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Québec TRIP 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Québec TRIP 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Québec TRIP 2017

2 TEACHERS, DATES, GROUPS TRIP #1 Class 8E, 8F and 2 students 8G
Date: May 21st to May 26th Teacher in charge: Jocelyn Savoie Teachers: Isabelle Crépin, Leslie Savage TRIP #2 Class 8G, 8H and 10 students 8D Teacher in charge: Ninon Larocque Teacher: Sara Richey, Michel Côté TRIP #3 Class 8A, 8D and 2 students 8B Date: May 28th to June 2th Teacher in charge: Guylaine Cyr Teachers: Myles Tytula, Corey Abbott TRIP #4 Class 8B and 8C Date: May 28th June 2th Teacher in charge: Monique Dagenais Teachers: Sara Collier, Paul Genge

3 Emergency and Cell phone
Emergency procedure… Communication is between teacher in charge and school principal. M.Belanger will contact you. Students must communicate with the teachers first Electronic Device Usage Policy (same as the school) Communication with your child during the trip (No news is good news!)

4 Forms, Itinerary, Hotels
Itinerary, Flight numbers and Hotels on D2L (extra copies available) Teachers, dates and groups Airport Meeting time and pick up time Acknowledgment of risks (Allergy and medication) Medication permission Behaviour form Cycling form Copy of passport or valid gov. I.D. (Health Care card)

5 Rules & Expectations EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO:
have contact information at all times respect proposed schedule (time of departure) respect property of others refrain from consumption of alcoholic beverages refrain from consumption of illegal substances follow rules and regulations when visiting sites and being in hotels and restaurants remain with the group at all times respect curfew set by the teacher in charge report any negative behaviors to a supervisor communicate in French during daily activities know the procedures to follow in case of an emergency complete daily journal assignments provided at many sites (homework such as journal entry, question booklet, etc.)

6 Consequences & Contracts
If a student chooses NOT to follow the rules and regulations during the trip : Principal and Parent / Guardian will be contacted In extreme cases: Student might return earlier to Calgary and parent will have to fly out and bring back their child at their expense. Contract to be signed by student and parent.

7 Security Procedures Phone Numbers available to students and parents
Prométour (Service provider) M.Bélanger cell: Buddy system at all times Contact information with student at all times For each location, student will be informed of the emergency procedures, exits and where to find the teachers if separated from the group.

8 Roles: Prométour/School
PROMÉTOUR will provide the following services Pre-organize on-site activities in collaboration with Madame Cyr and teachers in charge Meet group at airport Provide all ground transportation Provide 1 guide and security guard at hotel Provide or make arrangements for all meals and accommodation Book flights Provide Travel Insurance (Refer to School website under trips) Teachers will be in charge of the following: Safety of the students at all times Inform students of risks and alternatives Supervision and preparation of students Communicate behavioral, academic and character expectations to the students

9 Roles: Students & Parents
Students will: need to follow rules and regulations mentioned previously communicate with a supervisor for concerns and questions complete a travel journal need to complete an oral interview regarding their trip Parents Prior to the departure, parents need to communicate all pertinent information to a school representative when necessary. (e.g. emotional readiness, update the medical information at all time...) Parents should check flight departure time Provide transportation to and from Calgary Airport Complete and sign all required documentation

T-shirt/long sleeve shirts Sweaters Socks (several pairs) Underwear (several pairs) Jacket/raincoat Tuque/hat Comfortable walking shoes (No Flip Flop) Pyjamas Money to buy your own lunch (2 meals) Backpack for day tours Water bottle Sunscreen lotion Any medication needed Camera Toiletries Journal Pen or Pencil Reading for the bus ride A reasonable amount of money or a debit card for lunch and shopping Expensive jewelry Expensive electronic equipment. Any valuables Expensive cameras Junk food/pop

11 Travel Tips Bring clothes that fit in a reasonably sized suitcase. (Maximum weight = 23 kg) Proper footwear for walking and clothes that respect the school dress code. Bring what you can carry (1 suitcase + 1 carry on like a backpack ) Should have enough money to buy 2 meals and purchase a few souvenirs

12 Medication Medication has to be in their original container with pharmacy’s label indicating the dosage. Please labeled with the student’s name in a ziplock bag. (Epi pen and inhalers: one for student and one for teacher) For non prescription medication, please indicate specific instructions and the identification of your child on the required form Teacher in charge will keep a record of the medication administered

13 Questions & Answers

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