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Capital Punishment What is Capital Punishment?

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Punishment What is Capital Punishment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Punishment What is Capital Punishment?
Capital Punishment is the physical reprimand for convicted criminals Also known as ‘death penalty’ It is banned in many countries Used for serious crimes i.e. murder

2 History of the Punishment
First Death Sentence Recorded in 16th Century BC Egypt Known in China, Greece, Rome through out ancient times Crucifixion, drowning at sea, burial alive, beating to death, and impalement 10th Century England, Hanging was most common. Death Penalty still used today in many countries.

3 Methods of capital Punishment
Lethal injection Electrocution in an electric chair Crucifixion Shooting by firing squad Gassing Hanging Beheading

4 How does DNA aid in catching criminals?
Everyone has their individual DNA. This makes it a lot easier to track someone down if they have committed a crime. New technology means that even breath can be evidence for catching criminals. This means that any crime is traceable. DNA evidence is almost always correct and in courts has helped seal the convictions of many criminals. Capital Punishment can be enacted on the perpetrators.

5 Where does it still occur?
It occurs most in ex-communist countries like: China (2,468 reported cases in 2001) Iran (139 reported cases in 2001) Saudi Arabia (79 reported cases in 2001) America (66 reported cases in 2001) It still occurs in 31 countries world wide It tends to be increasing each year

6 Wrong Convictions This is a quote from the US Supreme Court Justice, talking about the American system of capital punishment “The recent developments of reliable scientific evidentiary methods has made it possible to establish conclusively that a disturbing number of persons who had been sentenced to death were actually innocent.“ An example this was the case of Leonel Herrera, who was killed in Some years later, his brother confessed to the killings.

7 Arguments For… Convicts forfeit their rights as soon as they commit the crime The Government has the responsibility to protect citizens Most criminals are likely to re-offend Peace of mind for victim’s family Preferable to life imprisonment for many Deters crime

8 Arguments Against… Killing is wrong under any circumstance
Evidence is not always conclusive Minorities are more likely to be executed Can encourage police misconduct Rehabilitation is preferable to death

9 A Cuban Firing Squad

10 An Old Fashioned Gallows

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