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Underground Railroad EQ: Who operated the Underground Railroad and what was its purpose?

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1 Underground Railroad EQ: Who operated the Underground Railroad and what was its purpose?

2 Sojourner Truth (1787-1883) or Isabella Baumfree
1850  The Narrative of Sojourner Truth

3 Running Away Once slaves were away from their owners’ land, they had to find a safe place to hide. Many were helped by other slaves. Some were taken in by Native Americans. Others hid in swamps, forests, and mountains for years. Some runaways stayed in hiding while others tried to reach free states in the North, Canada, or Mexico.

4 Fugitive Slave Law The Fugitive Slave Act was passed in It said that it was illegal for any citizen to assist an escaped slave and demanded that if an escaped slave was sighted, he or she should be apprehended and turned in to the authorities for deportation back to the "rightful" owner down south.

5 Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad was not underground and it was not a real railroad. It was a system of escape routes leading to freedom. Most routes led from the South to the Northern states or Canada. Some routes led to Mexico and the Caribbean islands.


7 Underground Railroad Codes
Conductors – Members of the Underground Railroad Baggage – Escaping Slaves Freedom Train – Underground Railroad River Jordan – Mississippi River Station – Safe House Drinking Gourd – Big Dipper and North Star

8 Working the Railroad Working on the railroad was a dangerous job.
Conductors led runaways from one hiding place to another at night. Hiding places included barns, attics, and secret rooms. Once a slave reached a safe house, they could eat and rest, and prepare for the next night’s journey.

9 Levi and Catherine Coffin Railroad Conductors

10 Coffin Home

11 Harriet Tubman Railroad Conductor
Harriet Tubman was born a slave in Maryland. She married John Tubman, who was a free man, in 1844 but later left him. She escaped slavery in 1849 and became a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She helped more than 300 slaves escape to the North. Many were members of her family.

12 Harriet Tubman Harriet helped recruit soldiers for John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry. Harriet was known as the “Moses of her people.” Harriet Tubman died at the age of 93 in 1913.

13 Harriet Tubman with Runaways

14 Reward Posters

15 GROWTH OF SLAVERY Growth of slavery

16 GROWTH OF SLAVERY Growth of slavery

17 The rule was renewed in each Congress between 1837 and 1839.
Gag rule was passed in Congress which nothing concerning slavery could be discussed. Under the gag rule, anti-slavery petitions were not read on the floor of Congress The rule was renewed in each Congress between and 1839. In 1840 the House passed an even stricter rule, which refused to accept all anti-slavery petition. On December 3, 1844, the gag rule was repealed

18 Abolitionism: Division and Opposition
Abolitionism forced the churches to face the question of slavery head-on, and in the 1840s the Methodist and Baptist churches each split into northern and southern organizations over the issue of slavery Even the abolitionists themselves splintered More conservative reformers wanted to work within established institutions, using churches and political action to end slavery, while others advocated more aggressive actions.

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