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By: Natalee Rose Bucaria-Riggs

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1 By: Natalee Rose Bucaria-Riggs
My family tradition My family Tradition By: Natalee Rose Bucaria-Riggs By: Natalee Rose Bucaria-Riggs

2 What is my family Tradition?
for 10 years every year me and my grandma would travel to Mexico during the summer. But My grandma broke the tradition. For 13 years my grandma would invited the whole family to her house and celebrate at my grandma’s house. For 4 years when my mom and Lori met we have a family Tradition in the Moring we wake-up and open the gifts and we get dress to go to Ihop restaurant. After we eat we go to the movie Theater, then we eat our family tradition tamales. Last year I start a new tradition with my friend Kellirae On Halloween we go out to eat together and we go to see the movie at the theater. After that we like to go trick-or-treating !!

3 On Christmas day We all eat tamales have meat or chicken inside.

4 What is my Background? All my family came from Mexico. And my grandma was born first she is the oldest sister of all. She has 9 brothers and sisters. My grandma moved here in America when she was 22 year old. My grandma took sowing class when she was 16 year old. she planes to learn to speak English language. And earn money for herself and save half and give lots of money for the family. When she was in America she worked for sewing Factory and met a manager who my grandpa and they dated for 6 months and got married. The first born Alan (my Uncle) the second was Brenda (My mom). When my mom was born my grandpa had Cancer and die when my mom was 8 month old.

5 Will I keep the family traditions?
Yes of course I will keep it forever.

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