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Know your USA Vee 2011.

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1 Know your USA Vee 2011

2 United States of America

3 History 1626 The Dutch buy Manhattan from the Indians.
: Revolutionary War of Independence 13 States against Britain 13 Stripes in flag 1788 Declaration of Independence

4 1861 -1865 : Civil War North against South
President Lincoln assasinated 1865 million immigrants enter USA ‘The big melting pot ‘

5 1865 Abolition of Slavery 1950s Civil Rights Movement marches against racial segregation leader: the Reverend Martin Luther King NON VIOLENCE follower of Mahatma Ghandi Church only means of organizing Black People Lots of leaders come from Church background

6 1964 Civil Rights Act Bans racial discrimination
Voting Rights Acts grants blacks right to vote

7 Lots of violence…. 1963 President Kennedy assassinated
Martin Luther King assassinated Robert Kennedy assassinated

8 Ku Klux Klan White Racist Organisation

9 1964 – 1973 Vietnam War Lots of protests Many dead Conscription !!
‘A war they couldn’t win’

10 Vietnam Horrible, inhumane war use of napalm no human rights

11 2003 War on Iraq 9/ Attack on the Twin Towers NY

12 Focus on Iraq Suspected of having biological weapons Invasion of British and American troops: WAR

13 Sadam Hussein executed

14 United States of America
Federal constitutional republic Stars and Stripes 50 states ( 50 stars ) 13 stripes ( original states) 1 federal district ( Washington D.C.)

15 National Anthem

16 Political system “Checks and Balances “
Constitution of 1787 : federal government 1. legislative branch : Congress 2. Executive branch : the President 3. Judiciary Branch : the Supreme Court

17 Legislative Powers: CONGRESS
The Senate senators: 2 from each State CAPITOL HILL (synonym for USA government) 2. The House of Representatives 435 members : depends on the size of the State how many representatives per State

18 Political Parties Democrats : left of centre ‘ liberal ‘
more government involvement in public and social services Republicans : right- wing associations with business and industry private enterprise SENATORS NOT BOUND TO PARTY POLITICS INTERESTS OF THEIR VOTERS BACK HOME… !

19 Tea Party Movement: Sarah Palin
Populist political conservative movement : NO POLITICAL PARTY Likes to be seen as a ‘grassroots’ movement : natural and spontaneous reaction to party politics But mostly seen as ‘Astroturfing : disguising a political reaction as a ‘natural ‘ reaction of voters. In reality it is all orchestrated

20 Boston Tea Party 1773 Boston , Massachusets :uprising against TEA TAX
Uprising against British Government, by throwing 3 shiploads of tea into the harbour, rather than returning them to the ‘mothercountry’England 1775 American Revolutionary War

21 Executive Power: the President
Elected directly by the voters!!! Not by parties. th (First black ) President Barack Obama

22 3. Legislative power SUPREME COURT or High Court of Justice
1 Chief Justice of the USA 8 Judges are installed for life Nominated by president Approval of Congress

23 One Big Melting Pot/ Salad bowl?
Great range of nationalities: Still retain their ethnic identities Integration, little assimilation ! Indians Jewish Afro-Americans Dutch Reformed Church Spanish /Cubans Chinese Irish Mexicans/Vietnamese etc, etc, etc. …

24 Important places Florida: retirement / loads of old people Disneyworld
California : Silicon Valley ‘world’s centre of high-tech science’ Hollywood Disneyland Southern States; Cotton Belt cotton/ sugar-cane / pecan nuts * Midwest: ‘ Grain shed’ of USA

25 Keep up to date … to be continued …

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