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A step... to the Europass!.

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Presentation on theme: "A step... to the Europass!."— Presentation transcript:

1 A step... to the Europass!

2 Why Europass?? The increased mobility of beneficiaries of education and workforce Differences in national evaluation and certification of competencies systems Insufficient transparency of qualifications

3 Why Europass? The lack of a common framework to facilitate the skills recognition Professionalization and specialization of the workforce

4 What is Europass A personal portfolio of documents that citizens can voluntarily use to make their qualifications and competences known in Europe, in order to facilitate access to employment or access to education and training.

5 What is Europass Europass is not an instrument for validation or recognition of skills and qualifications, but provides a common platform for their presentation that enables their recognition at a European level.

6 the European Commission:

7 Participating countries
EU Member States EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) Candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey, FYROM-FYROM) - according to agreements with the EU.

8 The Europass Portfolio
I.Curriculum Vitae Europass, II. European Skills Passport

9 The Europass CV The CV is the first and most important document of the Europass portfolio. It is the founding document of the common framework to ensure transparency of skills and qualifications.   The Europass CV replaces the European CV, launched in 2002.

10 The Europass CV Once you have it, you can add to your portfolio other Europass documents. The CV can be completed or updated offline (by downloading the form) or online at:

11 Curriculum Vitae - Form and instructions
Curriculum Vitae – 2 examples


13 The Europass Portfolio
II. European Skills Passport The Europass Language Passport,  Europass-Mobility document(Mobilipass), The Europass Diploma Supplement,  the Europass  Professional Certificate Supplement.

14 The Language Passport The Europass Language Passport enables you to describe your language skills with a view to facilitating better access to education, training or employment.

15 The Language Passport It provides a standardized platform for self-evaluation and presentation of language skills.   The passport can be completed or updated offline (by downloading the form) or online at

16 The Language Passport - Form and instructions
The Language Passport – 2 examples


18 Mobilipass Mobilipass is a presentation document of a period of activity organised in another European country, for study and training purposes. That period is called Europass Mobility experience.

19 Mobilipass For example, this may be:
Participating in an academic mobility program or academic exchanges, Attending a training in a company, Attending a volunteering in an NGO.

20 Mobilipass It is a standardized document that serves for the registration of all periods of transnational mobility, made for learning or training, conducted at any age, educational level or type of occupation.

21 The Europass Mobility document - Examples


23 Mobilipass It takes place in a community program that meets the mandatory criteria of quality:         The period of time spent abroad is initiated by an institution (organization) of the beneficiary's country of origin, for educational or training.

24 Mobilipass Between the originator institution and host one there is established a written agreement stating the contents, objectives, duration internship, language training mode, the appointment of a mentor / tutor in the host country.   The written consent is sent to the National Europass Centre from the home country for validation.

25 The Diploma Supplement
The Europass Diploma Supplement may be requested by any higher education graduate who holds a diploma issued by an accredited university in Romania. It is a document which clarifies and makes more understandable the information contained in Diploma. The supplement does not represent a substitute for the original diploma or a system of recognition and validation of knowledge or skills. The supplement is issued by the higher education institution that issued the diploma, based on a model provided by the NEC.


27 The Professional Certificate Supplement
The Europass Professional Certificate Supplement can be obtained by any person who holds a diploma or a certificate of training. It is a document which clarifies and makes more understandable information contained in the Certificate. The supplement is not a substitute for the original certificate or a system of recognition or validation of professional skills. The Professional Certificate Supplement may be issued by the institution which provided the original Certificate, based on a model provided by the NEC.

28 Certificate supplement - Examples

29 Partner organisations
At European level:: Eurodesk Euroguidance CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) EURES (European Employment Services network), ENIC (European Network of National Information Centres on Academic Recognition)

30  The European Commission:

31 National Europass Centres
ЦЕНТЪР ЗА РАЗВИТИЕ НА ЧОВЕШКИТЕ РЕСУРСИ Agence Europe-Education-Formation France Centro Nazionale Europass In every country from the European Union and the European Economic Area, there is a National Europass Centre that coordinates all activities related to the Europass documents.  Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji Krajowe Centrum EUROPASS Centro Nacional Europass Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale Opetushallitus - Finnish National Board of Education

32 Europass Interoperability
Published on September 30th 2016 The benefits for business to interoperate with Europass.  Contact us:

33 Get your Europass today!!
 Author Vera Covelo Published on 4 December 2014

 Published on March , 4th 2015 It is about young woman with a degree having trouble finding job in Croatia. She has been applying for a lot of jobs but with no success. Then she encounters Europass and experiences a very positive feedback when applying for some job using Europass's CV form.

35 Europass CV Published on February 17th 2016 A video from AMSED
Published on February 17th 2016 A video from AMSED

36 Thank you for your attention!

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