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2 Step 1 Research a current public policy in the state of Florida, either recently enacted or under consideration. These Resources will help you begin your work. The list below provides examples of popular public policy topics that may help you narrow your search: care of the elderly or disabled • capital punishment • college tuition assistance • crime • crowding of jails • education environment • health care • taxes • unemployment • wireless communications

3 What passed in the 2016 Florida legislative session
To find a current public policy in Florida Google: What passed in the 2016 Florida legislative session

4 Step 2 Use this Policy Analysis Template to write a public policy analysis. Be sure to include the following: an explanation of the public policy idea, including text from the bill itself the costs and benefits of the policy idea for different groups of people your recommendation on the policy idea MLA citations, in MLA Format, for your sources of information reasons for and evidence to support your recommendation. MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ON THE TEMPLATE IN THE DIRECTIONS TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT.


6 Your Name: Ryley Scherr
Policy Analysis of SB 52/HB 13 Use of Wireless Communications Devices While Driving STEP 1 STEP 2

7 1st PARAGRAPH Driving while using wireless communication devices has been a problem for years, and because of increased cell phone use, it has substantially worsened during the last decade. Most drivers at any given time can see someone on the road talking, texting, or searching the internet on a cell phone. Everyone know it is dangerous to divert attention from the road, even if just for a moment. Then, how much more dangerous is it to type a long message, or talk on a phone for extended periods of time while driving? House Bill 13 provides for secondary enforcement of a ban on texting-while-driving (includes ing and instant messaging)”prohibiting the 6 operation of a motor vehicle while using a wireless 7 communications device for certain purposes.” Introduce the problem Policy idea including text

8 Different perspectives
1st PARAGRAPH continued One pro is that the source of distraction is not the phone conversation itself, but rather, the act of typing in a number and then holding a device while driving with a single hand on the wheel. A hands free mobile phone can minimize such issues, allowing drivers to make calls without ever taking their eyes off the road or their hands off the steering wheel. The con is others have found that the actual act of conversing is the main culprit, especially if the conversations are emotionally charged.. The use of a hands free mobile phone may reduce the likelihood of being pulled over, but it is not likely to prevent accidents. For the vast majority of drivers, the best solution for safe driving is to avoid all use of cell phones behind the wheel. In fact, hands-free-only laws tend to send the wrong message — that drivers can safely talk on phones without getting into crashes. Still others allege that driving while yakking is no more distracting than other common activities conducted in the car, like talking to passengers, eating, or changing the radio station.  Some believe that devices such as Bluetooth and similar products in which cell phone calls are transmitted through the car's built-in microphone may be the safest way to go. However, if the mere act of having a conversation (rather than holding a phone to your ear) is the most dangerous distraction, then these devices may not be any safer than a handheld phone PRO CON

9 2nd PARAGRAPH This will impact drivers financially. A first violation is a nonmoving violation and carries a $30 fine, plus court costs. A second or subsequent violation committed within five years is a moving violation and three points will be added to the driver’s driver license. In this context, the driver will also face a $60 fine. The amount of court costs added to the base fine vary by county, but generally range from about $78 to $100. If a driver causes a crash while texting, six points will be added to the driver’s driver license in addition to the penalties above. Texting-while-driving, in conjunction with any moving violation for which points are assessed, will result in two points added to the driver’s driver license record if done in a school zone. Law enforcement may be impacted due to writing more tickets.

10 3rd PARAGRAPH The ban is enforceable as a secondary offense. The cost of the a first violation is a nonmoving violation and carries a $30 fine, plus court costs. A second or subsequent violation committed within five years is a moving violation and three points will be added to the driver’s driver license. In this context, the driver will also face a $60 fine. The amount of court costs added to the base fine vary by county, but generally range from about $78 to $100. If a driver causes a crash while texting, six points will be added to the driver’s driver license in addition to the penalties above. Secondary enforcement. Fines: $30 to $60 plus court costs. DMV points against license for repeat offenses, texting in school zones and causing a crash. The benefits this bill may generate additional revenues for local and state governments as a result of the penalties. It will also decrease the number of accidents due to texting and cell phone use

11 Include facts and data to support your positon
4th PARAGRAPH I support the passing of this policy because distracted driving crashes killed 214 people on Florida’s roads in 2015, safety officials say. Injuries were put at 39,000. There were 45,740 crashes linked to distracted drivers last year, about 12 percent of the overall total, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles said. Crashes involving distractions are up by more than a third in the Sunshine State since 2012 The use of a cellular phone while driving does create safety risks for the driver and his/her passengers as well as other road users. Distracted driving results in thousands of fatalities every year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2014, 18 percent of injury crashes, and 16 percent of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes were reported as distraction-affected crashes. At any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving, a number that has held steady since Almost 20,000 drivers under age 30 were involved in distracted driving crashes statewide in 2015, officials said. “The age group with the largest number of distracted driving crashes was 20–24 year-olds (17.8 percent), followed by 25–29 year-olds (14.3 percent) and then 15–19 year-olds (11.6 percent),” the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reported in April 2016. RECOMMENDATION Include facts and data to support your positon

12 Be sure to include MLA-style citations for your sources of information


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