated foundation skills when they used numeracy skills to calculate product quantities, time and price. 10. Student demonstrated foundation skills when they used technology skills to use client software to update client notes, rebook client for future treatment, record stock data and product purchases. Apply advanced nail art

4 Apply advanced nail art
Advanced nail art is performed by a nail artist who employs greater skills than those required for standard nail art. The nail artist creates designs using various mediums depending on the look they require.  Advanced nail art may incorporate designs used in standard nail art, but generally most advanced nail art is elaborate created from a predesigned concept. Principles of design. Advanced nail art may include 3D Veneer flowers being a background using multiple colours and textures. It may include mixed media which generally uses 3 or more different modalities. This could include hand painting, gel polish, embellishments and coloured acrylic. Furniture and equipment required. A well ventilated room for conducting the service. Using a nail table with extraction ventilation. Nail tables with drawers for storage of supplies. Chair with a comfortable back to avoid strain on the body. A table lamp with an adjustable arm. A small table fan for drying the nails. Disposable table towels. Wide variety of coloured polishes, gels, acrylics and water paints. Top and base coats. Stencils and other nail art mediums. Glass mixing plates and bowls. Nail art brushes, tweezers and spotter. UV lamp for curing the polishes. Covered lined bin for waste disposal. Appropriate flooring that is easy to clean. A hand basin with hot and cold water for washing equipment. Apply advanced nail art

5 Apply advanced nail art
Applying Occupational Health and Safety procedures Infections can be spread between the client and operator and from client to client if the instruments used have not been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between clients. For single use instruments it is recommended that they are discarded after each client use. Disposable cuticle sticks are recommended. Re-useable cuticle sticks and cutters should be washed, disinfected and stored dry. Single use nail files are recommended. Re-useable nail files should be cleaned and disinfected between clients. Waste removal must follow relevant legislation and workplace policies. Do not leave bottles un-capped or with loose fitting lids. Store products correctly as most nail chemicals have a one year shelf from date of manufacture. Do not smoke, eat or drink at the nail table. Using disinfectants. Infections can be spread between the client and operator and from client to client if the instruments used have not been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between clients. Contact your local state health department for specific requirements. Nail technician should only use disinfectants specified by the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for the approved purpose and for the time specified by the manufacturer. Do not use disinfectants on human skin, hair or nails. Only use disinfectants on furniture and used contaminated tools and implements. Sanitation – does not kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. Disinfectants – do kill all pathogens on a surface. Sterilisation – completely destroys all living organisms on an object or surface. Apply advanced nail art

6 Apply advanced nail art
Health and safety Overexposure is a chemical hazard caused from prolonged repeated exposure beyond levels specified as safe by OH&S regulations. The most common sign of overexposure is skin irritation which can lead to sensitisation which is being sensitive to any foreign substance. Skin irritation is a warning that a problems may be occurring. It is usually momentary itchiness on the nail or surrounding tissue accompanied by redness. By stopping the exposure, the itchiness will go away. General contraindications to advanced nail art. - Allergic reactions and abnormal skin around nail. - Bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections. - Bruising or swelling around nail and damaged natural nails from ineffective removal of enhancements. - Contraindications of products used in combination with other services. Eye protection. Some form of eye protection should be worn by the nail operator when working on clients. These can be goggles or glasses. Avoid wearing contact lenses in the salon as vapours will collect in the soft contacts and make them unwearable. Should an accidental splash occur, contact lenses prevent proper cleaning of the eye. Always wash your hands before touching the eye area. Other forms of protective equipment are face masks and gloves. Patch test for allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).   The chemicals which may cause allergic contact dermatitis in traditional acrylic, gel nail and Shellac® nail contain acrylates. Skin contact with these chemicals may lead to the development of ACD. Conduct the patch test using hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) as it is an adequate screening agent for acrylate allergy. Apply advanced nail art

7 Apply advanced nail art
Salon policies and procedures and scope of practice - Client record management. - Dust extraction and methods of venting air. - Equipment use and maintenance. - Incident reporting and safe use of chemicals. - Linen use and laundry procedures. - Personal hygiene and presentation of treatment area. - Use of personal protective equipment for client and operator. - Dust masks, gloves, goggles. - Waste and hazardous substance. - Work health and safety. - Referring clients to other practitioners. Importance of not stating a diagnosis of contraindications. Material safety data sheets. MSDS contain information about the identity of chemicals and the hazards they present. These include; How the product reacts with other chemicals. Signs and symptoms of over-exposure and illnesses that may be caused by the product and relevant emergency and first aid procedures. Prevention measures and controls against harmful ingredients entering the body Safe limits in the air to prevent overexposure by inhalation. Carcinogen hazard of the chemical. Precautions and handling procedures. Storage and disposal information. Keep these documents in a location where all salon staff can have access to this material. Apply advanced nail art

8 Apply advanced nail art
Sanitise tools and equipment before use Thoroughly wash all implements with soap and warm water, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Immerse in hospital grade disinfectant, remove and let dry. Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Store clean tools and equipment in a clean, dust free storage unit or table drawer. Wipe table, lamp and fan with a lint free wipe containing disinfectant. Place a new disposable towel on the table top. Supply a clean towel for each client. Ensure client’s chair is clean. Place all disposable materials ready for use on table. Wash your hands and thoroughly dry them. Preparing the client Advanced nail art should only be applied on a clean nail bed, whether that be a natural nail plate or an artificial enhancement. Ensure nail table and all the necessary equipment is sanitised and readily available. Discuss with the client the options and designs available and have them agree on a style. Provide a price quote for the design. Complete client details on client consultation card advising client of home care procedures for the nail art. Remove client’s jewellery and place them where the client can see them. Wash client’s hands using hand sanitiser and dry thoroughly. Inspect the skin and nails for any contraindications. Check to see if client is wearing any artificial tips before removing any existing nail polish. If so, only use a non-acetone polish remover. Discard waste correctly in covered lined bin. Again check for any contraindications. If required conduct a manicure to ensure the nail is in its best condition before applying the nail art. Place all required nail art accessories and tools ready to commence the design. Apply advanced nail art

9 Apply advanced nail art
Some nail art equipment Apply advanced nail art

10 Apply advanced nail art
Create a nail art board Create a board with your artwork and price it out according to time and resources needed to create each design. Think about how you can incorporate your art into salon-saleable service. Create some amazing art on your board to impress your clients. Practice your skills so you can create and recreate the nails again and again before performing the service on clients. Mix your media to create the desired result. FORMATIVE 1. WATCH VIDEO ON INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED NAIL ART. 3 and 5 colour fade tips When creating a fade you need to make sure that the colours fade from one to another without a distinct line. Apply the colours super thin on the nail so that it does not create a thick end result. FORMATIVE 2. WATCH VIDEO ON 3 COLOUR FADE DEMONSTRATION. FORMATIVE 3. WATCH VIDEO ON 5 COLOUR FADE DEMONSTRATION. Five colour fade Apply advanced nail art

11 Apply advanced nail art
Stencilling tips Used a stencil (frisket mask) in both positive and negative space to create two different looks using the same design. The positive looks through the design and represent that on the nail. The negative keeps the background and blocks out the rest. FORMATIVE 4. WATCH VIDEO ON STENCILLING DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

12 Apply advanced nail art
Abstract with pigments tips Created the background with black veneer (gel polish) – two coats cured. Applied base coat over the top of background. Used make-up brush to lightly apply pigments specifically designed for nails. Top coat then lightly brush. Created abstract free form art in acrylic paint. Top coat to revel. FORMATIVE 5. WATCH VIDEO ON ABSTRACT WITH PIGMENTS DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

13 Apply advanced nail art
3D Veneer powder tips Created background with Veneer, gently buffed shine away. Painted green background in watercolour. Made 3D Veneer powder into a workable consistency in two colours. Created petals – cure when you feel you need to set the design. It could be one petal at a time or multiple petals depending on the flower. Added some white background detail swirls. Created leaves on a form, applied using a little glue. Added some white detailing to petals and leaves. Top coat optional. FORMATIVE 6. WATCH VIDEO ON 3D VENEER POWDER DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

14 Apply advanced nail art
Hibiscus pink tips Created background using Veneer and fine striper bush – hot pint and pastel pink. Cured design. Used white acrylic paint to paint the hibiscus flowers. When dry, top coat to revel. FORMATIVE 7. WATCH VIDEO ON HIBISCUS PINK DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

15 Apply advanced nail art
Gel rose tips Created background using fine glitter Veneer. Applied base coat (not cured) then applied neon purple and lime green in cross and dot design swirling them into each other. Cured design. Applied base coat again and created rose with white design. Cured design. Added definition to rose with additional white lines. Cured design. Base coat again and created leaves. Cured design and applied top coat to finish. FORMATIVE 8. WATCH VIDEO ON GEL ROSE DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

16 Apply advanced nail art
3D encapsulated acrylic tips Used three colour fade background on which three flowers were created. Do not work too wet or you will be chasing the flower around. Less monomer in the mix really helps. The mix must be the same ration for all the design otherwise the colouration will vary in petals and leaves. A double-dip technique was used for the leaves. Added beads and additional glitter to background. When encapsulating, ensue you choose a good quality clear powder and work slightly wetter than normal. Fill in between the “bumps” first then create the structure from there. Dry, shape and buff design. FORMATIVE 9. WATCH VIDEO ON 3D ENCAPSULATED ACRYLIC DEMONSTRATION. Apply advanced nail art

17 Apply advanced nail art
Free form water paints FORMATIVE 10. WATCH VIDEO ON FREE FORM HAND PAINTED WITH WATER PAINTS DEMONSTRATION. Mixed Media. In this unit you are required to create a mixed media nail design with a minimum of 4 different mediums. A search for advanced nail art mixed media on the internet has some very creative ideas you might like to try. FORMATIVE 11. WATCH VIDEO ON EXPLANATION OF MIXED MEDIA AND AFTERCARE. Apply advanced nail art

18 Apply advanced nail art
Providing aftercare advice There is very little after care required in a nail art service however it is very important that the client is pleased with the results of the service. Write down client comments on their client card for future reference. Advise the client to apply cuticle oil to their cuticles every day to prevent the nail enhancement lifting allowing the formation of bacteria between the product and the natural nail. If the design begins to dull have the client apply one coat of top coat to add lustre to the design. Removing nail art. Apply acetone to a cotton pad and remove the nail art as you do for a regular polish removal. It may takes several attempts. Be sure to dispose of the waste products correctly to minimise the effects on the environment. There are five points in developing a successful nail art business. Know the features and benefits of the nail art service you are offering your clients. Use questioning skills to determine the needs of your clients. Present the salon as a clean and inviting environment for the client to visit. Know how to impress the client and make them feel important. Provide advice and guide the client into choosing designs that will suit their needs, personality and the image they are after. Rebook the client for the next appointment before they leave the salon. Stress the importance of maintaining the designs. Apply advanced nail art

19 Apply advanced nail art
Sustainability Sustainability is the ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. The most frequent use of the term sustainability, is connected to biological or human systems in the context of ecology. The ability of an ecosystem to function and maintain productivity for a prolonged period is also sustainability. Sustainability in general refers to the property of being sustainable. The widely accepted definition of sustainability or sustainable development was given by World Commission on Environment and Development in It defined sustainable development as "forms of progress that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.“ Practically, sustainability refers to three broad themes, economic, social and environmental, that must all be coordinated and addressed to ensure the long term viability of a community and the planet. The primary goal of sustainable is using renewable natural resources in a manner that does not eliminate or degrade them or otherwise diminish their usefulness for future generations. Sustainable work practices; Safe disposal of all waste materials to minimise negative impact on the environment. Efficient use of energy, water and other resources used to minimise negative impact on the environment. Ensuring the practice of waste minimisation and recycling is conducted to reduce impact on the environment. Comparing availability of products, equipment and services and adjusting their use to minimise negative impact on the environment. This completes the learning material for this unit. Authors copyright is claimed in all forms of media. Moral rights are claimed in all forms of media. Intellectual property rights are asserted and maintained in all forms of media. Apply advanced nail art

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