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Trans Awareness Training for SQA

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1 Trans Awareness Training for SQA
James Morton Scottish Transgender Alliance Manager Equality Network

2 Transgender People ‘Umbrella’ terms: Trans = Transgender
Gender identity and/or gender expression differs from gender assigned at birth Gender Identity = internal self-perception of own gender Gender Expression = external gendered appearance and behaviour

3 Sexual Orientation ≠ Gender Identity
Everyone has both a gender identity and also a sexual orientation These are two different things Your gender identity is your personal view of your own gender Your sexual orientation is your personal view of who you are attracted to Transgender people and their partners can be straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual - just the same as everyone else!

4 Cross-Dressing People
Trans Umbrella Transsexual People Cross-Dressing People Non-Binary People Trans Women Trans Men

5 Transsexual People Trans woman: Trans man:
Intense need to live fully in different gender Often, but not always, take hormones or have some surgery Trans woman: Male to Female (MTF) Assigned male at birth Female gender identity Transitions to live as woman Trans man: Female to Male (FTM) Assigned female at birth Male gender identity Transitions to live as man

6 Non-Binary People About gender identity rather than physical sex
Don’t identify simply as a man or a woman New gender-neutral title: Mx Gender-neutral pronoun: they Might take hormones or have surgeries Various terms: genderqueer, gender-fluid, agender, non-gendered...

7 Cross-dressing People
About gender expression rather than gender identity Expressing aspects of self or exploring gender Mostly content with birth gender ________________________________________________ Drag Performance art or comedy Usually drag artists are not trans people

8 Meyer’s concept of Minority Stress
External stressful events Expectations of such events Possible internalisation of negative societal attitudes Concealment

9 Stress Some Trans People Experience
73% have experienced hate crime due to being trans 81% avoid some social situations out of fear 67% feel need to ‘pass’ as non-trans to be accepted 52% experienced employment discrimination 46% of those transitioning experienced difficulty accessing hormones and surgeries

10 Social Attitudes 55% of Scottish public said they would be unhappy about a family member forming a relationship with someone who cross-dresses in public. 49% said the same of someone who has undergone genital surgery as part of gender reassignment. Gypsy travellers were only other minority group with similarly high levels of negative social attitudes towards them in Scotland. Statistics from Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, Scottish Government, 2010

11 Equality Act 2010 Protects in employment and service provision
Gender reassignment protected characteristic: Proposing / undergoing / undergone Any part of a process for reassigning sex Changing physiological (biological functioning) or other attributes of sex (social functioning) Perception and association also covered

12 Name and Gender Can use just a statutory declaration (or a deed poll instead), at any age, can change name and gender on all documents except birth certificate Trans status and previous details are ‘sensitive data’ under Data Protection Act 2 years later, if over 18: Optional gender recognition certificate to change birth certificate No requirement for hormones or surgery Additional privacy protection: criminal offence to reveal gender recognition history without consent

13 SQA Records Must issue replacement qualification certificates in new name and gender to enable privacy of gender history Not allowed to require medical evidence Statutory declaration of change of name will be most common form of evidence An obvious change in the gender of the name on the statutory declaration is enough to show it is also a gender change If no statutory declaration, then a letter confirming change of name and gender can be accepted instead May receive late requests many years after gender reassignment

14 Contact Info: Scottish Transgender Alliance Equality Network, 30 Bernard Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6PR Office: @ScottishTrans on twitter

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