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Clean Energy Package: why buildings matter

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1 Clean Energy Package: why buildings matter
Mariangiola Fabbri Senior Project Manager Buildings Performance Institute Europe

2 Overview of Europe’s Building Stock
40% of EU energy consumption, 75% inefficient, 1% renovation rate = ~100 years to decarbonise* Old, post-war buildings, mostly residential houses Largely inefficient, but improving since the 1970s. Source: “Europe’s buildings under the microscope” (BPIE 2011) *Source: IA EPBD, 2017

3 92 million Single Family Houses 25 million Multi Family Houses
Share of SFH and MFH house changes considerably across MS Ownership rate also changes: EU average 69%, but great variations among MS (52% in D, 78% in ESP, 98% in RO) Tailored approach to renovation needed

4 Energy consumption Space and water heating: 80% of buildings’ energy demand

5 Challenges 1.11% = Equivalent major renovation rate
Construction rate Renovation depth 1.11% = Equivalent major renovation rate 0.68% = Annual share of new dwellings in total residential stock 12% = Share of deep renovation of all energy renovations (residential)

6 Market share per building segment in 17* MS
Renovation market higher than new construction since 2010 AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, NL, PL, PT, SE, SK, UK The turnover of the building sector in these countries represent 75% of the EU28 turnover of the sector in 2013 * 75% of the EU building market in 2013 Source: “Energy transition of the EU building stock; Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe” (Yamina SAHEB from OpenExp)

7 Estimates of the size of the energy renovation market in 17 MS
The EU energy renovation market is estimated at €109 billion in 2015 Energy renovation concentrated in DE, IT, FR and UK: ≈76% out of the 17 MS residential energy renovation market ≈ 70% out of the 17 MS non-residential energy renovation market DE, IT, FR and UK accounts for 76% of total residential energy renovations Depending on MS, major renovations account for less than 2% per year (0,08% ESP – 1,8% AT) Residential: total – 17MS market € 53 billion Non-residential: total – 17MS market € 29 billion Source: “Energy transition of the EU building stock; Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe” (Yamina SAHEB from OpenExp)

8 Fuel poverty affecting at least 10% of European citizens, and over 20% in some countries
About 10% of EU citizen cannot keep their homes adequately warm

9 Clean Energy Package and EPBD What is missing?
LONG-TERM VISION FOR BUILDINGS DRIVERS TO DEEP RENOVATION A concrete EU vision for buildings in 2050 (no definition of decarbonized building stock) Long-term renovation targets Minimum energy performance levels for commercial and public buildings and requirements to renovate “Trigger points” to capitalise on renovation opportunities Improved guidance on national renovation strategies Methodology how to measure progress in implementing renovation strategies Requirements to regularly update national renovation strategies (link with governance) Definition of decarbonised building stock

10 Mariangiola Fabbri WWW.BPIE.EU
Thank you… Mariangiola Fabbri

11 Distribution of population by tenure status (2015)
Source: Eurostat

12 Annual share of residential buildings undergoing major renovation
Less than 2% of major renovations per year Source: EU Buildings Observatory – ZEBRA2020

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