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Civilisation des Etats-Unis-12 The US and the World

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1 Civilisation des Etats-Unis-12 The US and the World
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France)

2 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 1
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 1.The US as Hyperpower - half of the world’s largest 1000 multinationals vs. isolationism, Monroe Doctrine Woodrow Wilson  international stage, World Wars 2. September 11th, 2001 (“9/11”) - attack on Twin Towers (World Trade Center) in NYC  symbolism, back to war // Pearl Harbor! - anthrax attacks, envelopes, bio-terrorism - Saddam Hussein, WMD (weapons of mass destruction)  Iraq War (after Gulf War)  never feel safe! Unilateralism after 1989?

3 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) Double standards?  half-hearted participation in international organizations, e.g., UN, Kyoto Protocol, ICC (Intl. Criminal Court) 3. Anti-Americanism  shocked at European hostility! Anti-Communism?  naïveté of “us” vs. “them”? Metaphysical attitude? - dwindling development aid = 0.2% of GNI  80% private foundations, e.g., Bill & Melinda Gates - support repressive regimes  (“He’s a sonafabitch but he’s our sonafabitch”)  support Taliban against Russians!  gigantic defence budget!

4 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) - unconditional support of Israel = one-sided!  Obama? - “world’s policemen”  Bosnia? Love-Hate relationship: “America-bashing”?  e.g., French? Arabs?  anti-Japanism, anti-Russianism? - Obama: new approach of cooperation, “soft power”!  Nobel Peace Prize!

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