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ACE Graduation Requirements

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1 ACE Graduation Requirements
What Parents and Students Need to Know About End of Instruction Exams Needed for Graduation

2 State Law Requires… State Law Requires all students who were freshmen in , and after, must pass End of Instruction Exams (EOIs) in addition to completing required coursework to achieve graduation. All students must pass the following EOIs: Algebra I and English 2, plus two more of the following five: Geometry, Biology, U.S. History, English III and Algebra II

3 What should a student do if they have not passed the required 4 exams?
A student should prepare/study for the EOI retakes offered in December – START NOW! Work with your counselor and teachers to create a plan for studying and reviewing. Seniors must remember that their graduation depends on passing their EOIs if they have not yet met the requirements.

4 What can a student do to prepare or study for an EOI retake? Options?
Attend after-school tutoring or Saturday School to get extra help. Attend EOI Bootcamp (a focused review session). Enroll in Night School in order to review content Enroll in Odyssey Ware to review content. Take an extra help elective such as Math Enhancement or Literacy Navigator. Repeat the entire class to review content. Use “Released Exams” as a study tool (or an EOI study workbook). Make flashcards to assist in studying.

5 ALL seniors who are considering attending college need to take the ACT and/or SAT.
A good ACT or SAT score can count in place of an EOI in certain situations and also aids in college entrance requirements. Beginning in the fall, ALL seniors should plan to take these tests several times to get a desired score. See the list of alternate exams and scores needed for more information.

6 What about alternative exams?
The State of Oklahoma allows for several other exams to count as a passing EOI score if a related sub-score is high enough and the EOI previously failed. Good sub-scores on one of the following may help: PLAN Test (taken in 10th grade year) ACT SAT Work Keys (taken through technical education courses at school or at Metro Tech) See the handout from the State Department of Education for more specific information.

7 Other tips: Make sure you are ready on test day!
Retakes will be in December. Listen carefully for announcements about exact dates of upcoming EOIs (EOI retakes). Get a good night’s rest. Eat breakfast on test day. Use opportunities available to assist in preparation. Keep a positive attitude. Come prepared with a calculator and several #2 pencils.

8 Contacts: Ms. Carlson, Principal 587-7284
Ms.Collins, Counselor Mrs. Caton, Senior Sponsor Ms. Duenas, Parent-Liaison Ms. Gibson, Counselor Mrs. Campbell, Senior Project Teacher

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